
When the four youths heard an unknown voice and followed it to their meeting place, they had no idea how important this historic meeting was to the future of the world. While they were speaking with each other, trying to figure out why they were there, a golden light appeared in the sky above them blinding them. When they were finally able to see what was this light, they saw a cross of light with a beautiful crystal at the end of each arm. As the light disappeared, those 4 crystals remained floating in the sky. The voice was heard again. "My chosen champions, I hereby bestow my power upon you." The youth, realizing that the voice they kept hearing belonged to the Goddess of Light, kneeled down in sign of worship. The voice continued. "These crystals will serve you as the proof of blessing. Please save my people from the ruin." As the voice went silent and crystals floated to their level, each of the youths knew the arduous task ahead of them. Saving the world won't be easy, but this is their mission and so they shall do all they can to achieve this.


As they arrived to Cornelia to see what they can accomplish there, one of the guards had recognized the crystals and so they were brought to the king. When they have shown their crystal to the king, he was so elated. The prophecy of his Sage Lukahn about 4 Warriors of Lights was now proven right despite chancellor's protest. Each of the youth then introduced themselves. Kelin Cooper, a warrior and the squire of the Knights of Dusk. Rosch De Velarie, a red mage and the minor noble of the kingdom. Mari Balfour, a white mage and the priestess of the Goddess of Light. And Lewyn Marciano, a monk-in-training that belonged to the fallen Sun Flame monastery. After their introductions, the king had provided them with an important mission. One of his knights, Garland had stolen the Crown Princess Sarah and taken her to the Chaos Shrine. All previous attempts of saving her failed as Garland was too powerful for any of the kingdom's knights. So the Warriors of Light received their first mission in saving the world. Recover Princess Sarah from her captor and in exchange the kingdom will rebuild the destroyed bridge up north. Due to her geographic position, Drakenguard and Rosethorn Mountains separated Cornelia from other countries on land. As the winter settled in the mountains and monsters roamed freely, the mountains were currently closed to the public so only sea could have been used for travel.


The Warriors accepted the mission and went to the castle town. As this was start of their journey, they only had 500 gil to spend on the equipment. Since they were still unknown to the general public, they couldn't use their fame to get lowered prices on equipment. So, in preparation for the raid on the Chaos Shrine, they spent nearly everything on the new weapons, spells and armours for the party. However, before they could journey out, news came in of a major goblin raid. It seemed Garland had hired goblins of the Red Sky tribe to harass the kingdom and prevent anyone from reaching Chaos Shrine. Taking on the chance to gain important experience and rewards for their party, the Champions quickly went to work. Over the next week, a lot of small goblin parties and even some of their beasts, the crazy horses, were soundly defeated as party started to learn teamwork among each other, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. One of them was quickly remedied as Rosch replaced the newly bought staff with a rapier, similar one to what Kelin carried, to improve his attack. It seemed one of the benefits of the crystal was to quickly learn the basics of wielding any weapon. As they left Dragon Tooth Inn with medical stuff, something they couldn't have afforded before the goblin raid, they walked north in silence, realising that first test as heroes of the world is now in front them awaiting at the Chaos Shrine.


As the party marched up north, they had encountered more goblin parties on the road. It seemed the Red Sky tribe have already heard of the party of the heroes so they wanted a revenge for their dead. By now the party must have killed more than 100 goblins in only 2 weeks and those numbers seemed to be going up very fast as they approached the Chaos Shrine. Old decrepit ruins were that were awaiting them there. Any glory that this building had once was gone long ago. As they entered the first floor, they heard the occasional fighting sounds. It seemed goblins wanted to spring a surprise on the party, but they quickly learned that this shrine wasn't as abandoned as it appeared to be. Ghouls and zombies roamed the hallways and the only living creatures in form of black widows from a nearby forest tried to find any good meal. Party used the confusion to avoid any major engagements with either side. Any small group of enemies that stood in the way was quickly killed. They had a good surprise for the undead in form of Dia, a spell used by Mari that targets a group of undead within a certain range. After exploring the entire floor, they have found the room where Garland was hiding. They tried entering the room sneakily while Garland was happily monologuing about how his plans of taking over the kingdom of Cornelia were working. However, bats flying across the room made this impossible. Once Garland turned around and saw the intruders, he angrily exclaimed: "Hmph. The king's lapdogs. Do you have any idea who you're messing with? You really think you have what it takes to cross swords with ME? Very well... I, Garland, will knock you all down!!!"


