Invitarion 1/2



In a world where wars are like breakfast, battalions of soldiers suddenly approached and saluted a man in a heavy-looking military uniform.

The man took two slightly long swords out of their sheath from his waist and lifted them as a signal of his salute back to them.

The soldiers brought their hands down and run away screaming,



They are loaded with guns and red roses on their back and chests on their beautifully neat military uniform.



The man is slightly middle-aged with a scary scar on the left side of his right eye. His brow was furrowed as he watched the battalion pass by him.

'Another country will fall into my hands! I'm gonna seize them all and destroy all those who oppose me! My name will be written in human history!'

The man thought with a serious look on his face.

All of the sudden, 

"General Fuhrer! General Fuhrer!"

The man with a scar only looks at the other person in a military uniform presumably calling him.

The other person saluted and screamed...

"Lieutenant Ferg, permission to speak sire!" 

"Granted. Lieutenant Ferg, you are done with your mission?" He asked.

"Answering General Fuhrer, we are done with the ammunition, land mines, scheming plans, and the other instructed plan from General Fuhrer sire! Next move and permission from you sire is the only thing that we are waiting for."

The man shouted at the top of his lungs with his hand saluting the general.

"Impressive, now get on with it,"

Fuhrer said with commanding tone.

"There's more sire,"

The lieutenant added.

"What it is?"

"Sire, we have found something in the last mission,"

Then Lieutenant Ferg took out a rectangular metallic.

"This thing with an antenna on it and their unique alphabet letters on it, this is their research material. It is said that it is used for communication in the other outpost,"

He said, but couldn't find out what really is.

Then he handed it to General Fuhrer.

General Fuhrer inspected it thoroughly and ask,

"Is it working?"

Lieutenant Ferg only shook his head.

"Unfortunately, we tried a lot of ways to make it work but we couldn't."

This made the man with the scar pissed and made the Lieutenant feel the sweat,

"Then it's useless, next time don't report me unless it works."

Fuhrer was about to crush on his hand the metal looking phone when...

"General! General! It's shining,"

General Fuhrer nodded,

'What's inside?' 

General thought with curiosity.

"General it could be a bomb!"

Lieutenant Ferg said while trembling in panic.

"Don't panic, I already saw through it and it's not gonna explode, "

Fuhrer said calmly.

"Let's see what it says,"

He continued. Then he saw something written...

[Admin Undying young King invites you to Alternate Universe Group Chat of Baal Villains ]

[Click YES if you want to enter ]

'Alternate Universe Group Chat of Baals'? Me? Villains? My alternate universes? Does that mean the Undying cursed King is also me? Let me see, '

Then General Fuhrer clicked 'YES'


Rays of Sunshine on a summer day, beautiful sunlight, and songs of birds harmonizing with every wave of the ocean splash.

"President Marcois, are you feeling relaxed?" Said the man that is looking Asian.

"Don't call me that anymore. I am retired and I am now a former President,"

"But Sir, President, for us. You are forever will be our greatest president,"

"You know, Melvin. I am old now, I just want to feel relaxed until the end of my life,"

Suddenly, the little dark-looking Asian man Melvin received a newspaper, and when he opened it, his eyes widened in shock.

"Sir! Sir!"

"What is it, Melvin? Don't scream like that, you know I'm old."

Old Man Marcois said.

"But sir, President, they are calling you a dictator and a corrupt leader," Melvin said with a fit of anger in his tone.

"Sigh, I may have committed many crimes in my life, but stealing money from my people is not one of them. And if I do, when needed. I replaced them immediately. 

"Let them be Melvin, In twenty years when I'm gone. They will look for me. I told them that a small country cannot have democracy because of its limited resources, but they never listened.

"I just hope my people won't lose their way when I'm gone. My son, I already taught him how to be a good leader. If he ever helped country people, I hope he never loses his way and never blames them for my fall."

'I just feel relaxed right now, '

President Marcois thought in his head. Suddenly he remembered something, 

"Melvin, did you know what my wife sent to me?"

Melvin also remembered, he scrambled in his bag.

"Oh... It's here, It's a communication device. It's a secret device that only a few people know about, and it is said that it will only be released in public in the 2000s. But it won't turn on."

