Chapter 48 : Handsome Devil.

Third person point of view

The next morning, Haruto woke up first and finished his routine. He was looking through the files he left the previous night, as he waited for Junkyu to be done. He finished them and asked Ji Ho to give them to Sang Ho. He then sat down on the bed and rotated his neck. He looked around but didn't find his phone.

He felt too lazy to get up and try searching for it. He found Junkyu's phone right by his side. He picked it up and saw the lock. He tried Junkyu's birthday and it unlocked. He shook his head with a chuckle and went to contacts. He searched for his name. He frowned when it didn't show. He tried his full name.

But there were still no results. He was even more confused. He wondered if Junkyu never saved his number. He decided to search with the number. He typed the first three digits and the contact popped up. Haruto's eyebrows shot up to his hair line. Junkyu came out all dressed up and saw Haruto looking at his phone.

He walked up and saw Haruto staring at the contact named ' Devil '. He wanted to snatch the phone away, but it was too late. Haruto has already seen it. He moved closer trying to take his phone away, but Haruto already noticed Junkyu who was there behind him. He put the phone out of Junkyu's reach.

They were both tall, but Haruto was taller than Junkyu. Junkyu was a little bit shorter. He struggled to take the phone out of Haruto's hands. " Ugh. How long are your hands ? " He grunted not able to reach it. He couldn't take it from Haruto. Haruto put his hand around Junkyu in case he would lose footing and fall.

Haruto didn't remove his hand from around Junkyu and held him close even after Junkyu stopped trying. Junkyu saw they were really close and lowered his eyes. " So devil huh ? " Haruto asked with a smirk. Junkyu gave a shy smile looking through his lashes. " I saved it like that in the start. I forgot to change it later ". He answered in a small voice.

" I wouldn't say it is a bad name, but it should at least be a little fancy ". Haruto started typing with a single hand. Junkyu couldn't even peek at it. He huffed and stopped trying. Haruto then called to his phone and it was ringing from under his pillow. He gave Junkyu's phone back. Junkyu took it and saw the contact was changed to ' Handsome Devil ' with a heart.

He rolled his eyes. " Don't you find it a little too extreme Mr. Watanabe Haruto ? " Haruto retrieved his phone. He found it really nice when Junkyu called him like that. " Is it a lie though ? " He asked back. Junkyu couldn't say anything more. How can he lie though ? Haruto was definitely very good looking with the kind of face of an A tier star.

Haruto went back to stand in front of Junkyu and tilted his head like he was asking for a confirmation. " Not at all ". Junkyu said grinning. " Let's go ? " Haruto asked smiling. Junkyu nodded and they walked out of the room. " But how did you unlock my phone ? " Junkyu asked not knowing how Haruto guessed it.

" It isn't that difficult. It is your birthday ". Junkyu snickered. " I am going to change it ". " No matter how many time you change, I will always be able to unlock it ". Haruto said and Junkyu couldn't help but smile. They sat down at the table for breakfast. They saw Sara was dressed up unlike usual. Haruto sat down and turned to her.

" Are you going anywhere ? " " Yeah. I want to go meet a few friends and people I know ". Haruto nodded. They finished their breakfast and walked to go to work. " Be careful ". Haruto told standing in front of Junkyu who nodded. " And if there is anything, give me a call or just ask Jihoon to do it. Don't hesitate ". Junkyu nodded.

" I will ". Haruto smiled. Junkyu smiled too. Junkyu like always wanted to kiss Haruto on his cheek. He was about to move closer but Haruto moved forward first pecking Junkyu on his lips. Junkyu's eyes went wide. He blinked in shock. He put his hand to lips and froze. Haruto laughed when he saw how Junkyu looked. He pulled Junkyu closer by his waist.

Junkyu's eyes were quivering. Haruto moved closer and kissed over Junkyu's hand which was on his lips and let his lips linger there for a few seconds. " I will see you later. Bye ". He smiled and walked away. Junkyu couldn't even respond. He felt his heart would beat out of his chest. He put his hand to his chest. He felt silly for feeling like this over just a peck or kiss.

It was not something new, but he couldn't stop his heart from racing. He walked to the car and sat in it staring into space. Half way through Jihoon noticed Junkyu was too silent. " Yah ". Junkyu didn't respond. " YAH ! KIM JUNKYU ! " Jihoon shouted and Junkyu came out of the daze. " What happened ? "

He asked still a little out of it. Jihoon was a little worried. " What is wrong with you ? Why weren't you responding ? Are you not well ? " Junkyu shook his head. " Nothing. I was just lost in thought. I am completely fine ". " You are really okay right ? " Junkyu was completely attentive now. He nodded.

" Really ? " Jihoon asked again. Junkyu smiled and nodded. " Totally okay ". He even showed with his hands chuckling. Jihoon nodded. They reached the place for shoot and everyone who knows of it kept asking if he was alright. Junkyu was tired. He didn't even take tens steps in and he answered the same thing more than twenty times.

He sighed. " EVERYONE ! " Junkyu yelled and all of them turned to him. " I am reaaaaalllllyyyy fine. So please don't worry about me. It is too tiring to say the same thing to so many people ~~ " All of them laughed. " So let's do well today too. FIGHTING ! " Junkyu raised his fist in the air. " FIGHTING !!! " All of them cheered too.

He smiled and went to get his makeup done. He started with the shoot on time. Everyone was relieved that the shooting resumed without much delay. They all worked efficiently and finished it all like always, perfectly. Junkyu thanked everyone and walked out of there. He went back home and changed into comfortable clothes.