Change of fate

As Cyrus was walking towards the place where the quest took place something hit him that he was subconsciously thinking about.

Butterfly effect.

Cyrus always thought about the butterfly effect but he had come to a conclusion that he wouldn't give a fuck about it anymore, after all, the Butterfly effect is really complex that even the world's strongest AI can't predict the outcome that one action may have on the world.

For example, if a time traveler came to the past and placed a fist-sized rock on the road that rock could change the outcome of the war, how?

A merchant carriage that is transferring goods might hit this rock, after bumping on the road the merchant might get angry and yell at the coachman, the coachman might speed up and reach their destination faster.

After entering his house the merchant would catch his wife cheating on him, after that he might either become a drunkard or filled with hatred and do some unthinkable thing.

That merchant that used to transfer goods for the king and to warzones might lose the trust of the king and be replaced, the next merchant might turn out to be a spy and poison the goods he will be transferring to the warzone thus killing countless soldiers.

The opposition would then advance further and further and the kingdom might fall because of a simple rock.

Of course, the coachman might have seen the rock and avoided the rock altogether and nothing would happen but in a world where anything is possible one can't predict anything.

so thinking about it this way Cyrus gave up on thinking about the butterfly effect and trying to minimize the changes.

Cyrus wanted to advance and level up as much as he could and when everything changed due to the butterfly effect, he would then rely on his accumulated skills from his past life.

Now one thing is worth mentioning and that's the fact that Cyrus played Roya Online for 8 years and that 8 years translate to 24 in-game years.

right now Cyrus possessed 24 years' worth of skill and combat prowess and the current player base even the prodigies like Cyrus's father Johnatan would at least need 5 months to get used to 100% sync rate and utilization of mana.

Not only did Cyrus have 5 months to widen the gap between himself and the current player base he also had 24 years' worth of knowledge and skill even if the AI changed everything about the game such as replacing certain items and dungeons the AI couldn't possibly change the attitude and habits of every NPC after all this world wasn't built on a one-night basis to host the players, this world was also build similar to our world and had undergone countless evolutions, in short, the AI was simulating everything a magical world would be like for millions of years.

And the current NPCs had years and years of history, how a country would react to another, how a family of NPC would react to another family, and what some races thought about other races. it was years upon years of simulation something that AI couldn't do anything about unless she destroyed the whole world and let it simulate again.

This is why Cyrus came to the conclusion that he is not going to give a fuck about the butterfly effect and do as many things as he could.

Of course, he wouldn't go and do impossible things and gain the power to manhandle guilds just so he could look cool or take revenge, the AI would definitely humble his ass.

Cyrus shrugged everything off and moved towards the cave where the quest would be.

After navigating the forest for a while Cyrus reached a big cliff, however, there was no opening, Cyrus put his hand on the cliff's wall and channeled his mana, spreading it all over the cliff.

The ground started shaking and the wall in front of him formed some cracks but instead of breaking down they disappeared revealing a passageway inside the cliff.

After entering there was no strange thing or any carvings just a straight passage that led to an opening with the statue of a man that was 10 meters tall.

Cyrus stepped onto the opening and the status shake a bit.

The statue with an eerie voice that would make the strongest warriors tremble, started talking.


Cyrus took in a deep breath calmed down and replied: "How the fuck am I supposed to know? give me some clues."

The statue just stood there and looked at this puny human and his audacity to talk like that but he just continued.


This is why this quest was so tedious and hard, the statue would utter some bullshit then give you a hard quest to find the name of its mother or father.

"Your mother is Sophie Rose a high-ranking demoness"

The statue formed some cracks and trembled a bit then continued.


"Your father is Cael Almond a high-ranking Angel"

The statue formed more cracks and this time with a trembling voice that harbored all the sadness in the world he asked:


Cyrus know who he was and he wasn't who the guy on forums described sure he got the quest done but he did it as History had written it, not based on the events that really happened.

Cyrus had learned the identity of this statue while inside a lich dungeon, that lich had one regret and that was slandering and not helping the person that was now inside this statue. Cyrus went completely off-script and said everything that he felt deep inside him.

"You have no name, You are despised by both angels and demons, yet you never harbored any ill feelings, residence living on Sekalika all hated you, from dwarves to elves to humans and every other race they all saw you as the spawn of the devil a catastrophe of the sort.

Yet you never harbored any ill intent.

You stood tall and defended Sekalika against all the Demons and Angels that wanted to use the mortal realm as their own base and exploit its residence.

You fought and fought and fought to no ends you killed countless demons and angels you saved countless mortals yet every residence of Sekalika was afraid of you.

You closed the gateways of the Angel realm and Demon realm and defended Sekalika for eternity you exchanged your freedom for the well-being of Sekalika and sealed yourself.

You don't have any name however if there is one word to describe you that is...

Nameless Hero, you are the true definition of what a Hero should be... Thank you for saving Sekalika."

More and more cracks formed on the statue and rays of golden lights start pouring out of the cracks.

The statue shattered and from within emerged a ball of golden lights that ascended towards the heaven, the golden ball faced Cyrus and with a voice that would make any married woman and any legendary couple break up he said:

"Thank you young man I will repay you a thousandfold for reminding me who I am."

The ball then vanished.

Before Cyrus could think of anything a series of notifications brought him out of his daze and confusion.

