Chapter 45 : Sweet night in the hotel.

Third person point of view

Sang Ho went to the director and his eyes looked like lasers would come out. " You are the director ? " The director nodded. " Did you get any less budget ? Or do you have any grudge against the actor ? " The director was shook. He waved his hands aggressively. " No. No. Nothing like that sir ".

Sang Ho was shooting daggers at the director. " Then what is this ? Was it so difficult to use CG or put a stuntman ? " The director gulped in fear. " That is- " " You said you tested it. But still shouldn't you have prepared something to protect the actor ? How can you be reckless like this ? " The director had nothing to say.

" How can you play with people's lives like this ? " The director lowered his head not knowing what to say. Sang Ho took a deep breath. He calmed down a little but was still very angry. " We are sorry. We will make sure to take proper care from now on ". The director gave a small bow. Sang Ho shook his head.

" Anyways over is over. Not a single word of anything that happened here will go out. Inform it to every single person here. It won't end well if the word goes out ". He gave once last glare to the director and walked to Jihoon. His expression changed. " Hyung, take your things if there are any. We will leave this place ". Jihoon nodded and walked along with Sang Ho.

Haruto removed his mask after they left the place. He sat in the car along with Junkyu in the back seat still holding him close with his hand around his shoulder. Junkyu rested his head on Haruto's shoulder. He held Haruto's other hand with both of his hands. They drove to the nearest hotel to rest. They met Yoshi there as soon as they got out of the car.

He helped Junkyu out; holding him close with his hand around him. " Everything is prepared sir ". Yoshi said and then assisted them to their room. Haruto nodded and took the card from him. Yoshi gave a bow and left. Haruto took Junkyu in to their room. Junkyu hugged him once again as soon as they entered.

Haruto chuckled. " It is okay now. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am there ". Junkyu pulled away a little to look at Haruto. " You are not hurt anywhere right ? " Haruto asked and Junkyu shook his head. " I am fine ". Haruto nodded in relief. " That's good then ". " How come you came here ? I didn't expect it ".

Junkyu really did not. " Since you said you won't be able to come home, I asked them look to into it. I found about all of this in the evening and when I asked if they took safety measures or using a stuntman, I got a no as answer. How do you expect me to sit still after knowing something like that ? "

Haruto said in a matter of fact tone. Junkyu was so overwhelmed and hugged Haruto again. And tighter this time. He thought back to the time a few minutes ago and he really contemplated a lot of things hanging from up there. He even wanted to tell Haruto that he liked him. Because he was worried he might never get the chance.

Even now he felt like saying it, but it somehow didn't come out. Seeing Haruto in person and standing in front of him, he couldn't bring himself to say it. " Thank you ". That was all he could muster up. " You are my lover. Wouldn't it mean you take me for a stranger if you are saying thank you ? " Haruto said raising an eyebrow.

Junkyu chuckled. He pulled away from the hug and kissed Haruto all over his face except his lips. Haruto didn't know what to do and just laughed. " You are being too fierce ". He said when Junkyu finally let go of him. Junkyu gasped and hit Haruto's arm. " Pervert ". Haruto smiled and held Junkyu's face.

" I am happy you are safe. I really don't know what I would've done if something went wrong ". Junkyu smiled a little. He raised an eyebrow. " Now who is the fierce one ? " Haruto rolled his eyes with a smile. He sat Junkyu down on the bed and sat beside him. He took Junkyu's hand in his and kissed it.

Junkyu smiled. He hugged Haruto's arm and rested his head on Haruto's shoulder. Haruto smiled and patted Junkyu's head. He picked up his phone and sent a text to Sang Ho. They heard a knock on their door after a few minutes. Haruto got up and opened the door. He took the bag from Sang Ho and closed the door.

" Go take a shower. You will feel better ". Haruto said walking back into the room. " What do I wear ? " Junkyu asked confused by Haruto's words. Haruto showed the bag in his hand. " But they are both mine. You should wear mine tonight ". Haruto smirked. Junkyu's eyes went wide. " I am not going to ". He shook his head.

" I had to come directly from my office. I have a few ready generally in case I might need them. I came here as soon as I can and I could only bring these ". Haruto explained but Junkyu looked at Haruto still suspicious. Haruto laughed. " I am not lying. You can ask Sang Ho. He was the one who packed these ".

Junkyu nodded. He took a pair from Haruto and finished taking a shower. Haruto smiled when he saw Junkyu in his pajamas. Junkyu squirmed a little under Haruto's intense gaze. Haruto also took a shower and walked out. Junkyu felt pretty exhausted. He lied down on the bed while he waited for Haruto to finish.

Haruto switched the lights off and got in bed. He pulled Junkyu closer and to face him. " You look really cute in my pajamas. I should just bite you ". Junkyu gasped in shock and hit Haruto on his arm. " From a pervert now you are becoming a psycho ". Haruto laughed and rubbed Junkyu's head.

" Get some sleep. You must be tired. Your shoot for tomorrow will also be cancelled anyway ". " Okay ". Haruto rubbed circles on Junkyu's cheek. " If you don't feel like it, cancel it for however long. No one is going to complain about it ". Junkyu chuckled. " It is nice to have a rich boyfriend ". Haruto shrugged.

" Of course it would be ". Junkyu smiled and moved a little closer putting his hand around Haruto. " Good night ". Junkyu closed his eyes to fall asleep. Haruto kissed Junkyu's forehead. " Sleep well ". He closed his eyes and fell asleep too.