Chapter 59 : Play me like a love song...

Disclaimer : You guys know the drill. 😂 It is 21+ So read only if you are comfortable. If not you can leave. 😂 For the ones that are going to stay. Enjoy it.

CTTRO. ' Bloom ' by Troye Sivan. The way the song feels and also meaning too maybe. So yeah that was our pick for this chapter. It is such a wonderful song. Make sure to read the A/N at the end for more info. 😂

Next thing I want to say is all those in capitals means they are said in Japanese. Some are Romaji and some are in English itself. But please assume they were spoken in Japanese. 😂 It looks kinda weird to me but that was the only option I had to differentiate them from other dialogues. Bear with it.

Third person point of view

Haruto looked at Junkyu's attire and his eyebrows shot up. Junkyu walked to stand in front of Haruto. He folded his hands. " YOU LOOK REALLY BUSY..... HARUTO SENPAI ". Haruto choked. His eyes went wide. Junkyu smirked. He unbuttoned his coat and also three top buttons of his shirt. He walked closer and straddled Haruto who was shook to the core.

He couldn't even utter a syllable. " MAYBE YOU DIDN'T LIKE THAT. HOW ABOUT..... OTTO SAN ? " Junkyu tilted his head to the side. Haruto opened his mouth in shock. Junkyu put his hands around Haruto's neck moving closer. " WHY ? DON'T LIKE IT ? " He whispered. Haruto put his hand on Junkyu's back pressing their bodies together.

Junkyu bit his lip. He looked extremely appealing and gave a charming smile. " SO YOU DO ". " Jun- " " I love you too ". Haruto stopped. " Huh ? " Haruto was dumbfounded. " I didn't reply to it that day right ? So I am doing now. I love you too ". He kissed Haruto. Haruto came to his senses with the kiss and kissed Junkyu back.

He pulled Junkyu even closer. Junkyu whimpered a little. Both of them pulled away breathing heavily. Junkyu smiled and was about to get up. " Where are you escaping to after doing all that ? " Haruto asked in his deep voice and narrowed his eyes. " I cannot just stay here, can I ? " Haruto pulled down Junkyu's shirt aside and kissed his neck.

" Ruto~~ " Haruto kissed Junkyu's ear. " Wait~ What if someone walks in ? " " Everyone here knows to knock ". Junkyu rolled his eyes. " NO WAY ". He got out of Haruto's lap and buttoned up his shirt. " Look at you going around like this. Shouldn't you have at least worn another coat ? " Haruto stood up and put on his own long coat on Junkyu. Junkyu put it on.

" Want me to come back home early ? " Junkyu giggled at Haruto's question. " It is fine. You can take your time ". Haruto scoffed. " You are getting naughtier with each day ". Junkyu laughed. " See you later. OTTO SAN ". " You are in trouble tonight ". Junkyu shrugged and walked out of there. Haruto went home a little late than the other day which happened unintentionally.

They had dinner together and went back to their rooms. Junkyu stood at the window. Haruto came and back hugged him. Junkyu smiled putting his hands over Haruto's. Haruto gave light kisses along Junkyu's neck. Junkyu bit his lip and his breath hitched. Haruto kissed harder making Junkyu let out a gasp.

Junkyu held Haruto's hands tighter. Haruto kissed up to Junkyu's ear. He felt Junkyu tremble in his arms. He sucked on the shell making Junkyu let out more gasps curling up in his embrace. Junkyu felt his breath getting heavier. His knees would give away if they continued. He turned around in Haruto's embrace. Haruto moved forward kissing Junkyu.

Junkyu ran his hand through Haruto's hair. Haruto walked him to the bed and put him on it. He got on top of him and kissed his neck. Junkyu gasped. " Ruto~ " Haruto looked up to meet Junkyu's eyes. " Not my name. Call me what you called in the office ". Junkyu covered his face. He did it in the heat of the moment, but now was too much.

He couldn't find the courage to do so. Haruto kissed his hands and pulled them away pinning them above Junkyu's head. Junkyu stared at Haruto. " I would love to hear you call me that when I am deep inside you ". Junkyu gulped his eyes quivering. Haruto put his hand under Junkyu's shirt.

He traced his finger tips along his stomach. Junkyu didn't have abs, but had a toned stomach instead. His stomach tingled when Haruto did that. His stomach clenched and he closed his eyes. He bit his lip trying to stop from making any sounds. " Tch. Tch ". Haruto traced his thumb across Junkyu's lips stopping him from biting it.

