The Sect Tournament Begins

The moon had set, and the sun was rising.

A new day had dawned.

The day of the sect tournament finally arrived.

This tournament was a big event for the Empyrean Sword Sect.

Many inner sect disciples, elders, and Peak Masters personally rushed over to watch.

Even the elusive current Empyrean Sect Master, Ouyang Tianming, appeared in front of the disciples.

In the arena square of the Eighth and Seventh Summits.

At this moment, they were filled with tens of thousands of disciples of the Empyrean Sword Sect.

Among these people, only a few could enter the top 10 and become core disciples of the Empyrean Sword Sect.

The disciples in the top 100 could only obtain medicinal pills as rewards.

For this tournament, everyone was working hard.

They were trying very hard to enter the top 10.

Shen Ran brought his maidservant, Shen Yueshuang, and the two of them stood in the domain of the Eighth Summit.