Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Paris, here I am!

Him and Joyce: YOU HERE?!

Joyce: but you follow me where it is how?

Him: I've been coming here for a long time so I think you're the one following me.

Julio: ahh no Tenor, she knew here long before you huh!

Yeah it's Mr Tenor Amir Khane. I support him more since he allowed himself to insult the kehlas as he puts it so well, I am someone very resentful so it stuck in my throat.

Ok sir is drunk but is that a reason to speak badly to me? No I don't think so! Brief.

Joyce: yes the kehla is one step ahead of you huh.

Him: Ah well, that's good for you.

Joyce: chrrrr! That's all you have, your big mouth.

He tenses his mouth muscles, serves the points and tries to slap me. I grab his hand in the air, give him an armbar and kick his knees, causing him to fall straight to the ground.

Joyce: The next time you raise your hand at me I'm aiming for your balls, well, if you have any!

I put my hat back on, the hood over it and turn on my heels, leaving them all speechless.

I get in my car and start with a bang, I think it has become a habit there.

Once far I leave in one of his crazy laughter mdrr I had tears in my eyes wallah. I was too proud of myself you can not know.

Ahh he too thought he was going to slap me and then it's over? Like, should I shut my mouth? A tozzzz!

I'm going on, I go home, park my jewel in the garage, I change into my pajamas and let's go to sleep mdrr! Tomorrow is another day.

Friday, June 15, 201*, 10 a.m.

Today I move for Pariiiiiiis! Too much happytude in me mdrr it's Mima who says that all the time, besides she doesn't know that I'm coming this bitch! I surprise him.

I pack my last suitcases and it's good. I was wearing blue high waisted ripped knee pants, a black long sleeve crop top and my black URHs. I already ate. I perfume myself, for my hair I let it loose. And for once I made the effort to put on lipstick.

Anyway, I open the door to put them away in the trunk. That's not where I find Mr. you know who in front of my door?! As soon as he sees me he hits a scarface, OOOOK. He was sitting in his car he was facing my door he had his feet out of the car.

Him: hello.

I didn't want to answer him but as we always say answer a salam dooonc...

Joyce: Alekum salam. (Very dry there, same stick is softer)

Him: In fact, I'm here to apologize for the behavior I've had towards you. Zehma I insulted you there sah I was khaba you that so I apologize tahu.

It's good at least he recognizes his wrongs, but how I don't care about his excuses.

Joyce: Hmm.

Him: pff I'm doing the zemel and I ask your forgiveness you're there you're doing your girl.

Joyce: you.

Him: what?

Joyce: I repeat you I am your boss and not your friend.

Him: Are you there? Zehma even when we're not at work, do I have to address you as you?

Joyce: Exactly! Of course, we're not at work, but that doesn't mean I'm your friend.

Him: you could become one, huh.

Joyce: No thanks, I don't befriend people who think black women are just fat whores.

Him: Did I say that?

Joyce: no it was your conscience that said it tchrr.

Him: sah wAllah smeh I didn't think so.

Joyce: That's good.

Him: pff in fact how you are too stubborn!

Apparently he still hasn't understood the meaning of the formal word to him tchrr. I continued to put my suitcases in the trunk. I locked my apartment. I deigned to get into my car when he tugged my arm.

Joyce: Let me go please.

Him: No damn! I'm here I'm duck I beg your pardon since I don't know when and you're doing the miss? Well fuck your grandmother sister.

I fucking slapped him, he's not ready to forget it.

Joyce: ok you insult me, ok you insult the blacks but on his grave never dare you insult my bastard grandmother again! Otherwise I would forget how little respect I have for you.

I slammed my door and banged my head on the horn, which made a loud thud. As for Mr. Khane, he remained in front of the car with his hand on his cheek. He has no fucking right to talk about her! He has no right.


"Joyce she left she will never come back it's over. She would have liked to see you one last time, but it's too late. »

*End of flashback*

Grandma died when I was 20, I had to go see her during the holidays but that year I had a very important internship. When my internship was over and I wanted to go home, I was told it was too late, that she had left...

And until now I regret not having come to tell her that I love her one last time.

In short, I start the car and leave, leaving Mr Khane still in the same position.

I'll give you the ride.

1:30 p.m. (I have no idea how long the drive from Marseille to Paris is)

I park my car in front of the courthouse and get out. What am I doing here ? I'm waiting for Mima, and yes she's a lawyer there-she doesn't have time anymore huh! I stand right next to his car but from behind.

