Part 14

After finishing their business in Cardia Isles, their next course of action was clear. Onrac on the eastern coast of Asseria. After all of their supplies were loaded up, they lifted off and, with some dragons escorting them, set off west. Finding Onrac from air was easy as it didn't take even one day of travel from the main island. Unfortunately, the old problem reared its head once more when they were looking where to land Sky Empress. While they weren't suffering from the continuous alarm like above Scardona, they still couldn't land anywhere near the city due to the vast forest surrounding the city. In the end they spent several days trying to land something near the city. Unfortunately, the nearest place that they could find was on the flatland near Gelder Bridge on Taquila River, several days march away from Onrac. While Lianna still wanted to look around more for a better place, the Warriors of Light ordered her to land immediately. Compared to weeks' worth of travel they had to undertake to the Citadel of Trials and back, this seemed like a leisure walk in comparison. And so the airship landed near the bridge, surprising everyone that was near it and attracting attention from a nearby village. This was where Lewyn's knowledge of the land and people came into play. After some talks with the village chief, they were allowed to remain there in exchange for monetary compensation. In case of emergency they could just leave and land across the river. This was something Lianna told Masatoki as she had a surprise for the Warriors during a briefing.


Lianna: "I want to come with you on this trip."

Kelin: "What? Why?"

Lianna: "I want to see Onrac for myself. Unlike Lewyn here, I never had a chance to visit it."

Lewyn: "You just want to go to the city where the mermaids were created. Admit it."

Lianna: "That's not the only reason."

Lewyn: "So you did admit it. Fine. But aren't we leaving the airship defenceless? All our best fighters will be leaving on this journey."

Lianna: "It will be fine. After Scardona they are better prepared for monster attacks. And you haven't informed us of any groups that would try to capture this ship."

Lewyn: "Well, that is true. You would need a well-organized group to try and capture it. And this far out, there are none that could pull this off without needing a month to prepare."

Lianna: "See? There is a good thing that we have landed this far away from the city. Now, may I please go with you?"

Rosch: "Fine. I do also want to see you in action."

Lewyn: "Me too. Seeing how much you have grown is better in normal circumstances than in extraordinary ones."

Lianna: "How about you, Mari?"

Mari: "For once, I wouldn't be the only woman in this. A nice change of pace, I would imagine."

Kelin: "Well, if everyone agrees, then I don't have any objections. Prepare whatever you need for the trip."

Lianna: "Already have. Won't need too much clothes for this."


Meeting continued to progress nicely. As soon as it ended, Lianna went to inform the crew. While they were surprised to hear the news, they couldn't object much to this. Without having a place to land near the city, there was no way that most people would be able to see the city. Lianna issued her last orders, gave the command to Masatoki and then joined with the others in Sead's wagon. With the preparations complete, they set off towards Onrac. Between them laid the Lamras Swamp and the Lindwurm Forest. While the Lamras Swamp showed no problems as a well-travelled road passed through that small swamp, the Lindwurm Forest was another thing all together. One of the biggest known forests in the world, it took several days to travel across it. Depending on ypur luck, this travel might have been an easy one or one of the most dangerous ones as many monsters claimed the forest as their home. For the party, it was the latter part as they haven't gotten rid of the grudge that attracted monsters to them. However, for once it didn't matter. Everyone but Lewyn wanted to see what this new continent would bring them and they also wanted to see how Lianna fought. They had plenty situations for that. Various tigers, ogres, hellhounds and even a wyvern came to attack them. To the experienced party this was nothing so instead they took the opportunity to watch a proper Hoshidan ninja in action and they weren't disappointed. Lianna in her dark purple outfit showed them the true power of her class. While not as strong as men in terms of physical strength nor as powerful as Rosch in terms of black magic, her speed was beyond everyone else's. Combination of magic attacks and swift sword attacks was beyond what any monster could handle. Even the wyvern couldn't handle being sliced by her Kotatsu sword. For once it seemed that terrible trip to Earthgift Shrine had some merit as that blade in her hands was just as effective as Kelin's and Rosch's magical blades. Without much delay they have reached their destination.


Situated around a high cliff overlooking the ocean, Onrac has managed to keep a lot of its majesty from the kingdom days. Two sets of walls, the high city one and the medium one made to protect the farmlands from the threats of Lindwurm forest, have been well maintained to this day. While many went out to adventure across the continent, you could find a job inside the walls and live a reasonable life. Farming, for one thing, has been profitable as the lowered risk has made it one of great commodities to be traded with other communities. Several squares kilometres of forest have been cleared just outside the city for that purpose. There was actually a suggestion on landing at one of these farmlands. But even if they wanted to land there against some protests, the ship for some reason wouldn't allow to land anywhere around the city. So the party had to travel the long way to reach the city.


