Part 3

Calatia was once a kingdom of humans, elves and dwarves. For a short time of its existence it was a place of great research and culture as the crossroads of the three major races. Its sudden rise was followed by a fall overnight as some elves, jealous at the success of the realm, wanted to conquer it for themselves so they launched a sudden attack on the royal castle and massacred most of the inhabitans. The king of Elfheim, finding out about Calatia's fate, cursed every elf that followed the conquerors, creating the modern day dark elves. As for the native survivors, they escaped to the neighbouring countries to avoid the rule of the dark elves. While each race tolerated each other and racism was so rare, the level of cooperation that the people of Calatia had hasn't been seen since and, as a result, many technologies became lost in the fall. As for kingdom itself, with their curse and banishment from Elfheim, dark elves left most towns and villages to rot as they took shelter inside the vast forest. Today only the old castle remains free of the nature's influence as it's empty shell sits upon the hill. To the map makers it is only referred to as the Western Keep since no living remembered the days of the old kingdom and it became a story of how jealousy and destroyed an entire kingdom.


After a long march and encounters with multiple ogres and nasty gigas worms, the party didn't know what to expect when they entered the keep. All they found were empty halls, ruined pictures and bats flying all over the place like they own it. After some search they have managed to stumble upon the reception hall where a lone man sit on the royal throne. Party, expecting a trap of some kind, slowly approached the man. Realizing he had guests, the man asked the party to come closer so that he can tell his story. "I was tricked by Astos, king of the dark elves, and now my castle has fallen into ruin. If only I could retrieve the crown from the Marsh Cave, I would be able to restore my castle. Might you bring me the crown?" After some looks among each other, the party accepted the request. On their way out, they have noticed a door that was in pristine condition, completely contradicting the rest of the castle. However, no matter they tried, they couldn't open it. So they had to leave it alone. They noted the strange symbol on the keyhole and then they left the castle. That night as they rested up far from the castle, they started talking about their new mission.


Lewyn: "So, who wants to trigger the Astos's trap for us?"

Kelin: "You really think that's him in disguise back there?"

Lewyn: "Don't you?"

Kelin: "Well, yes, but why exactly do you want come back there then? Especially if you think it will be a trap?"

Lewyn: "Because I know he will be there waiting for us."

Kelin: "And we shouldn't alert Elfheim about this because?"

Lewyn: "Because if he sees any elf coming, let alone an entire army, he will run away like the coward he is? Besides, it will be more fun if we take him down."

Kelin: "Shouldn't we at least inform them about this?"

Lewyn: "No. As soon as they hear he is here, they will send a party to hunt him down and we will lose our only clue. Hell, just mention a cursed king and they will send someone to investigate."

Kelin: "What do you mean?"

Lewyn: "The last elected monarch of Calatia was was dwarf queen named Kabago Mondine, not a human king. As soon as you mention this, they will realize the discrepancy and sense something wrong."

Kelin: "And you know this for sure how? From one of your mystery meetings with the council?

Lewyn: "Oh, you know about them? Also no, I know this from general history."

Kelin: "Hard to think a muscle brain like you knows something like this."

Lewyn: "Thank you."

Kelin: "That wasn't a compliment."

Lewyn: "Don't care. Will take it as such. Besides, what is your idea? Give the crown to the council?"

Kelin: "Yes, let them figure it out."

Lewyn: "I really doubt that crown can awaken the sleeping beauty. So we would be back to square one.

Kelin: "Duly noted. Now let's hear from others. Mari, what do you think?"

Mari: "About triggering the trap? I would say no."

Lewyn: "Oh, come on. Are you scared?"

Mari: "Yes. What if we make it worse by giving the crown to him?"

Lewyn: "Just think it as a test that we have to succeed. The dangers will continue to increase so we have to take experience wherever we can."

Mari: "..."

Kelin: "That's a no from Mari. Rosch?"

Rosch: "I say yes."

Kelin: "What? Why?"

Rosch: " l don't see any other options for us. Even if we bring the crown to the council, they will either send us with it to fight Astos or keep it as a safeguard for now. And if situation keeps deteriorating across the land, they might end up using it to make peace with him. Frankly, I would prefer that we face him before that happens."

