Sword and Saber Cross, Killing With One Strike!

With a short collision, even the ninth level of the Illumination Realm, Dao Tianzhen, was sent flying. This caused quite a commotion.

After all, although Shen Ran was famous, Dao Tianzhen was not bad either. Moreover, with such a huge cultivation gap, Shen Ran's sword attack was shocking.

At the same time, Dao Tianzhen, who had been sent flying, stood up. His expression was no longer as calm as before. Instead, he looked at Shen Ran solemnly.

Dao Tianzhen licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but look excited. "It seems that you have some strength to be able to become a Dao Seed.

"Next, let me see how strong you are!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dao Tianzhen suddenly raised the saber in his hand.

The saber shadow instantly condensed in the sky, and wisps of light gathered in the sky.

As Dao Tianzhen raised his saber, an extremely huge saber shadow also condensed in midair.