Rescued Again

"We have really got to stop meeting like this," I mumbled into Harford Convarta's broad chest.

He laughed, a deep, rolling, pleasant sound that relaxed me against him.

"Wait a moment," he said in a voice of alarm. "What are you doing?"

"I think I am about to pass out," I slurred. "Whatever she injected me with is really doing strange things to me."

"Whatever she injected you with?" He was sounding more concerned by the moment. He grabbed my shoulders and forced me back. I looked up at him and frowned.

"What was that for?"

"You have to stay with me. Who injected you? What did they inject you with?"

"Mistress Ildasan. . . I do not know what it was. But I do not usually pass out and twice in one afternoon seems a bit much." My knees were starting to give out. I leaned towards him and, when he kept me at arms length, gave up, collapsing onto the soft forest floor.

"This is surprisingly comfortable," I murmured, curling up in a ball.

"No, wait. Please. Just stay with me. I need to know what happened."

I tried to shrug off his rough hands that were trying to pull me up into a sitting position.

"Remdon and Anassia will take care of her. They saw everything. I was smarter this time. . . brought witnesses to watch her push me off the ridge. . . I just did not expect the injection."

He shook me gently and I managed to focus on his eyes. "Are you saying Jenkava pushed you off the ridge. . . twice?"

"Jealous. Thought that I was providing competition for your affection." My head began to spin and I closed my eyes. "Wish I were providing competition. Would not have even met you if she had not pushed me off the first time." My words slurred even more until I was no longer sure if I was saying them aloud. Darkness closed in around me. Just before I lost my grip on consciousness, I felt his hands relax, pulling me against him.

"Rest now, Jenallia. I will get you home safely."

I snuggled against his warm chest and let myself drift.

I woke up in my bedroom. A few stray beams of sunlight were streaming through a break in the drawn curtains. I looked around and spotted Mirella on a chair next to the bed, her eyes closed and her breathing soft.

"Mirella?" I whispered, my voice rough in my dry throat.

She started up and caught sight of me. Her sweet face broke into a bright smile. "Oh mistress, you're finally awake! We've been so worried, indeed."

"How long have I been asleep?" I rasped.

"Two nights and nearly two days as well."

"So long?"

"Well now, that poison you were injected with was powerful stuff. Mistress Ildasan is facing some strict charges. You were so clever to trap her like you did. It's all everyone's talking about, you know."

"They are all talking about me?"

"Oh yes, and how smart you are, and how afraid you must have been alone in the forest. And then the wild man brought you home, you know. Carried you right up to your parent's door. I swear your mother's eyes nearly popped right out of her head!"

I laughed weakly. "Oh what I would give to have seen that. I am sure it was quite the sight."

"Indeed it was. We had the doctor here soon after, and called Anassia and Remdon back from their search for you. The doctor had an antidote for the poison, thankfully. He said all you needed was a nice long rest and you'd be right as rain."

"Well, I would not mind a drink of water as well," I answered with a smile.

"Oh my, of course you must be parched! Here, let me get that for you."

The cool water soothed my throat. I downed two glasses before I felt appeased.

"Now tell me what I have missed while I have been asleep," I begged Mirella.

She patted her graying brown curls and smiled. She and I shared a great love for gossip. While I hated spreading the vitriolic tales that made rounds at most upper strata gatherings, I loved hearing what was happening amongst my friends and neighbors, even amongst the servants and the other people in the city. I had a great interest in people and their fascinating lives.

Mirella told me about Mistress Ildasan's pre-trial, which had happened yesterday. Remdon and Anassia and the guard had all testified, as had Harford Convarta, apparently.

"And they all told the same story, that the vile woman injected you with poison and pushed you off the ridge with nary a twinge of regret or hesitation. That wild man told everyone that he found you injured and on the verge of unconsciousness and that if he hadn't found you, you'd likely have been killed by ghost wolves or some such."

I shivered. "I do not doubt it. I was nearly caught by a ghost wolf before he rescued me."

"What's this now, love? I never even thought about what adventure you must have had? We've all been fair tearing our hair out wondering what drove you to leave the ridge in the first place."

"Well, when I fell, I caught myself in a tree. I was climbing down when the potion started to take effect and I fell out. Naturally, as with all thrilling adventures, there was a ghost wolf waiting for me. I managed to overcome the lightheadedness and run away. I found a river and crossed that. The ghost wolf did not follow and I passed out on the other side."

Mirella gasped. "Oh, and to think you were that close to being caught by the murderous beast!"

"Thankfully it did not get me. I woke up and cleaned up the cut on my back and bandaged it."

"Oh mistress, you've really eased my worries. We were all under the impression that that wild man had invaded your privacy to clean you up. It would've been quite a violation, and yet, we couldn't get mad at him for taking care of you."

"Yes, I see. No, he did not to my knowledge invade my privacy. After I cleaned up my wound, I started trying to find my way back, but you know my wretched sense of direction."

"Of course."

"And then Master Convarta found me on my way back. I passed out shortly thereafter."

"Well that's quite the adventure, mistress!"

"Indeed it was!"