Kelin: "And what if this turns out to be a bad idea?"

Lewyn: "Then, Mr. Leader, you tell us what we should do. Give us your plan."

Kelin wanted to say something, but no matter what he thought of, it wouldn't work. Unfortunately for him, it seemed that Lewyn's idea was the best one.

Kelin: "I can't believe that us being deliberate fools is considered a good plan, but unfortunately, I have to agree with this. However, if something goes horribly wrong, I will blame you for it."

Lewyn: "Believe me, I won't shirk any blame on any of you. So now that we are on the same page, let's return back to Elfheim to prepare."


With a grumble from Kelin and a sigh from Mari they turned in for the night.


On their return back from the Western Keep, the party kept encountering more ogres. It seemed that the Black Rock tribe wasn't too happy at their own getting slain so one of the chiefs went with other ogres to kill the invaders. However, the seasoned adventurers stayed calmed and slain both the chief and those who followed him. Due to their unawareness of the effect of animosity that they continued to add with each enemy slain, they still believed that these attacks were barely coordinated at best and random at worst. After their short rest at the inn, Rosch and Mari went to their respective teachers of magic to buy new magic books so that they could learn level 3 magic. Rosch went for Thundara and Fira in order to handle large groups of enemies while Mari went for Cura, Diara and Heal in order to have stronger healing spells and a stronger spell against undead. With this they used up all of money they have pooled up together during these past few months, but they all agreed that this was worth the cost. As the trip to the Marsh Cave was relatively peaceful and really long, they were able to quickly learn this.


Once considered one of the most beautiful area in Feinan as well as the first homeland of the elves, the Salvemini Marsh has become the example of natural climate change as the lush valleys filled with rivers and lakes slowly being filled with the earth from the nearby Waldreich Mountains and turning into the marsh it is known today. While elves long left the area before they have shown first signs of civilization, to this day it is still remembered in songs, stories and paintings of what once was. The party was led into a cave near the ocean where some early elven graves are rumoured to have existed and where today Calatia's crown has been hidden. As they entered this eerie place, they were greeted by bats and green slimes that considered this cave their home. The party tried to quickly finish the slimes, but they proved to be resistant to physical strikes. Rosch was the one who managed to destroy them as he casted Fira and incinerated them. Being met with a choice of going left and right, they went left and were met by another group of green slimes which they have left to Rosch to deal with. They cleared their way to the second floor where they have seen several rooms. Shadows, skeletons and crawlers tried to stop them to no avail. It turned out that was a dead end as they all they found was some gil, a potion and a broadsword that Kelin took to use temporarily as his beloved rapier was getting damaged from the fighting. As they returned down that long corridor, instead of continuing to explore, they instead went back to surface to rest up and prepare. They believed the other path was more dangerous so they wanted to be freshly prepared for it. They were proven right.


 The second floor on the right had a lot of skeletons and crawlers that kept paralysing Rosch and Kelin. While crawlers were problematic, a single Dia was enough for skeletons to disappear. As they traveled the confusing the floor, they finally found the steps to the last one. There they were surprisingly left alone for the most of it. Among the chests they have found some gil, a rare Phoenix Down, a Copper Amulet and some sleeping supplies that were left behind by some unfortunate adventurers that died in that cave. As they entered one of the rooms with statues and a cheat in them, they were surprised by two piscodemons who were waiting in ambush. They managed to deal a powerful blow to Lewyn who was protecting others. Angered by this, he punched off the armour from one of them while Rosch casted Thundaga on the demons. Reeling in pain, they didn't try to block Kelin's and Mari's attacks which ended their lives. The ambush started as soon as it begun. While others were ensuring no more surprises were coming, Kelin went for their prize. In the chest a simple golden crown was waiting. Calatia's crown.  They have found their prize. Now all they wanted was to see what else was there so that they never had to return to that dreaded place. Unfortunately, their wishes were denied when they have discovered another sealed room with the same symbol on the keyhole as the one in the Western Keep. After seeing they lost the will to explore more and, realizing their supply of antidotes might run out, they went out of there as fast as they could while fighting more skeletons, crawlers and gargoyles. After they exited the Marsh Cave, they took another long journey back to Elfheim where they rested and prepared for their fight with Astos.