They arrived to the outside walls in the afternoon. After getting permission to enter into the city from a gatekeeper, the party still had to travel several kilometres until they reached the city. However, Lewyn asked for a detour. He wanted to check something outside the city. While others questioned him what, Lianna seemed to have realized what so she already agreed to that. While they still wanted to hear the details, they did accept this under the condition of ensuring the lodgings in the city for the night. Lewyn promised that it would only take several hours at most. And so, everyone followed Lewyn to the northern side of the city. Everyone kept wondering where were they taken as they kept passing through farmlands. Finally, they arrived at a lone house near the southern gate. A simple white two-story house with a small garden behind it. While others were trying to hear why were they there, Lewyn seemed surprised by something. A black smoke was coming out of the chimney. "Is he already home?" Lewyn went inside to check his suspicion which was proven correct. A young man was making himself a dinner after a hard day's work. Lewyn made his presence known. "Finished your work early today, Romy?" As soon as he heard this, Romy turned around and with a smile on his face said: "Yeah. Had some luck today during my hunt. It seems it was for a good reason."


Lewyn: "Yes, I would guess so."

Romy: "Welcome back. I hope you had a great journey."

Lewyn: "Of course I did. Don't worry, you will hear all about it. But right now I have a promise to fulfil." He approached him and hugged and kissed him.

Romy: "Yes. I would consider it fulfilled."

Kelin: "Ahem."

Lewyn: "Oh, right."

While the two men were still embraced, others were standing at the door. While others didn't know what to say, Lianna went right into it.

Lianna: "So you are my new Brother-in-law. Seems you found a good man already, Lewyn."

Lewyn: "Trust me, I did."

Romy: "Are you all staying for dinner? I am sorry, but I don't think we have enough for everyone."

Rosch: "I think everyone will agree that stories about you two will feed us for now. Am I right?" Everyone nodded.

Lewyn: "Fine. I will check on the dinner while Romy here can entertain you."


With that, everyone had sat down while Lewyn was making dinner. They went immediately into asking about their backstory which Romy provided, filling in a lot of gaps that others wanted to know. After leaving Marciano clan's lands, Lewyn went on a long journey to Onrac and, as soon as he arrived, started gaining reputation with the adventurers in the city. He often went on expeditions with other parties. During one of these expeditions, a desert beretta went on a rampage in a forest where Romy was hunting. He was saved at the last minute by Lewyn who brought him back to the city while being wounded. After recovering in the hospital, Romy wanted to give his gratitude to him. After the two met for the first time, they started talking about each other's lives. As the time passed on and more meetings happened, Romy got more interested into lands beyond Asseria. Unknowingly he also awakened feelings for Lewyn. Once he confessed this, the relationship between them blossomed quickly and soon enough they were married. Lewyn would have still been in Onrac if he hadn't been summoned by the Goddess. When he had to leave for Cornelia, he promised to someday return back to Romy so that he could take him across the world. Now he was able to achieve this promise. Meanwhile, others had filled in Romy on what had happened so far during their adventures. He was happy to hear what had happened while also being worried about their future adventures. As soon as Lewyn and Romy had finished their dinner, they finally prepare to take everyone to an inn. However, while others were awaiting outside for them, they heard Lewyn's scream and then saw Lewyn being angry for some reason.


Lewyn: "I am sorry. There is a fool that needs to learn her lesson once and for all. Romy will be the one taking you to the city."

Kelin: "Are you sure?"

Lewyn: "Yes. I will see you later." He left.

Mari: "What is this all about?"

Romy: "I am sorry. I should have told him about her later."

Rosch: "What do you mean?"

Romy: "Well, there is this black wizard that he often went on expeditions with. However he hates some of her decisions. I will explain this at the inn. Now come on. We should- Wait. Where is Lianna?"

Rosch: "Following her brother."

Romy: "Huh? When did she leave?"

Kelin: "Just now. You didn't notice?"

Romy: "No."

Kelin: "That's your new Sister-in-law. A true Hoshidan ninja. Now come on. We will fill you up on our way."

Romy: "Alright. Follow me."


