Interrogations Part 1

Del sighed and laid his head in my lap. I let go of one of his hands to stroke his dark hair, trying to smooth down all the strands that were sticking out.

"Perhaps we should begin by interrogating the men we have in our custody," I suggested. "If they can point us in the right direction, we may be able to stop these attacks at the source."

"Right," Del said, squeezing my hands and standing. Remdon also got to his feet. When I stood, they both looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"You are not leaving me behind. After everything I went through last night, I deserve the closure of at least listening to the interrogations," I said, folding my arms and staring them down.

They shared a look and Del stepped forward. I could tell he was about to argue with me, so I looked at Remdon. I made a pointed look down at my arms, covered by the long sleeves of my gown, then met his gaze and raised an eyebrow. I could tell he understood my unspoken message.

With a sigh, he placed a hand on Del's arm. "She will join us."

Del shot Remdon a look of disbelief, then turned to me with a calculating gleam in his eyes. "What did you do to change his mind?"

"It matters little. Shall we go?"

Remdon turned and led the way. Del gestured for me to follow, then took up the rear. Out in the wide hallway, he moved to walk next to me and leaned down so he could speak without my brother hearing.

"How did you convince him? Why is he letting you come with us to interview the men who attacked you?"

"I reminded him what I sacrificed to capture them," I answered shortly. "And I do not appreciate your efforts to keep me in the dark."

"We would have told you everything we learned. You are an important part of this. I just wanted to spare you having to see them again." He paused. "What did you sacrifice? Did they hurt you? I thought you said you were unharmed."

"I said I was well, not unharmed."

He growled and grabbed my arm, presumably to pull me to a stop. Unfortunately, he placed his hand right where the largest of my wounds was. I gasped and flinched, pulling my arm from his grasp.

His touch had not been rough, but even the light grip was enough to break open the wound. I watched in surprise as a small red spot appeared on my blue sleeve.

I almost forgot Del was there until I heard him groan. I looked up and found him watching my arm in horror. "You are injured."

"Just a few cuts," I said softly. I carefully rolled up the sleeve and found the wound that had broken open. I removed the bandage and replaced it with a clean handkerchief from my pocket, then pulled my sleeve back down. I would change as soon as we were done with our interrogations.

When I looked up again, Del was still staring at my arm. "This is my fault," he whispered. "I should have suggested we remain strangers. We cannot continue like this."

"It is too late. Having essentially declared your feelings before the world by escorting me to a ball, I will be a target until I am dead or until we find the people behind these attacks."

I could tell he was preparing to argue, so I strode past him. Remdon was waiting for us a little ahead. I quickly caught up to him, leaving Del no choice but to follow.

"Do you need to re-bandage that?" Remdon asked, catching sight of the bloodstain on my sleeve.

"I have taken care of it."

Del caught up then and glared at Remdon. "She is injured."

"I am quite aware."

"Why did you not tell me?"

"It was for Jen to decide."

Del grunted but realized he could hardly argue against that. Remdon turned and resumed his trek to the stables, Del and I close behind. I put a hand on Del's arm.

"Please do not be upset. I assure you, my injuries are minor."

"But you were almost killed."

"It was exhaustion more than injuries that was my undoing. Clearly I have become lax in my swordsmanship."

Del scoffed. "You should not have to rely on your fighting skills to stay alive."

"And why not? Is that not how many people survive?"

"Perhaps, but not here. Not members of the upper strata."

"I am only a newly adopted member of the ridge folk, you know. And having money does not provide immunity to death or injury."

He shook his head. "You are far too wise for one so young."

I shrugged.

Before we could continue the conversation, we stepped into the stable. Remdon led us to one of the back corners where two young men stood with pitchforks in hand.

"They haven't spoken a word," the taller, blond man reported. "We checked a few minutes ago to make sure they're all breathing."

"Good job," Remdon said. "Now can you gents please keep an eye on Jen for me? She is going to sit here by the door while this gentleman and I talk to them."

"Certainly," the dark-haired man answered. Del and Remdon disappeared into the room while the grooms pulled a chair seemingly from out of nowhere and set it by the door.

"Here you go, mistress," the blond man said.

"Thank you. What are your names?" I asked as I settled down.

"I'm Hansom," the blond man answered.

"And I'm Gretin," the other man added.

"Very pleased to meet you. I am Jenallia. You will remain here in case the men attempt an escape?" I tried to keep the tremble of fear out of my voice.

"Yes, mistress, though I doubt they'd get far. They're not in any kind of shape to be walking, let alone escaping." Gretin placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "And if they make it to the door, we'll take care of them, don't you worry."

"Right. That certainly makes sense. Thank you." I sent them a small smile. Hearing voices from the room, I leaned closer to the cracked door.