
"My king, I apologize for my subordinates' misconduct,"

Morus said while kneeling on the ground, he is trembling a little and couldn't take it anymore.


The amazon lady was stopped by at least six disorder demons, so her punch did not reach the young king's face. She was back as she was thrown by the six, making her extremely pissed.

Morus only kneeled as he close his eyes, 'I don't want you or all of us to die,' he thought.

The young king looked down, 'It seems I scared him too much,' he looked up and then looked down to observe the four ladies and Morus, the massively built man.

"I'm going to kill her. All of them are guarded by your tribe's elders,"

Morus and the ladies are surprised, 'what is the meaning of this?' they thought.

"As expected the king,"

Suddenly, five shadows flash in front of the ladies and Morus.




"Grand Shaman?"


The ladies and Morus exclaimed,

The elder brother of Morus looked sideways at his brother. "I do not blame you. He is monstrous,"

"As if I would let my daughter just like that," the man in tiger leather cloth said. He is scary with his ax on his back.

The five uninvited individuals were massive, so much that Morus is like a child to them.

"What are you all doing here?!" One of the ladies shouted,

The shaman, who had his eyes closed, spoke.

"Be silent and respect your elders. The young king summoned us. Making Morus subservient to him, and asking for the four daughters to be his concubine is just an excuse to speak with us. Am I right? Young King Throunos?"

The young did not deny it. 'Their tribe's values are great. I know that none of them would hand over their children or daughters easily. Especially to a noble like me,"

"Let's get down to business my king. I am interested." The Grand shaman said.

They were interrupted when, "Father, he disrespected us. This is our chance to seize his kingdom, the one who forces out to leave from this place."

The lady that looks so exquisite suggested, 'This is our chance. We can have our land back. There's no one around, even a little guard.'

"SILENCE!!" The shaman shouted.

This made Morus and the four ladies stunned, 'Don't interrupt, even if we gang up on him, three of us might perish and I doubt any of you could survive,' the elder's voice rang through their head.

The four froze when they heard that, especially the ladies.

'How? Guardian spirit?!' They asked,

'Only five rank kingdom is the starting point to have a guardian spirit, however, if this is then a guardian should be weak. I doubt the elders could lose to a mere five-star kingdom.' Morus tries hard to think about it.

'There is no guardian here. He is the monster, the king. So behave carefully,' the elder said in their mind.

The four and including Morus were shocked and they still couldn't believe it. ' their powerhouses are not sure to beat the king? What is the regent title? Why isn't he a regent? He's too young!'

"With your talent young king, you could've asked for regent's assistants. Am I right? So what you require us for help?"

The young king had a dark expression, but he was not angry or lost animosity. Fortunately, he is talking to these experienced people.

'I see, they must have seen my monster symbiosis minotaur form, but they are not releasing any kind of anger so the Treant made a Good job to counter their abilities to see the other events when I killed the elf and Treant,

'In my calculation, the two shamans would be a Warlock Specialist, the elder is an emitter being in the back, the father is also a Beast enhancer like his daughter and the Brother of that Morus is also a Royal Manipulator with feather pens on his back.

'They are not high-level individuals because of the limit of food for disorder users they consume and I'm not sure if I could kill them, but that is not my intention.'

"Alright, I don't want to beat around the bush. You all know Demi-Gaps, right?"

'Demi gaps?'

The shaman widened his eyes, and it took a minute for others to be in the same position, too. Demi gaps are Dimensional gaps that contain space to live in of any kind of race.

Some of them are as big as a country or even bigger. Extremely hard to find because they can only be accessed by some sort of that race's unique energy. All of a sudden, wild violent auras came from their bodies, they were not hiding their hatred. But it is not directed at the young king,

'They truly hate the other race huh, I wonder what would be their reaction if I tell them the race of beings inside that Demi-Gap.' the young king thought hidden inside his head.

A moment later, the Grand Shaman looked at the young king again, and ask,

"You have them?"

"What do you think? Why do I need to transform into another form?"

The shock was still written on the Grand Shaman's face. With his grim voice, he asks, "What race?"

"Blood Gnoll,"

"Are you sure?!"

The Grand Shaman said the other five are also affected. They are in a rage!

Humans are being hunted by Elves, Dragons, orcs, goblins, and other kinds of intelligent beings. Even with humanity's disorder power, these beings are peculiar. Some of them can hide, and no matter what humans did, they cannot be found.

They are called the Crypted race, the enemy of society, and very cruel to races other than their own.

They are not like temporal beasts who could be tamed. They are also more powerful than temporal beasts because they are peculiar. Some can regenerate, some can multiply.

"If it's truly Gnoll!' The Grand Shaman remembers the past.

All other races are dangerous and malevolent to each other.

Beautiful Fairies, Sirens, Elves are also included.

For fairies to have elemental power, they would sacrifice their target human child or another child from other races. Including temporal beasts,

Elves targets any creature they see and fed them to their Mother tree, so it could give them a gift to wield the power of nature.

Sirens target males and also feed them to their mother coral.

Finally, as the Gnoll are also bloodthirsty against each other, they would also target anything that has blood to sacrifice.

'My father and mother were castrated by those Gnolls! They were sacrificed and being tortured. With my strength right now! I'm sure a lot of them would perish by my hand!'

The Grand Shaman suddenly furrowed his brow after remembering the nightmarish experience, then he kneeled to the king,

"I recognize you now as our king. What do you need for our help?"

The ladies and Morus were surprised, but not the other four. They could understand even if they kneel, they would!