Lewyn walked the familiar streets as he used to for years, passing by a lot of familiar locations. Like Max's Tavern at the main street where he won that arm-wrestle tournament. Or near old man Dagdar's apothecary in one of the side streets where he had to drag away a teammate of his after he passed out from a smell of the medicine. Or Hans's blacksmith shop at the main square where he had to take two very long trips because he screwed up the ore. He met a lot of acquaintances and friends along the way, but he hadn't talked much to them other to greet them. Some realized why, especially when they saw where he was heading. His target was a small warehouse on the waterfront. One where two women were experimenting on what many saw as a fool's errand.


In a city like Onrac it is hard to make your name known. Countless adventurers have arrived to the city in hopes of making it to the history books only to soon be forgotten. At best most have only gained the recognition of their generation. One such adventurer has been making her name, though not for the best reasons. 5 years ago a mysterious woman was found wandering off outside the city. Her wet clothes implied that she had drifted ashore that morning. Claiming to have lost her memory, the only thing she could give was her name, Noelle Amalfi. While this was accepted as her name, many now believe that this is an alias as her behaviour across the years has indicated that she has lying and seemingly hiding from something. Initially she ended up on the streets taking up prostitution as her trade. Due to her beauty many have enjoyed her company, including Lewyn. One chance encounter had a major change on her life. By pure chance, her talent as a powerful black wizard had been revealed to the Wizard Guild in the city. This came as a shock to everyone as her talents could have easily found her better jobs than being a lady of the night. Soon enough she became a respected adventurer and had many invitations to join parties. She could have easily become a high ranking wizard within the Guild. She could have become a famous name in the city. She had all of this waiting in her future. Now that future seemed lost as 2 years ago it was discovered that she again took up prostitution, this time as another source of income. When asked about this, it was revealed that she was investing into an infamous project, the submarine project by the city's eccentric engineer Belinda Ascarte. Many have seen this project as a complete waste of time. With that, the respect she once wielded eroded. To her, however, this was nothing. All she wanted to do is to see this project done. Many assume due to similar looks that Belinda was Noelle's mother, but neither one of them had confirmed nor denied this.


Two women had no idea who was coming to them. They were happily working on their latest prototype, believing that this one would be the one to achieve their goals. Remnants of their older prototypes had been laying over the warehouse floor while in their small office the design plans were plastered all over it. As soon as they heard angry knocking, Belinda went to check this while Noelle was putting the finishing touches. Belinda opened to an angry Lewyn waiting outside.


Belinda: "Oh, Lewyn."

Lewyn: "Where is she?"

Belinda: "I didn't expect to see you today. How was your journey?"

Lewyn: "Where is she?"

Belinda: "Really? Not even going to bother with the small talk?"

Lewyn: "If you cared about her, I wouldn't be here. Now where is she?"

Belinda: "You really think I am happy with her decisions?"

Lewyn: "I am not asking again. Either let me in or tell me where she is."

Belinda: (sigh) "She's inside. Come on in."

Belinda let him in. He didn't care about this and went straight in to find Noelle. He yelled her name, indicating that he was in the building. Noelle, with a clear frown on her face, stopped her work and went to face him.

Lewyn: "There you are."

Noelle: "Hello, Lewyn. Had a pleasant journey?"

Lewyn: "You really think I came here for that?"

Belinda: "I sense this will be a tense discussion. May I suggest going outside?"

Lewyn: "Fine."

The two left outside while Belinda continued Noelle's work.

Noelle: "So, I assume you are here because of me?"

Lewyn: "Why else?"

Noelle: "Did you tell Romy to spy on me?"

Lewyn: "Didn't need to. Your infamy is bad enough."

Noelle: "Says the guy who took advantage of it. Or are you trying to rewrite history?"

Lewyn: "That's different. All I did was that I had a night of pleasure with you. That's all. I am not the one putting my reputation on the line for a failure."

Noelle: "How dare you."

Lewyn: "How dare I? I am not the one who continues to invest thousands of gil into something that has never worked before. People might be able to accept your side job as a quirk of yours, but to know that as you are doing it only for the money is making it worse. How many invites have you lost in the last 2 years?"

Noelle: "That doesn't matter. All that matters is the end. And that end is in the sight."

Lewyn: "Really? You honestly expect me to believe that?"

Noelle: "Yes. The current prototype is almost done. All it needs is few more tests and a special item-"

Lewyn: "And it will work. Just like you said for every other prototype in the last few years. Don't you see that's why you are losing reputation? You are even worse than a gambler. By the end of this, you will have nothing but junk left."

