Fifth-Grade Spirit Herb, Ice Fire Polarity Flower!

After entering the hall, Zhao Honglian exclaimed.

At this moment, the hall was filled with spiritual herbs, including countless precious spiritual herbs.

As a genius alchemist, Zhao Honglian was naturally overjoyed at these spiritual herbs.

Similarly, Shen Ran also glanced at these spiritual herbs. He had to admit that Ji Qinglin was really generous to place so many spiritual herbs here.

While Zhao Honglian was excited, Shen Ran's gaze was on a strange-looking spiritual herb in the middle.

This spiritual herb was actually black and white. It was distinctively divided into black and white.

The aura fluctuations emitted from it were also different auras of Yin and Yang.

Taking a sniff made him feel indescribably comfortable.

Although he had never seen the Ice Fire Polarity Flower, from its aura and appearance, he could instantly guess that this was a fifth-grade spiritual herb, the Ice Fire Polarity Flower.