As they have already experienced the long march to the Western Keep, they had an easy time getting there. That same dilapidated castle was waiting for them at the end as it seemed that no one came or left since the last time they were there. The old king was still waiting for them in his throne room. As soon as the party presented the crown, he started laughing so loudly entire castle could have heard him. In his excitement he proudly exclaimed: "You fools fell right into my trap! I AM Astos, king of the dark elves!" As he took the crown, he started transforming into a hideous creature of blue skin and green horns. As transformation ended, he continued: "With the combined power of the crown you now hold and the crystal eye I possess I will become the TRUE elf king!" As he finally glanced at the party in his new form he said: "It is useless to resist me! I can take what is mine by sheer force!" At this he was met with Lewyn's powerful punch that sent him back. "What? How is this possible?"

Lewyn retorted: "Maybe if you monologued less and fought more, you would have some subordinates here that followed you back from the desert. Oh, well. I guess we can call it even."

"From the desert? Aren't you-?" While he was concentrated on Lewyn, Rosch hit him with Blizzard and Kelin was preparing to strike while blessed with Mari's protect. "Damn you!" He had no time to think about the monk's words. He had some pests to kill. He returned Lewyn's favour by knocking him back. Wanting to see him dead immediately, he casted his ace in the hole: the spell Death. As Grim Reaper quickly appeared, no one was prepared to stop his scythe as it readied to strike. At that moment Lewyn had accepted his fate as he watched it getting closer and closer. The last thing he expected was to see Mari appearing in front to take the blow for him. Shocked, he watched in slow motion as Mari's face drained colour and she was falling down. Her hitting the floor was the moment he finally returned to normal. While Kelin and Rosch were distracting Astos, he immediately took Phoenix Down from her pouch and administered it to her, bringing her back to life. As she realized where she was, Lewyn helped her get back on her feet. While she was casting Heal on herself to recover her strength, she told Lewyn to go on ahead and he obliged. After getting Temper from Rosch, Lewyn started towards Astos while screaming: Come here, YOU BASTARD!" Astos, seeing him coming, tried to block, but Lewyn's punch sent him flying towards the floor. As he stood up and tried to compose himself, Lewyn went to town with him. Every punch drew blood. Every punch snapped some bones. Every punch was followed by an attempt to scream. By the end of it, Astos could barely see the final punch that smashed his skull. As his disappeared into mist, the only part of him left behind was his blood covering up Lewyn. As he turned around to see his companions, he walked back to Mari and asked her: "How does death suit you?" Mari, confused at the first, realized what he was implying, smiled and said: "Eh, not my thing. I would rather stay with you guys." They both started laughing at this while the other two were looking at each other in confusion. Eventually Kelin asked: "You need something to wipe out that blood or are you going to look like a madman the entire time?" Lewyn, finally realizing that he was covered in blood, said: "Nah, I can see, hear, smell and eat. I just will wash up in that creek later. Right now we have more pressing matters."

Kelin: "Yes, like what are we supposed to do now. We failed to capture him because you haven't left any piece of him behind."

Lewyn: "It's not like he would have given up any information even if we questioned him."

Kelin: "You sure know about it a lot. You care to explain?"

Lewyn: "Not right now. I believe we should be at a more appropriate location for that. Like that letter of yours, wouldn't you agree?"

Kelin: "... Fine. You win. But this doesn't solve our conundrum."

Rosch: "Maybe that thing over there will."

Others have looked to the place where Rosch was pointing. They noticed a small shiny thing. When Rosch picked it up, they realized what it was.

Mari: "A crystal eye? Isn't that something Astos had mentioned in his speech?"

Rosch: "More importantly, isn't a certain witch looking for this?"

Mari: "Wait. You think we should return back to her?"

Rosch: "Why not? This would make that first trip worth it."

Mari: "You mean, other than the stuff you appropriated."

Rosch: "It's not like they were worth much. What do you say?"

Kelin: "Well, if the curse doesn't go away on it's own, there won't be any other option left. Let us return to Elfheim first."

Lewyn: "Sure. Just one thing. May I request the crown to keep and guard it?"

Kelin: "Why?"

Lewyn: "Long story. But I promise I will tell it someday."

