Chapter 41 : Shopping time.

A/N : Just like yesterday, my sister read through and there won't be errors. I kind of see these chapters as important ones. So once my BR recovers, I will ask to give it a read. And if any changes are made in the future, I will let you guys know. I feel like I just ruined my own day. Ugh. So I couldn't get myself to give them a read. I hope the chapters are good.

Third person point of view

Junkyu and Sang Ho just followed wherever Sara went. She first looked around for a while and entered a clothes store. She was looking around and they both followed her. Junkyu was looking around when he heard Sara speak to him. " What do you think about this ? " She asked showing a shirt to Junkyu.

Junkyu frowned when he saw it. He checked the other ones and picked the same model in a different color. " I think this would suit you better ". She took it and liked it. " Thanks ". She smiled at Junkyu. She walked to the changing room. Junkyu and Sang Ho sat down. " It has been a while. We didn't even cross paths later ".

Junkyu said smiling. " Yes hyung. It has been a while ". " How are you doing these days ? " " I am good hyung. How about you ? Also Jihoon hyung and Hyunsuk hyung ". " I am doing good. They are all fine too. Jihoon did ask about you later ". " Really ? I should meet him then ". Sang Ho said and Junkyu nodded. " You really should ". They chatted for a while and Sara came back.

Both of them stopped talking and stood up. " Let's pay and leave ". They nodded. Sara paid for it and they walked to another store. Junkyu didn't know what she was testing him about. As they went around she only asked him on suggestions or to choose between the ones she wanted. Besides that, they had no much work except for carrying the bags.

They entered a jewelry store. Sara was looked at the chains and picked one. She then walked around looking at different things. Junkyu just followed her wordlessly. She turned to Junkyu. " You have ear piercings right ? " Junkyu nodded. " Want to get some rings then ? " " Huh ? " Junkyu didn't know what to say.

Sara turned to the sales woman. " Show us some earrings ". The sales woman guided them to the ear rings section. Sara turned to Junkyu and made him try on a few. " Which one do you like ? " She asked as they were choosing. " Choose whichever you like. I will pay for it ". She offered but Junkyu shook his head.

" It is fine. I don't want anything ". Junkyu smiled and politely declined. " Come on. Take it as a gift from me. Just a pair and add it to your list ". Junkyu thought she sounded just like Haruto. He felt bad to keep saying no and didn't want to come of as rude by rejecting her offer. He finally agreed. He chose a pair and she did pay for it.

After that, they went to a restaurant for lunch. They sat down and ordered. Junkyu and Sara sat at one table while Sang Ho sat at another table. They asked him to sit with them but he rejected and sat at another on. They ordered the food and were waiting for it. " Thank you for coming with me ". Sara said with a smile.

Junkyu waved his hands. " Please don't thank me. It is not even a big thing ". Sara continued to smile. " I always wanted to spend more time with my sons. But both of them are really busy and I never really got to go out a lot with them as they grew up. I felt bad to make them go around when they barely had time to relax. But now I guess I have a son to go around with ".

Junkyu nodded. He was relieved that it wasn't any test all along. " It is not a big deal. I will come with you whenever you want to. You can always call me ". He smiled. Sara chuckled. " You are such a nice guy. How did you end up with Haruto ? " Junkyu laughed. " He is nice too ". She smiled and shook her head. " Maybe to you ". Junkyu laughed.

" Also you have good taste ". She complimented. " It is thanks to my friends. I learnt from them. My taste in general is kind of mediocre. I always remember their choices and suggestions and choose based on that ". Sara nodded. Both of them laughed talking about lot of things. They finished their lunch while chatting.

" Now where to madam ? " Sang Ho asked when they walked out. " There are a few more shops I didn't go to. Let's go there ". She told the places she wanted to go. Junkyu and Sang Ho also tagged along the whole time. It was evening by the time they were done. She then suggested on going to Han River side. So Sang Ho drove them there.

Sang Ho walked a little behind as Junkyu and Sara walked ahead. " Does he eat on time ? " Sara asked looking ahead. " He does ". " You ? " " I do too... most of the time ". " Don't neglect your health. It is not a good thing ". Junkyu remembered his mom. He only spoke to them on the phone from time to time.

He didn't get to visit them recently because he was busy. Ji Ho always cared for him too for which he was very thankful. But sometimes things just reminded him more of his mom. " Yes mom ". She smiled and they had small talk. After walking for a while they sat down on a bench. Junkyu smiled looking around.

The weather was good and he also felt good. He liked how his day went by. " Let's go ? " Sara asked getting up and Junkyu nodded. They then went back home. " Thanks to you I had a nice day ". Sara said with a smile. " It is nothing. I had a good day too ". Sara went to her room and Junkyu went to the kitchen.

All the things she got were carried by the servants to her room. Junkyu drank some water and sat down on the counter. He didn't find Ji Ho anywhere. He shrugged and continued to gulp down the water. Haruto came back home and decided to find Ji Ho first. He walked towards the kitchen and instead of her, he found Junkyu there.

He smiled and walked in. He stood in front of Junkyu. Junkyu was looking down at the bottle and looked up when he saw a pair of feet in front of him. He looked up at Haruto but he couldn't get down as Haruto was standing too close.

Junkyu moved back a little and looked up. " You just came back ? " Haruto nodded. " Water ? " Junkyu offered and Haruto shook his head. Junkyu put the bottle on the side. " What about you ? " Haruto asked back. " We came back like..... 10 minutes ago ". Haruto nodded.