" Leave the honorable duty of biting it to me ". He kissed his lips harder this time, sucking and biting them. Junkyu kissed him back with equal vigor. Haruto pulled away and met Junkyu's eyes. Junkyu could see the lust in Haruto's eyes. Haruto unbuttoned Junkyu's shirt but only a few from the top and pulled it revealing his shoulder and chest.

He hooked Junkyu's legs around his torso and ran his hand along Junkyu's body line from under the shirt. " You have such a pretty body ". Junkyu gulped hard. Haruto then squeezed Junkyu's butt. " And such a nice ass ". Haruto went face to face with Junkyu. He held Junkyu's chin. " And I am so damn happy it is all mine ".

He kissed Junkyu again. Junkyu put his hands around Haruto pulling him closer. When they pulled away Haruto kissed down to Junkyu's chest. He licked around Junkyu's nipple making Junkyu arch his back letting out a moan. " Hah~ " Haruto sucked at it while playing with the other. He then went sucking at the other.

He slowly moved his lower body. Junkyu moaned at the friction. " Ngh~ " Haruto continued sucking at Junkyu's nipple. He put his hand in Junkyu's pants and stroked Junkyu's clothed member. Junkyu held Haruto's hand. Haruto looked up at Junkyu. " Do you want to do it by yourself like last time ? "

Haruto smirked and Junkyu bit his lip. Haruto stroked harder. " You are already this hard for me ". He kissed the sides of Junkyu's neck. Junkyu moaned louder. He wanted to hide his face. " Ahh~~ " He thought that he might never actually get used to how Haruto spoke in bed. It was way too shameless.

If the Haruto during day was a gentleman then the Haruto in bed lived up to his nickname of handsome devil. He teased and played; speaking without any shame. Junkyu couldn't find it in him to not succumb to Haruto. Haruto removed Junkyu's pants and underwear. He stared at Junkyu. Junkyu covered his face with his hands.

Haruto chuckled and undressed himself. Junkyu heard the clothes rustling and didn't dare open his eyes. Haruto threw his clothes away and got on top of Junkyu again. He slowly removed Junkyu's hands. Junkyu had his eyes shut tight. " Open your eyes Junkyu-ah ". Haruto said in a soft voice. Junkyu slowly opened his eyes.

" What are you so shy for ? " Haruto put Junkyu's hand on his bare chest. " This is all yours. 'I' am all yours ". Junkyu stared at Haruto. He looked down at his hand on Haruto's chest. He then looked up and met Haruto's eyes. He felt too overwhelmed. " What happened ? " Haruto asked looking at Junkyu's expression. Junkyu shook his head.

He traced his hand up to Haruto's face. He traced his thumb along Haruto's lips. He then looked up at Haruto and kissed him. Haruto didn't know what was going on. But he could sense it was different. The kiss was different than anything they've ever had. Junkyu kissed Haruto slowly losing himself in the moment.

Haruto also responded with just as much gentleness. It was slow like they were savoring a taste they love; the kind they never want to part with. Junkyu opened his mouth letting Haruto enter his tongue. He held Haruto's face in his hands as they kissed. Haruto felt a shiver run through his spine at Junkyu's touch.

It felt like sparks were lit up wherever Junkyu touched him. Haruto tilted his head kissing him deeper. They pulled away breathing heavily. Haruto kissed Junkyu's cheek and then buried his face in Junkyu's neck giving him light kisses. Junkyu drew a breath in running his hand through Haruto's hair.

Haruto blew along the side of Junkyu's neck. Junkyu bit his lip turning his head away. Haruto smiled and kissed harder. Junkyu let out a gasp. He turned his face to Haruto. Haruto kissed at the corner of Junkyu's lips and then went down kissing. Junkyu gulped and clenched his fists. Haruto held both of their members together.

Junkyu felt his throat go dry. Haruto hooked Junkyu's legs around his torso and bent forward. He slowly started moving. Junkyu felt the pleasure seep through his veins. He held onto Haruto and met eyes with him. Haruto loved the view in front of him. Junkyu was panting harder the more Haruto moved. Haruto stopped and took out some lube.

He poured it in his hand. He sat back and rubbed it along Junkyu's member. Junkyu curled his toes. Haruto put some lube on his fingers of the other hand and rubbed it at Junkyu's entrance. Junkyu let out a moan. His voice cracked a little. He pulled harder at the sheets. Haruto inserted a finger and Junkyu threw his head back into the pillow.

" Ngh~ mmh~ " Haruto was so in love with what he was seeing. Junkyu looked so sensual with the shirt hanging off his arms and nothing else on his body. His face was flushed red and even his body. There were red marks on his smooth white skin. He was squirming a little as Haruto moved his finger in and out.