Noelle: "Is that all you have to say?"

Lewyn: "I beg of you. Wake up before you destroy what's left of your life."

Noelle: "It is all that's left of my life so excuse me if I don't want to abandon it."

Lewyn: "What did your mother do to you for you to accept this?"

Noelle: "Don't you dare insult her!"

Lewyn: "Then stop. You have wasted enough of it already. Realize that your dream is impossible."

Noelle: "Is that all you wanted to say?"

Lewyn: "You realize you are going to drive everyone away with your behaviour?"

Noelle: "I do."

Lewyn: "Fine. I will come back tomorrow. Maybe then you will listen better."

Noelle: "Goodbye."

Lewyn left without saying anything else. As she came back inside, Belinda noticed the look of distraught on her face.

Belinda: "You know he is simply worried about you."

Noelle: "I know. He doesn't want me to take any more customers."

Belinda: "No, that's what I want. Seriously, if you need to waste that pent-up energy of yours, get more jobs."

Noelle: "Do you accept him bashing your work so much?"

Belinda: "I don't give a damn. He doesn't know why I am doing this so he can judge me all he wants. I am more concerned about you."

Noelle: "Why?"

Belinda: "You do realize what will happen once this is over? Once we finish this submarine and we find someone capable to finish our mission?"

Noelle: "If you try to drive me away one more time, I swear I will stick by you no matter what."

Belinda: "Heh. My dear Tilly. Always the stubborn one. Wonder what will your sisters say when they meet you again."

Noelle: "I know. I- Wait, is that a light in the office?"

Belinda: "It can't be. I haven't enter the office today at all. You?"

Noelle: "No."

Concerned at this, they went to check the office.


Once they entered the office, they were surprised to see a young woman reading the plans of their most current submarine.

Belinda: "Who are you and how the hell did you manage to sneak in here?"

Lianna: "Through that skyline above us. You could have at least tried not to make it easy to get in."

Noelle: "How dare you? Put that down before I make charcoal out of you!"

Lianna: "Relax. Here, I am lowering them down. See?"

Belinda: "Was it really a smart move to read them here if that's what you came for?"

Lianna: "Oh, I was already on my way when this loud couple was arguing outside the door. Didn't want to make the situation worse, you see."

Noelle: "Wha? We are not a-"

Belinda: "What? You pitying my daughter now? Who are you anyway?"

Lianna: "A curious person. After finally arriving here, I wanted to see this famous pair that my brother mentioned."

Belinda: "Oh? I hope he passed along some good word. It's terribly rare to hear one about me these days."

Lianna: "I am afraid not. I can see why from all the failures that await people that enter. Shame, really. I can see from this such good care and thought."

Belinda: "You can't become a good chef if you don't know how to cook, Ms. Person. But I am not too worried. All I need to do is to iron out the last few flaws on this one and I will be done. I have a feeling that this one will be a success."

Lianna: "Of course. I won't expect anything else from your kind?"

Noelle: "What do you mean, "our kind"?"

Lianna: "Relax, I meant nothing bad by that."

Noelle: "Answer."

Lianna: "Don't sweat about small details. It's bad for your health."

Noelle: "Why you-"

Belinda: "Noelle, stop. You are making yourself look bad in front of our guest here."

Noelle: "You call this thief a guest now, Mom?"

Lianna: "Well, thank you, Mrs. Ascarte. Most people don't think too fondly of people breaking in."

Belinda: "Can you blame them? At least you had some sense returning them back."

Lianna: "Yes, but I must ask. What exactly is your plan for this submarine?"

Belinda: "Reaching the sunken shrine."

Lianna: "And the fact that the Fiend of Water is still there?"

Belinda: "I wouldn't worry about him. Rumour has it that some heroes have been going around slaying two of his comrades recently. I suppose you wouldn't know anything about it?"

Lianna: "Yes, I am aware of them. But it will be difficult to find them. Who knows where are they now."

Belinda: "You are a bad liar for a thief, you know that? Or did you think I wouldn't notice?"

Noelle: "Huh?"

Lianna: "Notice what?"

Belinda: "The really strange coincidence that thief would break in just as one appears on our doorstep?"

Noelle: "Wait, WHAT?!"

Lianna: "How in the world did you know that?"

Belinda: "Well, after living for so long, I should at least get a chance to meet the person to end my misery, shouldn't you agree?"

Lianna: "What? Wait, don't tell me-"

Belinda: "No, I am not Kraken. He-"

Noelle: "Stop it, Mom. I don't want to hear it."