"You are using it?"

"I just want our President to be safe,"

"I already said don't call me that, I am now just a normal citizen, put that away."

"But sir-,"

Suddenly there was a lady called up to him, 

"Melvin, your mother is calling you, answer the phone."

The man named Melvin got up and turned his head to Baal Marcois.

"Sir President, "

"Go go go, don't disturb me,"

When Melvin left, Marcois got nothing to do. He still wears a worried look on his face, worrying about his people.

'Sigh, such a life,'

He took a deep breath, and all of the sudden, he noticed the phone was lying on the floor.

'Melvin left this one, let me look at this one,'

He tried expecting the phone thoroughly, and still couldn't get it. Suddenly he noticed the phone screen shined and inside there was an invitation saying, 

[Admin Undying young King invites you to Alternate Universe Group Chat of Baal Villains ]

[Click YES if you want to enter ]

'Alternate Universe Group Chat of Baals? Alternate Universe version of me? But evil ones? Is this a prank on Melvin? I told him not to worry about me, but to let me see what's inside.'

Then the great president clicked the button, 'YES'.


In outer space, full of gigantic stars, a chiseled man was breathing heavily in front of a humanoid creature that was only left with a giant head.

"How?! How?! And why?!" 

Said by a giant head, his face was not that of a human but something like a boney unknown humanoid creature.

The chiseled man looked down at the decapitated giant head. 

'I've been killing and chasing a lot of wild system users coming from an unknown planet called earth. Damn, this undead robotic system was so hard to kill! I even have to chase him down for about a million years. 

'These hypocrites are blessed while sucking the resources and causing chaos in the multiverse. Finally, I killed one of them. Now I got nothing to do,'

"Can you make a communication device for me to the nearest civilization? I swear I will let you live."

The chiseled man asked the android undead system user who only has his giant head left.

"Are you sure?" The giant head asked.

"Of course, just don't do something suspicious because I will know it," t

The chiseled man replied, thinking...

'Also, you don't have a choice.'

Helpless, the giant head's eyes shined like a laser beam, and out of nowhere, a futuristic phone was created by him. The chiseled man smiled when he saw this. 

'Ah! System users. Very peculiar, if we weren't because you are all scum of a universe that I need to destroy. All of you could've been useful.'

"Thank you,"

The chiseled man said, making the giant head heave a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the giant head's eyes pop out. Dread was written all over it.


The chiseled man wore a maniacal smile on his face.

"Fingers crossed! You also need to die, just be existing. You cause chaos endlessly in the Universe that you chose, bye."

The chiseled man's arms transformed into a giant demonic arm. It was colored purple, violet, and a dark combination covered with thundering electricity.

Swiftly, the arm smashed the giant head! Then exploded into smithereens that even the little fragment and parasitic soul of it was destroyed.

"So convenient, having this device I can finally relax for a few thousand years on some random planet,"

Tut-tut Tutut tut-tut!

Tut-tut Tutut tut-tut!

Tut-tut Tutut tut-tut!

"Hi, are you from what civilization?"

The chiseled man asked,

"Aw sky people, take me to the nearest fortress,"

"But sir, you are too far away. It'll take a few weeks."

Said the other person on the line. The chiseled man only replied with,

"I don't care, I can wait for a thousand years what more of a few weeks,"

"Surely, you are joking, sir. But we will send an air space jet to you."

The guy on the other line replied,

"It doesn't matter, as long as you prepare something for my relaxation when I get there, all is fine,"

"Right away sir, we have a few beautiful places here," the other guy replied.

"Then I hope what you're saying is true."

Then the guy on the other line hangs up the phone. The chiseled man didn't mind, he just had a bored look on his face.

Suddenly, when he was about to turn off the communication device in his hand, a notification appeared.

[Admin Undying young King invites you to Alternate Universe Group Chat of Baal Villains ]

[Click YES if you want to enter ]

'Another system user? But I already killed one and my quota is filled. It would be useless if I hunt for another one again. However, if this is a system, then his system is excellent.

'Killing them and hunting them was fun. Let me see what kind of system users are ya, fella. If you are worthy to die by my hands.'

Then the chiseled man clicked, 'YES'