Junkyu arched his back. Haruto's other hand which was rubbing Junkyu's member never stopped. Junkyu let out moans squirming. " Stay obedient ". Haruto said in his deep voice and inserted another finger. " Ahh~~ " Junkyu felt like he would cum if Haruto continued that way. He used all his energy and sat up.

Haruto stopped when Junkyu got up. Junkyu straddled Haruto. Haruto put his hands around Junkyu. " Why ? " Junkyu hesitated a little before speaking. " I want to cum when you are inside me ". He said and kissed Haruto. Haruto moved his legs grinding against Junkyu. Junkyu whimpered into the kiss.

They pulled away and Haruto's hands reached for Junkyu's entrance. " I didn't prepare you enough. It will hurt a little ". " It is fine. I don't care ". Junkyu said confidently. Haruto saw the unwavering gaze and smiled. He pulled Junkyu even closer. Junkyu lifted himself on his knees. Haruto put on a condom and put his tip at Junkyu's entrance.

" Sit down slowly ". Junkyu slowly sat down. He held onto Haruto's shoulders. Haruto held Junkyu by his hips. Junkyu sat down and Haruto entered him completely. Haruto let out a groan at how tight Junkyu was. Junkyu let out a moan. It did feel a little painful. He grunted and held tighter onto Haruto.

Haruto was about to ask him to pull away but Junkyu kissed him before he could say anything. Haruto kissed Junkyu back. Junkyu slowly pulled away and started moving. Haruto watched as Junkyu supported himself and moved on his own. His hands resting on Junkyu's hips were rubbing circles to help him relax a little.

Junkyu let out a moan when Haruto hit the deepest part. " AHH~ so deep~ " Haruto smirked. " LIKE IT ? " Junkyu looked at Haruto. " HAI. DAISUKI ". His voice was coming out airy and in a nasal tone. Haruto has never really used Japanese at times like this. Maybe he would just curse under his breath but not a conversation.

He was starting to like it. He started moving Junkyu by holding his hips. Junkyu moved faster under Haruto's hands. Haruto hit the deepest spot again and Junkyu came all over the both of their upper bodies. He took deep breaths. Haruto moved again bucking his hips. " Ahh~~ " Junkyu didn't expect Haruto to move right away.

He held onto Haruto's shoulders. His eyes turned moist. Haruto smirked when he saw Junkyu. He traced his hands along Junkyu's back. He moved forward taking Junkyu's nipple in his mouth. Junkyu threw his head back. He put his hand in Haruto's hair tugging at it. Haruto sucked harder almost pushing Junkyu to the edge once again.

He hugged Junkyu tighter as he continued to thrust in. Junkyu continued to moan and whine. "Ah~~ hah~ " " HOW DOES IT FEEL ? " Haruto asked leaving butterfly kisses along Junkyu's ribs. " KIMOCHI~ " Haruto smirked and bit onto Junkyu's skin and sucked. Junkyu was panting too hard. " Hah... ruto..... "

" I asked you to call me something ". Haruto said pressing their sweaty bodies together. " .... OTTO SAN~ " Junkyu lost all the strength in his thighs and they were trembling. Haruto felt like he would lose his mind if Junkyu continues to call him like that. He put Junkyu on the bed and increased his pace.

Junkyu felt his mind go blank. " Ugh.. ahh~~ Too deep.... ngh~ " Junkyu moaned. Haruto kissed Junkyu muffling his moans. When they pulled away Junkyu was breathing so hard. His lungs and heart felt like they were on fire . " Hah~ I.... ahh~~ " Junkyu couldn't finish his sentence. Haruto let out a groan as Junkyu was clenching around him.

He held Junkyu's hip and thrust in hitting his prostate. Junkyu let out a gasp and came again. Haruto also came and supported himself with his elbows. Junkyu pulled Haruto closer hugging him. Haruto smiled and hugged Junkyu back. He slowly pulled out and threw the condom away. Junkyu let out a breath.

He looked up at Haruto. Haruto pushed Junkyu's hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. He rolled to the side still holding Junkyu and just stayed like that. Both of them calmed down in a few minutes. Haruto got out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean himself. Junkyu just stayed like that. He smiled pulling the sheets closer.

Haruto was done. He brought wet towels and helped Junkyu too. Once he was done, he put them away. By the time Haruto went back, he saw Junkyu was already at the verge of falling asleep. He went to the bed and hugged Junkyu. Junkyu hugged him back and they fell asleep in each other's arms.