Attack of the Demon Cult Elder!

The surrounding disciples exclaimed in shock and their pupils constricted violently.

"Wang Qingxuan is dead!!!"

"As a Empyrean Sect Dao Seed, Wang Qingxuan, who has reached the fifth level of Illumination, is actually not Senior Brother Shen Ran's match!"

"Oh my god, how strong is Senior Brother Shen!"

"Did you notice that Senior Brother Shen turned into a dragon just now?!"

"And Wang Qingxuan, how could he know the Demon Spell of the Demon Cult? Am I from the Demon Cult?!"

Countless disciples gasped, their eyes filled with shock.

Sixth Summit.

Standing in the crowd, Chen Beixuan opened his mouth, but no words came out of his throat.

He stared at the figure in high spirits in the ring. After a long time, Chen Beixuan exhaled heavily.

In the depths of those dark eyes, there was a killing intent that ordinary people could not detect!