Belinda: "I told you this was inevitable. No matter how much you want, you can't stop the march of time. Especially now that Goddess's chosen heroes have appeared."

Noelle: "So what if they appeared? It doesn't mean they will succeed."

Belinda: "I don't know. Lewyn's Crystal seemed powered up. I doubt they are that powerless."

Noelle: "What?"

Lianna: "How do you know that? No one in the city should know that yet."

Belinda: "I don't know. I am getting tired of just me carrying this talk. I mean, you even haven't introduced yourself. And I doubt you share the same duty as him."

Lianna: ... "It's Lianna. Lianna Marciano."

Noelle: "Wait, you are his sister?!"

Lianna: "Surprised?"

Noelle: "A loudmouth like him having a sister than can sneak around? Yes, I'm shocked."

Belinda: "So why exactly are you here? Did he tell you to break him?"

Lianna: "No, that's all me. We just arrived to this city and were planning to leave for the inn when Lewyn left us to get here and scream at you. The locals that greeted him delayed him long enough for me to find this place. I wanted to take a peek at this blueprints back in my room, but that shouting match piqued my curiosity so I made myself known to you."

Belinda: "Great. So we could have had our invention stolen under our noses. I should improve our security."

Lianna: "I can give a few suggestions if you want. But that's for another time. Right now it should be your turn."

Belinda: "Right. So how much do you know about the city's history?"

Lianna: "As an avid diver and someone who always wanted to visit here, a lot so you can skip the revelation about you being mermaids. I figured that out while searching around."

Belinda: "Dear me, are we that obvious? Nevertheless, I think you missed something. Our actual names, that is."

Lianna: "Are they truly important?"

Belinda: "I don't know. Does the name Anthiese Korvin sound familiar?"

Lianna: "Yes, the last queen of Granbelos. And don't even try. Not even elves can live for that long."

Belinda: "In the usual way, no. But... (She disappeared and appeared behind Lianna) World has many mysteries."

Lianna: "What the- Ah!"

As soon as Lianna tried turned around, Belinda put her hand on her back and stopped her in her tracks. Meanwhile, Lianna started seeing visions in front of her. The royal castle of Onrac, the glamour of the old kingdom, the water floor around the city and the mermaids themselves. These visions ended with a scene of a monster strangling her with his tentacles. As Belinda let her go, Lianna returned back to normal, now heavily breathing as if she saw a nightmare.

Lianna: "What was that?!"

Belinda: "Glimpses of my life. Now do you believe me?"

Lianna: "Y-you, you truly are the queen?"

Belinda: "That's right. Queen Anthiese I of Granbelos, for whatever is that worth nowadays."

Lianna: "But shouldn't you be dead?"

Belinda: "Yes, I am. The last sight you saw was what I saw. Kraken chocking the life out of me after failing to kill him."

Lianna: "But then how?"

Belinda: "It seemed my resentment was powerful enough to keep me in this world. So a mysterious figure approached me. Might the Goddess herself, might be Death, might be something else. I don't know. What I do know is that I was allowed to exist in this world once again."

Lianna: "How? Also how did you manage to get your daughter here?"

Belinda: "I don't know how Tilly got out of that trap. That wasn't part of the deal. I have no idea."

Lianna: "Really? Do you remember?"

Noelle: "Um..."

Lianna: "What's wrong? Was the revelation about me too upsetting?"

Noelle: "No, I..."

Belinda: "It's because of me, of what I am now."

Lianna: "That being?"

Belinda: "A wraith. In exchange for being able to exist in this world, I have to build the vessel capable of reaching the sunken shrine and I cannot leave Onrac for any reason."

Lianna: "That it? That's not so bad."

Noelle: "Easy for you to say. Imagine watching your own parent like that."

Lianna: "Gladly. Better than not being able to see or talk to them at all."

Noelle: "Oh, crap. I am so sorry. I forgot that Lewyn told me he lost his parents."

Lianna: "Let us not go down that road anymore. Before you regret it even more."

Noelle: "Fine, fine."

Lianna: "I am curious though. Do you spend all of your money on this project?"

Noelle: "Of course."

Lianna: "Is it worth it? Considering everything you do to get it?"

Noelle: "Any price is worth if it means I can someday rescue everyone trapped down there."

Lianna: "Even your dignity? Your pride?"

Noelle: "What good is my pride? Can it bring me money? Can it bring me food? Can it save someone? I don't give a damn what the price will be in the end if it means everyone will be saved."

