The Trial

My admission to Remdon, that I saw more of myself than I would like in Mistress Ildasan, stuck with me in the two days before the trial. Knowing that I might have become as she was were I in a similar situation, I felt it increasingly difficult to imagine myself condemning her even to banishment. And yet, I could think of no other punishment that would ensure my future safety.

I had no one to discuss the matter with. Del did not visit again and I did not see him except during his nightly vigil at the park. Anassia and Remdon would not understand. Having seen her attack, they could not comprehend how I was not as filled with righteous anger as they were.

The night before the trial, as I sat pondering, Mirella came in to help me prepare for bed. While I was not worried about seeing Mistress Ildasan in person, the stress of determining her future was certainly taking a toll on me.

"What's the matter, mistress?" Mirella asked with her usual frankness.

"I do not know what to do." Out of options, I poured out my worries to her. She listened patiently, patting me on my shoulder as I finished.

"This is quite a burden for such a young lady to bear alone. I'm sorry you've no one else to confide in, but I sure am glad you've told me. Together we'll think of something."

She tossed out ideas as she helped me out of my evening gown and into my plain, long-sleeved, white nightgown. I was so relieved to have another mind working on the problem with me, I was finally able to relax.

Most of Mirella's ideas were unfeasible. Some were things I had considered, such as that she must always be under guard or that she must not come closer than two stone's throws to me. Both were too difficult to enforce and, I feared, would be just as damaging to her as banishment.

"Well why don't you just make the banishment temporary?" Mirella asked. "Let her come back to the city once one or the other of you is safely married with a husband to protect and watch over you."

I had certainly thought about making the banishment temporary, but no good end date had occurred to me. "Do you think that would be enough?" I asked.

"I don't see why not. If you marry, your husband will be there to protect you. And she can't really get jealous of you once you're tied down. Likewise, if she marries, she has no reason to be fighting you and a man to watch over her in case she does decide to make trouble."

I nodded. "That does make sense. Thank you!" I threw my arms around my sweet care-maiden in an impulsive hug before slipping into bed.

"You're welcome, mistress," she answered with a soft smile. "Now you'd best get to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."

"Rest well, Mirella."

"Rest well, mistress."

I woke up more refreshed than I had felt since before my adventure. My sleep had been free of nightmares and I was ready to face Mistress Ildasan.

Mirella, as always, read my mood and dressed me in my most business-like gown, a dark blue creation with long, fitted sleeves, a high neckline edged in white lace, and pretty silver buttons all down the front. She pulled my dark curls into a tight bun and wrapped a lovely silver-shot white shawl around my shoulders, then declared me ready.

Remdon was waiting for me at the front door. He still looked worried, but my happy, sincere smile softened his concern.

We rode to the judgment house in silence, both of us consumed in our own thoughts. When we arrived, Anassia was there with her parents. Mother and Father had, of course, been invited, but I had carefully discouraged their attendance over the past week, knowing they would be horrified by what I planned to do.

Remdon and I sat next to Anassia and her parents. I looked around and caught sight of Del sitting with an older couple. Were they Mistress Ildasan's parents?

Del looked over and caught my eye. I smiled, but he just turned back to the front without acknowledging me. Had I offended him? Or perhaps he did not want to appear to be on good terms with me during the trial. I was, after all, the reason his childhood friend was facing imprisonment.

I shook off my worries and returned my attention to the front of the room where Mistress Ildasan herself sat in the seat of the accused. The judges were taking their seats along the front: five of them, meaning the outcome of the trial was not considered a given.

The trial started as one might expect. Mistress Ildasan spoke first, but she said little. She only claimed that she acted under duress and begged for mercy. Anassia and Remdon testified, as did the guard who had arrested Mistress Ildasan. I was the final witness in the case. I did not tell Remdon that I planned to speak, so he looked at me in surprise when I was called to the witness seat.

"Mistress Renvalda. With the given testimonies, it is clear that you were the target of an attack by Mistress Ildasan which, without the intercession of Master Convarta, should have ended in your death. What have you to say on the matter?"

"I know that what she did was not lawful or right, but I understand the pressure she was under. I do not want to have to worry for my life in the future, but I also do not want Mistress Ildasan to suffer for an action which I believe I might have made in her place. I ask the judges to show mercy to the accused. I propose an alternate punishment to imprisonment. I request that Mistress Ildasan be banished from Solnaran until the event of either of us marrying. Once she is married or I am married, I ask that her banishment be lifted."

My words were greeted with gasps from some and cries of dismay from others. When I met Mistress Ildasan's gaze, I found her watching me in surprise, tears sparkling in her beautiful blue eyes. She looked at me questioningly and I smiled, hoping to convey that I held no hard feelings over what had happened.

Del was the next face I sought, but he was not looking at me. He seemed, in fact, to be avoiding my gaze.