I'm waiting for her to come out of court. A few minutes later she arrives in a lawyer's dress, heels and everything lol. How strong she is!

Joyce: tchai Mima ibé ka forced deh (tchai Mima you force deh)!

She turns to me and shouts mdrr!


Joyce: yes you are in your bed and you are dreaming of being imbecile!

She jumps on me and bursts into tears.

Joyce: ohh Mima why are you crying? You're not happy to see me ah?

Her: sniff Joyce it's been 2 years. I've been waiting for this fucking day for 2 years. I thought I would never see you again. Sniff Joyce I missed you so much. I... Joyce it's been two long years. I... Fuck I don't have the words.

Hearing his words, I started to cry too. It is true that because of my work I have neglected my family a lot.

She couldn't even breathe she was so suffocated. I wipe her tears and take her in my arms.

Joyce: shhhh Mima stop…I'm here now…don't cry saa. Sniff Mima stops.

Her: sniff look – we are in fragile bagn mode..*laughs*

Joyce: mdrr life you are a case what. *laughs*

Her: that's not all but all her emotions made me hungry koy.

Joyce: even I will eat and at the same time you will tell me everything everything.

Her: no worries, we'll eat at your place. Everyone is there.

Joyce: let's go! Wait, what car are we going there with?

Her: yours. I will ask the driver to bring me my car.

Joyce: rayy Mima fangan! (Mima power)

Her: you have to leave droooon lol!

2:50 p.m.

Mima pulls me towards the door of my house. Usually on Fridays mom invites the whole family to have lunch at home. So behind the door are about twenty people that I haven't seen for 2 years.

Mima: come on Tantie Amira and Tonton Balla (my parents) they are going to be hallucinating especially Amadi.

Joyce: pfff how I stress!

Mima: mdrr don't worry it's going to be fine.

She rings the doorbell and hides me behind her. Someone opens the door for him, I have no idea who it is.

…: Ahh Mima my daughter how are you?

Mima: how are you, auntie and you?

As soon as I heard his voice my eyes filled with tears. It's mom.

Mom: come in.

Mima: wait Tata I have a surprise for you.

Mom: a surprise wa? If it's another Kinder surprise I don't want to deh!


Mima: mdrr no Tata is something else.

Mom: yiehh me I see nothing huh.

Mima: Look closely.

She pushes herself away so mom can see me. As soon as she sees me tears escape from her eyes. I take her directly into my arms.

Her: Joyce? Joyce is it really you? You…

Joyce: yes mom, it's me. Joy your daughter.

Her: why did you never come to see me huh Joyce. You didn't even call me once. Do you know how I worried Joyce? How could you leave me like this Joyce? I was the first to support you when you talked about your plans and now that you've succeeded, you don't even come to see your mom anymore? My daughter, how eh how?! Did you forget me so easily?

Joyce: Mom sniff doesn't say that. I haven't forgotten you, mom wallah it's because of work. Every day I work late mom as soon as I could I came here. Mom I promise you that I will never leave you without news again. Sniff Mum…ma…I..I…wallah..sorry..forgive me.

Her: calm down, shhh whatever a child does to his mother she always forgives him.

She takes me in her arms and wipes my tears. A few minutes later we enter the living room. Everyone turns to us.

Dad: Joyce? Lahila Mouhamadara Sourouleh. I do? ( it's you )

I nod my head.

Joyce: Aw ni sogoma. ( Hello )

Them: m'ba (way of answering)

They all greeted me and hugged me. Then we all ate and laughed. There was everyone including my brothers:

Amadi: you already know him. Otherwise he is tall, 1m95 black eyes. 28 years old. He's crazy charming. He is married to a Sudanese Soukeï and they have a little girl Liyah. Box manager.

Madi: he's my twin (so to speak) he's really handsome, he's around 1m90, mum's green eyes. A pure comic him. 26 years old single. General practitioner.

Sidy: shitty character. We haven't spoken for 4 months. 24 years old I don't know if he's single or in a relationship, anyway I don't really care. Engineer.

There were my other aunts and cousins ​​but they're not interesting. I was sitting in a small corner with Madi, we were talking quietly.

Joyce: so Madi you still haven't found your hlel and your success?

Him: for my hlel I have one on the técô and for the success tkt I'm on the way but let's say that there I have more gasoline.

Joyce: mrrr! Anything.


Continued in the next part!

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