The Furious Prodigies!

"Why, why aren't you dead yet…"

In the distance of the Fallen Phoenix Hill Mystic Realm, Chen Beixuan hammered the stone in front of him crazily.

Because he was too angry, the stone in front of him had long been shattered into pieces.

And his eyes were fixed on Liu Nanzhi, who had boarded the carriage, and Shen Ran.

"Shen Ran! Why aren't you dead yet!"

Chen Beixuan was so angry that he was about to vomit blood. He kept cursing Shen Ran.

In particular, when he thought of how obedient and even shy Liu Nanzhi was when facing Shen Ran, Chen Beixuan's anger boiled again.

It's all your fault. You stole the opportunity that belonged to me.

Otherwise, the person hugging Liu Nanzhi now would definitely be me!

You deserve to die. You deserve to die.

On the other side, Xiao Han's hair was disheveled and his eyes were bloodshot.