An Unintended Rescue

"Indeed," Harford Wenson Deldin Convarta answered my exclamation in a low, rumbly voice. "Me."

"I apologize. I did not mean to- that is, I. . ." I trailed off, disconcerted by this strange turn of events.

"Of course not. I should not have surprised you."

"Thank you for catching me." As if my words sparked the realization that he was still holding me against him, he moved his hands from my back to my waist and gently pushed me away. I looked down to hide the blush that was rising on my cheeks.

"It was no trouble," he answered. "Now, may I escort you somewhere? You seem to be some distance from home."

"I was just trying to find where the ridge ended," I admitted, looking up at the still tall, unyielding rock wall.

"And what brings such a lovely young lady down here in the first place?" he asked.

I laughed, knowing that he could not have missed my dirty, torn gown. But perhaps he thought it was just from my time in the woods. When I met his eyes, he did not speak, just raised an eyebrow. The look reminded me of Mistress Ildasan and I frowned.

"I slipped," I answered shortly.


"Down the ridge. I was out for a walk and I fell over the edge."

He looked me over with an expression of disbelief. "You could not have survived a fall of that distance."

"Of course not. I caught myself on a ledge and managed to slide the rest of the way down."

"And somehow came through relatively unscathed?"

"Well, I will probably be fairly bruised for a week or two," I admitted. "But I do not believe I broke anything."

He shook his head. "You seem far too calm for someone who slid down the ridge."

"Are you saying you would believe me if I were in a panic?" I asked with a teasing smile.

He just shook his head and did not answer.

I was not sure if I had done something wrong, but I did not want to add to what was apparently an unfavorable first impression. I pushed past him and continued walking, trying to ignore the dizziness that I was feeling.

"Do you even know how to get home?" he asked.

"The ridge has to end somewhere."

"There is a much shorter way."

I stopped and turned to face him. "If you would be so kind as to direct me to the easiest way home, I would be much obliged."

He grinned at my response and pulled my arm through his before striding back the way I had come. "You are quite a spirited little thing."

"I am not a thing at all!" I answered hotly, annoyed by his strange mood swings and by the fact that I had somehow so completely messed up this long-anticipated first meeting.

He laughed at that. "Well you certainly are spirited. Come, I will deliver you home. Clearly you are one of the ridge folk. To which lovely mansion may I deliver you?"

"Which pretentious mansion, you mean?" My long, exhausting trek had removed the guard from my tongue and I found my hatred for the ridge and all the uppity snobs who lived there leaking into my words.

"Well well well. Not a lover of life on the ridge, Mistress?"

"I was raised in Middawin. We have only lived on the ridge for 5 years and I miss my old friends and my old life," I admitted. "I miss being around people who know how to live and have fun."

"Spirited and odd," he said, pulling me along with him at a pace that was agitating my already sore body.

I did not answer, too focused on keeping up with him to make conversation. We walked briskly along in silence for a few more minutes and he finally stopped. Looking at the ridge from this direction, I could see the thin, rough path carved into the steep rock wall.

"Thank you for your assistance," I said as we reached the path, pulling my arm from his. "And good afternoon." I swept a graceful curtsy and started up the path, moving as quickly and carefully as I could.

I was a third of the way up when I looked back and realized that he was following me, still moving silently.

"What are you doing?" I asked, stopping to catch my breath.

"Ensuring you reach your home in safety."

"I did not ask for your escort."

"You did not have to."

I did not have the strength to argue with him, so I shrugged and continued my climb.

When I reached the top, I found myself in the grassy area between the fences of the ridge estates and the edge of the ridge. I had never walked this far, but if I continued on, I would soon enough reach my own home.

"I have reached the top safely. You need not stay with me," I told my unrequested escort. For all that I had longed to meet him, I knew I was not in the right frame of mind to improve on the poor impression he had of me.

"How far is your home?"

"Not too far," I answered, though I really was not sure.

"Then you cannot deprive me of the chance to see you safely to your door."

I shook my head and started towards home. I moved more quickly now, knowing that I was closer to my home.

We walked together in silence for nearly an hour before he spoke again. "Not too far seems rather further than I remember," he said in a laughing voice.

I shrugged instead of answering, too tired to engage in a battle of wits.

"Are you well, mistress? You look rather pale."

"I am tired. It has been a difficult afternoon."

"I hope I have not added to your distress." He sounded repentant and I looked over to find him watching me with concern.

"I had hoped-" I cut myself off before I poured out all of my dashed hopes about our first meeting.

"Hoped?" he prompted.

"Nothing. I apologize for inconveniencing you. Thank you for your help."

"This has certainly not been an inconvenience."

I stopped walking and looked up searchingly into his dark, almond-shaped eyes. He appeared sincere.