Finalizing the Plan

Del looked at me for a long moment, then looked at Remdon and sighed. "Why does her crazy plan actually sound like a good idea now?"

"That is how she gets you on board. Her plan is foolish and wild and a terrible idea until she points out the benefits and you realize that maybe it is not as foolish as you supposed."

"So this is a common occurrence."

"You do realize that I stood at her side as she made and executed her plan to bait Mistress Ildasan. I would say at least one in every two or three schemes she comes up with are viable enough to gather support."

"Probably closer to one in three," I break in. "One in two of the schemes I actually share are usually viable, but I do not share all of them."

Del closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "What have I gotten myself into?"

His words pricked my heart and I flinched. "If you would really rather part ways, I-"

"Stop," he said, pulling me into his arms. "That is not what I meant. I just did not realize that having you in my life would be its own adventure."

"That is a good way to put it," Remdon said, reminding us that he was still there.

I stepped away from Del again and smiled sheepishly. "I might be a tad on the impulsive side. . . And I may be slightly unpredictable. . ."

"But?" Del prompted.

I shrugged. "There is no but. I do not know that I have any qualities that really make up for that."

"You are kind and witty," Remdon said encouragingly.

"And beautiful and brave," Del added.

I blushed and, after a moment of silence, turned the subject. "We should return to our list." I explained the list to Remdon as Del and I reclaimed our seats. Remdon stood on my other side and watched as I again set to making a list of Del's possible enemies.

Unfortunately, we did not have much success. Del could think of no one who would really benefit from his death enough to want it.

After a fruitless half hour of pondering, Remdon cleared his throat. "Mother and Fernillia will be home soon from their visits."

"Oh, is it that late already?" I asked, looking at the clock in alarm. I stood and Del followed suit. "You had better be on your way," I told him.

"I can take a hint," he said with a frown. I was worried that I had offended him until I noted the teasing gleam in his eyes.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed him towards the door. "We will be in touch about how tonight goes," I promised.

"Keep her safe," Del said, looking at Remdon, who nodded. "And you be careful," he admonished me, pulling me into his arms for a quick hug. He leaned in for a kiss, but I circumvented his lips to place a peck on his cheek, remembering Remdon's watching eyes.

Del smiled mischievously as he pulled away. "I intend to make up for that next time we are alone," he whispered.

"Agh, my poor ears," Remdon said, raising a hand to his forehead. "You had better marry her if you are going to carry on like this."

"Oh I intend to," Del said, sending me a warm smile before bowing and disappearing out the front door.

"Why are you not already engaged?" Remdon asked, shaking his head.

"He asked," I admitted. "I turned him down."

Remdon looked at me in surprise. "But you already told me you care for him and he clearly cares for you. What is the rub?"

"I am not certain that he actually cares for me in that way. I worry that he simply likes me as a good friend and only wants to marry me to protect me from the danger I am in because I saved his life."

"That is ridiculous," Remdon scoffed.

"Perhaps, but I do not want to rush into marriage until I am sure that we are marrying for the right reasons."

His face softened. "That is understandable. Just do not make him wait too long."

"I am not making him wait for my personal amusement. As soon as I feel sure of his feelings, I will accept him."

"Then it is only a matter of time," he answered. "Now, let us make plans for tonight."

Our planning session was interrupted by Mother and Fernillia. They came in full of the latest gossip and, while Remdon was able to escape with an excuse about checking on a horse, I had to sit through the endless stories about the escapades of the ridge folk.

Thankfully, Father came in after an hour of endless chatter and reminded Mother that they needed to see to a few items of business before she could get dressed for the evening entertainment (dinner at a friend's followed by an intimate game party). Mother left to talk with Father and Fernillia retired to her room to rest.

Free to leave at least, I tracked Remdon down. He had finished his business in the stables and was lounging on one of the couches in the library, reading a novel.

"We need to finish planning," I said, taking a seat across from him.

He set aside his novel and helped decide how we would prepare for a possible visit from unsavory characters.

Remdon had to attend the dinner with the family, but my headache allowed me to beg off. While he was gone, I procured a cot with Mirella's help after briefly explaining to her what we were doing and set it up in my closet. I also secreted a sword from the arms room and my dagger under the cot, just in case.

When Remdon returned, I was already dressed for bed and relaxing on my couch with a book. I had not unlocked the door or the window yet. He dressed for bed in his own room, then snuck to mine after the servants had finished their upstairs duties.

"Are you prepared for what we may face tonight?" he asked.

"As prepared as I can be," I answered.