*Congratulations you have completed the noble hero mission and have received the [Thousand Cure Elixir] as a reward*

*Congratulations You have reminded the legendary hero and savior of Mortal realm who he really is, You have helped him to ascend to godhood*

*Sakrifa the nameless hero wants you to become his first Apostle do you wish to accept [YES/NO]*

The first message he had anticipated and was his goal all along but the other two were weird, Cyrus remembers the Guy inside the Forums said that the statue was the evilest being and after he completed the quest a black ball of malice engulfed the whole area before disappearing after that he didn't receive any message other than the quest reward.

Cyrus now experienced the complete opposite of what the player had experienced and through his 24 years inside Roya Online, he never heard of a god called Sakrifa.

What shocked him the most was the chance to become an Apostle during his time only one player became Apostle and he was the most righteous guy Cyrus had ever seen and that player also became one of the top players of Roya Online.

That's how powerful becoming an Apostle was Cyrus knew the nameless hero and he for a fact knew that the Golden light means that the person is affiliated with a righteous path and he idolized the Nameless hero in his past life and was regretful he never had the chance to meet him.

Cyrus without any hesitation pressed [YES].

*Congratulations you have become the apostle of a neutral god*

*Your race will automatically change to match the race of your god upon Sakrifa's Request.*

Cyrus felt every bone in his body crack and shatter his blood was boiling he felt a pain that he had never experienced before it was as if he was bathing in a pool filled with the most potent acid.

Blood started gushing out of all of his orifices and he couldn't think straight, after what felt like an eternity the pain started subsiding as pure mana start entering his body and fixing every damaged organ and bone.

[Race change successful]

[Race name: Refrigan

description: Sakrifa the nameless hero always hated both angels and demons for how they treated and bullied him after years of research Sakrifa found a method to refine his bloodline and get rid of his Angel and Demonic bloodline.


A superior race that was created from the purest mana and blood.

Affinity with mana increased by 100%, Due to your max affinity with mana your mana regeneration rate is enhanced by 100%

Affinity with neutral beings is increased by 100%

All stats are increased by 20.

You have gained 2 racial skills.

Refrigan Racial skills:

(Pei Seikan) , ( Zeinro Uruyus )

Skill description:

[Pei Seikan:

Sakrifa stood alone on the battlefield fighting against countless enemies thus he created a race skill that wouldn't consume any mana and help him at all times.

Pei Seikan is a skill created to whittle down the number of enemies during a prolonged fight against countless opponents.

Deals 50% of the damage dealt by the user to a primary target to all the enemies around the primary target.

Limit: 50 meters Radius

Skill type: Passive skill that can be activated upon user's command.]

[Zeinro Uruyus: (Four Steps of Ascension)

Sakrifa had to fight for long periods of time without stopping thus he created the skill Zeinro Uruyus. each step has its own benefits.

[Zinran: (First Step)

Increases damage by 50% when the amount of Enemies outnumbers the user by 1 to 10, Skill stacks up to 60%. each successful kill = 1%]

[Zithai: (Second Step)

Can be activated after killing 30 enemies when Zinran is active.

The user heals 10% of the damage dealt to opponents.

Stacks up to 25% each successful kill = 1%]

[Zeistra: (Third Step)

Can be activated after killing 50 enemies when Zithai is active.

Increases user's Stamina and Mana recovery by 50%]

[Zeinro: (Fourth Step)

This step activates when the User is facing an opponent surpassing him in battle prowess by at least 10 levels.

Grants all the benefits above as soon as the User initiates combat.

When faced with a large number of enemies and an opponent of at least 10 levels stronger than the user, increases physical and magical defense by 35%.]

[Note: Zeinro Uruyus won't be activated if the enemies are more than 1 level lower than the User.

Note: The effects of the Four-step of Ascension reset upon being out of combat for more than 2 minutes.]

Cyrus was shocked by how overpowered these skills were, a gunner lacked the ability to take on a large number of opponents the amount of AOE skills that the gunner class possessed was low.

And now with these overpowered skills that didn't consume any mana Cyrus could take on hundreds of opponents without fear.

But there was still one thing left and that was the benefits of becoming an Apostle.

*New title has been gained [Apostle of Sakrifa]*

[Apostle of Sakrifa:

In the countries that have a good relationship with your god, you will be treated as if you have the same status as a king.

Your god is the natural enemy of Angels and Demons thus you will be hunted down on sight by creatures of either Demonic or Angelic affiliation.

Your god despised Demons and Angels you will deal 200% damage to creatures affiliated with Angels and Demons.

People of Sakrifa's church will treat you with the utmost respect and will help you in your endeavor, your enemy is also the enemy of Sakrifa's church.

A personal message from your god: If you misuse powers granted by me to bully people of neutral status with the church I will make sure to *^%&%$^#$!%^!#$^$#&#%!$!#%#$%!$%]

All the thoughts that Cyrus had about how to use the Church to bully the Atlas guild in the future left his mind and now he was thinking about how to use his power to help the weak and bullied.

Saying Cyrus was satisfied with his gains would be an understatement if Cyrus had a pair of wings he would have flown all the way to heaven and kiss Sakrifa and thank him from the bottom of his heart.

Right now Cyrus didn't need to marry in order to gain Status he now possessed status higher than any noble and similar or even higher than the Royal family.

But the ten thousand Cure elixir is a bound item meaning it cannot be sold nor cannot be traded so the user has to either carry it for the rest of their lives or complete the quest.

Cyrus wanted to complete the quest and decline the marriage offer and gain other benefits from Duke family.

Cyrus happily made his way back to the Capital and towards the second ring or Noble district.