Lianna: "Even at the cost of your own life?"

Noelle: "Yes."

Lianna: "Tell me, Belinda. Wait, I should say Anthiese or Your Majesty. Is she your oldest daughter?"

Belinda: "No, second oldest."

Noelle: "Oh. She still does have a shot at the throne though. So, tell me. How would you face everyone after they find out what have you done to achieve this?

Noelle: "I would face it somehow. But that's in the future for now."

Lianna: "So not even a shred of foresight?"

Belinda: "She might be second oldest, but she is the most stubborn by far. Once she decides something, you would have easier time moving hills around."

Lianna: "Oh, yeah? What would you do if say, someone offers to offer full financial support for the project in exchange for servitude for life? In exchange for the money you have to become a slave? What would you do then?"

Noelle: "I would say yes to that."

Belinda and Lianna: "WHAT?!"

Noelle: "You heard me. I would accept the offer."

Belinda: "Are you serious?! I was forced to accept many of your decisions which I didn't like, but this is beyond acceptable. What do you mean you would accept being a slave?"

Noelle: "If that's the cost, then I will accept it. No price is too great."

Belinda: "You truly are an idiot, you know? How can you think that's acceptable in any way?"

Lianna: "And if someone hears you, they might actually accept you on that offer."

Noelle: "I don't care. Besides, it's not like anyone in the city would consider it."

Belinda: "Please stop with this. Before you make me reconsider everything."

Lianna: "It does look like you should be finished soon so I wouldn't worry too much on her choice."

Noelle: "Yes. Now I only need to get several tens of thousands gil and we should be done."

Belinda: "I told you, we are not getting that."

Lianna: "Getting what?"

Belinda: "Oxyale. There is still problem with breathing in the submarine so we need something to address it."

Lianna: "So, why not get this oxyale?"

Belinda: "Because we need to get the fairy from that trade caravan and then we need to find where did it came from. The costs alone will be far too much."

Noelle: "And unless we make a brand new submarine, that's our only choice."

Lianna: "Tell me something. Since you are aware of Lewyn's Crystal, does that mean you are aware of where the next one is?"

Belinda: "Yes. You will find it at ground level of the shrine. Why do you ask?"

Lianna: "Oh, boy. Lewyn will be so angry when he finds out."

Noelle: "Didn't we already establish that?"

Lianna: "Oh, no. That's just me thinking out loud about how angry will he be at me. But that's for me to handle. What I wanted to say is that I may have something to help you out. Have you heard of any rumours about a mysterious thing flying in the sky?"

Noelle: "Yes, some people have apparently saw a flying ship in the sky. What about it?"

Belinda: "No way. Tell me you aren't serious."

Lianna: "I have been studying a lot about ships recently ever since we excavated a really interesting thing from our clan's lands."

Belinda: "No way. You have an actual Lufenian airship?!

Lianna: "The Sky Empress as officially named by the Hoshidan Queen. Should help out with your travels."

Noelle: "I see."

Lianna: "If you want, we can hire you and take you onboard. We can always use more people to guard the ship."

Noelle: "Oh."

Lianna: "I will leave you to sleep on that decision. I should return back."

Belinda: "Please use the door this time."

Lianna: "I will. I will be seeing you one of these days."

With that, Belinda escorted Lianna outside. After Lianna exited the building, Belinda returned to office where she found Noelle still standing in the same place. With a big sigh, she continued speaking.


Belinda: "I hope you aren't thinking of actually accepting her offer."

Noelle: "As I said, there is no price too much."

Belinda: "I beg of you, please reconsider. I don't want to pass on knowing you chose to do this."

Noelle: "l will be fine. Don't worry about me."

Belinda: "Fine? There's nothing fine about voluntarily becoming a slave. What do you know about her?"

Noelle: "Not much, but I can always ask Lewyn to learn more about her."

Belinda: "How does this not trigger any alarms in you? How can you be so calm about this?"

Noelle: "The same as you accepting your death. There is a debt that needs to be paid. Trying to turn a blind eye to it won't solve anything."

Belinda: (sigh) "Why did you had to be the most stubborn one?"

Noelle: "I don't know. Ask the Goddess when you meet her."

Belinda: "I will. In the meantime, we still have job to do."

Noelle: "Let us take a break for the night. These visitors have taken a toll on us."

Belinda: "I agree. Go out and have some fun for once."

Noelle: "I will. Good night."

Belinda: "Good night."