Garland struck first by attacking Rosch with a slash. However Mari managed to cast Protect on him in the nick of time so Rosch was only knocked back. Garland tried to go for Mari next, but Kelan blocked him while Lewyn stroked him with his nunchakus. With the 3-on-1 advanatage, the men managed to overwhelm him while Mari continued to cast Cure on them. In a desperate move to reduce his opponents, Garland went for a desperate strike and pierced Lewyn, exposing himself to Kelin who used this chance to pierce Garland's shoulder. As he stepped away trying to recover from Kelin's attack, Garland was struck with Fira and Thundaga spells from Rosch. Kelin went for the finishing blow and pierced the fallen knight's heart, killing him instantly. While he was expecting the body to make sure he was dead, Rosch and Mari used their Cure spells to recover the damage that Lewyn suffered.

As all 4 of them were finished with their task, they approached the altar where a young lady was laying down on. As she woke up, she noticed the 4 heroes that approached her. Realizing that this was her rescue party, she immediately express her gratitude. Party had recovered some small stuff like the kingdom's seal on Garland's body to confirm their victory and with the princess in tow. She was very grateful of her rescuers while they were showing signs of embarrassment. To be honest, most of it came from the fact that, on the way back, they have noticed that the room where the battle place in was visible from the entrance. Meaning they explored the entire floor for no good reason other than some small loot. No future chronicler needed to know of this fact, they all agreed while they were resting in the camp on the way back.


The rest of the trip was spent on the conversion between the party and the princess. She quickly picked up interest on Rosch and Kelin. Once they arrived to Cornelia, they were escorted back to the castle by the city and royal guard. An official reception was organized for the princess's rescuers where the king had shown his gratitude and officially recognizing them as the ones from Lukahn's prophecy. He also informed the party of how the full prophecy went. "When darkness envelops the world, four Warriors of Light shall come. If they cannot gather the shards of light, the darkness will consume all. The four Crystal will never shine..." The party looked disturbed realizing the implications should they fail their given mission. Realizing the mood the king continued by giving them the reward and the clue of where to go next. There was a Crystal on the continent north of Cornelia. Since no ships were available currently, king had ordered his craftsmen to finish rebuilding as soon as possible. The heroes had expressed their gratitude and started to leave the room. Before they exited the room, Sarah stopped Rosch and Kelin. She gave them a flute passed down the royal line for generations. But before the two could ask her why, she returned back to the throne with her face slightly red. The two men realized what this gift meant and this started a long feud between them about whom did Princess had feelings for. As for the flute, they gave it to Mari on safekeeping, not willing to tear up the party over jealousy. And so, heroes returned back to their temporary base at Dragon Tooth Inn in the castle town awaiting the completion of the bridge.


While the bridge was in the final phase of rebuild, the party returned back northwest to reduce the threat of goblins once and for all. Unfortunately they have failed to find their main camp or their leaders. However the reports of goblin attacks have been seriously reduced across Cornelia. By all accounts the goblins have been successfully driven back to the Rosethorn Mountains and the Corcyra Peninsula where the Chaos shrine was located. This was enough for now as the party returned back to the Dragon Tooth Inn for the last time.


Tomorrow, as they were journeying through the Aberda Forest, they stopped to look at the Cornelia Castle one last time. As they were thinking about all the memories they have gained while adventuring in Cornelia, they also started thinking about their future, about their quest. As the four Warriors of Light they felt overwhelmed by the great task the destiny had placed before them. They did not even know the true significance of the four crystals they held in their hands... The crystals that once, long ago, held a light that shone so brilliantly. The time for their journey had come. The time to cast off the veil of darkness and bring the world once more into light...