Kelin: "Well, right now we don't need it and I don't know who else can use it. Fine, but that story better be a good one."

Lewyn: "I hope I will satisfy."


After another long march to the capital, the party reported on the events that transpired at the Western Keep to the council of elders. Many have satisfaction knowing that the enemy that has brought shame to the elvenkind has finally fallen. Unfortunately those smiles disappeared as the report continued. The party failed to capture him to get info on how to break curse and Prince's condition hasn't improved since Astos' death. That sparked a major discussion on what to do now. Kelin did told them that now they might convince the witch to brew that potion for them since they had her crystal eye. With no other solutions, the council ordered the party to take the eye to the witch and get that potion. Party, already weary from all the travel, had no choice but to comply. At least they had decent rest on the Sea Queen.


They rushed as fast as possible to the Southport, not even stopping by the De Velarie's home or the Cornelia castle to report in. Unfortunately, as they went through Ribahn bridge, they realized that they screwed up by landing in Southport when Northport was much closer. Having no desire to come back to fix this mistake, they pressed on to the witch's cave, finding it in the same condition as the last time they were there. The witch initially ignored their presence, but realized they had something of hers in their possession. "Oh, what's this? My crystal eye? Give it back!" She took it from them and inspected it before putting it in her eye socket. "Don't worry. I have something to give you in exchange. Take this potion. It's the most amazing potion in my collection." She said while taking a mysterious potion from the top of her shelf. On it it said jolt tonic. "Ah! I can see! I can see again!" The party wanted to ask about this potion, but the witch retorted: "You still here? I don't need you anymore, so be on your very way! Hmph! You are not as attractive as I thought you'd be..." Unsatisfied with this answer they tried asking again to which witch responded: "I don't need your stink attracting those monsters here so here you go." She casted some magic and sent the party away. Sead, who was waiting for them outside the ca e, was surprised at the sudden appearance of the party as they laid on top of each other. Kelin, who was at the bottom, asked: "I like you guys and all, but can't you not try to crush me?" At this they all stood up and composed themselves. Sead asked if they got what they were asking for. Rosch showed him the potion that thankfully survived the teleportation. While they didn't know what was in it, this was meant to be what they needed so all they could do now was to return to Elfheim and hope for the best. Though they did wonder what she meant by smell attracting the monsters. They did wash up before they arrived there to present themselves in the best light.


Another long journey later and they were back in Elfheim castle. As everyone realized what they were carrying, they tried following the party to the room where Prince was being held. In the end only the party and several elders were permitted entry. Healer who was in charge of the prince inspected the potion and said: "This jolt tonic may be just what we needed to break the curse and awaken the prince! I will try it at once!" Not wasting another second, he administered it to him immediately. All room went silent as they waited to see if this worked. The Prince started twitching so the healer asked: "Your Highness? Your Highness?" Prince finally opened his eyes, looked around the room and said: "I was having... a terrible nightmare... Am I still... dreaming?" As he notices the party, he exclaimed: You... you are the legendary warriors! Something tells me I'm not dreaming..." At this the whole room exploded in excitement. Prince Van'er Radaker, long under Astos's curse, has recovered from it. There will be an Elf King yet. But before his official ascension to throne can begin, he asked for a certain item to be brought to him. "I shall follow the legend as it has been foretold to me and my forefathers. The time for me to pass on the mystic key to its rightful owners has come at last." At this another elf came into the room with a beautifully decorated box with the royal seal of Elfheim on him. As soon as the Prince touched the box, it opened, presenting to everyone a mysterious key with strange markings on it. Prince took the key and said: "Please accept this." Kelin, de facto party leader at this point, had taken it and expressed his gratitude. Before they could leave the room, Prince had asked them if they could be present at the coronation ceremony which, by estimates of another elf in the room, would happen in 2 months time. The party initially wanted to refuse as they weren't sure they could get there on time until Rosch pointed something out. This key had the same markings as the keyholes in sealed rooms in the Western Keep and the Marsh Cave. If they went to check those rooms first and then return back to Elfheim, they would arrive on time for the ceremony to begin. While they hated returning back to Marsh Cave, they did want to be at the coronation so they accepted the invite.