

After 5 minutes into the game, the first minor dragon spawned.

At the moment, the enemy jungler had scavenged a lot of resources. He had already hit Level 7 while the mid laner and marksman have also obtained their ult at Level 6. Due to being killed once, the top laner hadn't hit Level 6. Similarly, the support also has yet to hit Level 6.

On the other hand, Chi Shuo's jungler was currently at Level 5 as he had let up part of the economy to the marksman. The three who were in charge of damage, Zhao Xin'an, Sean, and Xie Weiyu had all reached Level 6.

Level-wise, Chi Shuo's side was at a disadvantage. Chi Shuo's level was two levels lower than Choi Hyuk and his equipment was also much worse. Moreover, Chi Shuo was a support jungler this round and didn't have any output ability. He couldn't be compared to the King of Fighter's ability to kill off someone with just a single combo.

However, Ye Shaoyang felt that this team fight could be fought.

Their side's top laner was already at Level 6 and Zhao Xin'an's Vampiric Duke's ult can restore HP. If he cooperated with Sean to kill off the enemy marksman while Ye Shaoyang protected their marksman from getting ambushed, then Xie Weiyu would be able to rely on his flexible and nimble movements to play high damage outputs to make up for the lack of damage from Chi Shuo's jungler in team fights.

Both team's support also served different roles in a team fight. While the enemy support's strength was in interfering and pushing towers, Ye Shaoyang's support can use a shield to block damages which made its protection ability for marksmen stronger than the enemy support.

Whether a team fight could be fought depended on a comprehensive consideration of various factors. Ye Shaoyang analyzed the situation quickly and said, "This round could be fought for. I'll go scoping, everyone prepare to support."

"Good, I'll come right after I clear the minions!" Zhao Xin'an said.

There were some wards placed by the enemy support near the spawn location of the minor dragon and Ye Shaoyang went to clear them. It was clear that the enemy support was also preparing for a team fight over the minor dragon and the both of them began fighting in the bushes with neither of them winning.

Ye Shaoyang realized the minion waves in the top and middle lane had both been cleared. He immediately sent a ping asking to assemble at the location of the dragon pit. Zhao Xin'an quickly came around from the woods while Chi Shuo was crouching in the bushes ahead of the dragon pit. Xie Weiyu stood behind on the sidelines making some preparations.

They were all world-class players and had very strong awareness of support.

All five players from both teams arrived quickly.

"Don't be in a hurry to fight and prepare for a counterattack." Chi Shuo said calmly.

Ye Shaoyang also thought the same way. Letting the opponent team start the fight first would result in them being more stable when counterattacking. After all, Ye Shaoyang hadn't reached Level 6 yet and didn't have his crowd control ult. It was easy for Xiao Zhao to get immobilized if he went to start the fight.

Sure enough, the enemy jungler was extremely confident and directly used his ult and jumped to Xie Weiyu from a faraway distance!

Choi Hyuk was very clear that the enemy marksman had already used his flash when he was ganked by him earlier. As long as he could stun the marksman with a single hit and the mid laner Park Wonseok was able to follow up with a skill combo, the weakened marksman would instantly be killed.

However, what made him feel surprised was that practically at the moment he had jumped to Xie Weiyu, Chi Shuo, who had been hiding in the bushes suddenly double dashed and interrupted his combo with a Q skill.

Ye Shaoyang's reaction was synchronized with Chi Shuo's and he swiftly raised his shield.

——Curse of destruction!

The enemy mid laner Park Wonseok unleashed a skill combo with his fast hand speed and six black mists rushed towards Xie Weiyu fiercely.

In the end, Ye Shaoyang was caught alone and all the hits landed on his shield!

The jungler and support joining hands to protect the marksman in this fight was so in-sync it was like their brain waves had synchronized.

Xie Weiyu wasn't a fool either. When he saw Ye Shaoyang raising the shield to help him block the attack, he immediately activated his wind mode and like a nimble nymph. He quickly moved away, keeping a distance between him and the enemy jungler.

Basic attack, basic attack, strengthen the basic attack. A marksman's damage attacks were simple and crude. Xie Weiyu held green arrows and he shot the arrows, one after another… at the enemy jungler!

Choi Hyuk originally thought that with the cooperation of his teammate Park Wonseok, their surprise attack would definitely swiftly kill off the enemy marksman. The number of marksmen he and Park Wonseok killed in the professional league while teaming up were enough to encircle the canyon when they lined up.

He didn't expect the opponents to have such a quick reaction. The mid laner accurately predicted and blocked the mid laner's black mist while the jungler unexpectedly hid on the side to keep an eye on him and interrupted his combo?

"Retreat." Choi Hyuk said, his expression calm.

Ye Shaoyang saw him turn around, wanting to escape, and he immediately said, "Keep him there!"

The support's Radiant Shield's Q skill could raise his shield and block flying objects in the air while his W skill could throw the shield to a desired location and let it stand there and act as an obstruction to block off the opponent's path.

Choi Hyuk's retreat route was very artful. He headed directly towards the dragon pit as there were reinforcements from his teammates over there. However, Ye Shaoyang had long predicted the route he would take when retreating and had thrown his shield out in advance!

As a result, Choi Hyuk was stopped by the shield before he could even take more than two steps.

Xie Weiyu jumped rapidly in the distance and shot another strengthened basic attack which caused Choi Hyuk's health to swiftly go down by half. At the same time, Zhao Xin'an raised the sharp sword in his hand and directly flashed to the opponents' end——

When the Vampiric Duke used his ult, his defense would be lowered and his body would emit a bloodthirsty red glow. However, his critical rate would increase and part of any attacks he made would increase his HP. Although he has a weak defense, it wouldn't be easy to die as long as he continued attacking and increasing his HP.

Seeing that the Vampiric Duke was rushing over, the enemy marksman immediately turned around to escape. Zhao Xin'an continuously used a W skill to dash and chase after the other, the sharp sword in his hand making horizontal slashes. The enemy support had no choice but to release three mechanical soldiers to immobilize him.

Zhao Xin'an was immobilized and unable to move. He could only watch as the enemy marksman with low health escapes.

However, Sean had been waiting for an opportunity on the side and seeing this, he suddenly used his ult 'Great Witch's Devour'. An ugly monster opened its bloody mouth and killed the enemy marksman who was in low health with a single bite!

The immobilizing effect on Zhao Xin'an ended and he turned around to continue chasing the enemy mid laner. Park Wonseok could only helplessly flash and retreat first. Jungler Choi Hyuk got hit with a long distance attack by Xie Weiyu who had the red buff and was killed as he couldn't move away!

Choi Hyuk: "..."

In ATB's training room, Choi Hyuk couldn't help scolding, "Our marksman is such a noob!"

Park Wonseok frowned, "I also don't know what the top laner is doing, is he sleepwalking?"

Choi Hyuk's expression was very ugly, "Which division's noob did we get matched to, he completely doesn't have a sense of cooperation."

Back in China, the live broadcasts of all players were full of '666' comments!

This round of cooperation was excellent. Both Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang tacitly protected the marksman Xie Weiyu while he moved around nimbly shooting continuously which killed off Choi Hyuk swiftly.

And Zhao Xin'an directly circled around the back and beat the enemy marksman down to low health before letting Sean take the kill with his ult.

0 for 2, they directly beat the opponents back into submission!

"They don't have a commander? It was obvious that they were very out of sync with each other during the team fight." Ye Shaoyang said.

"Mn, each of them fought their own battles, just like a heap of loose sand." Chi Shuo agreed.

During the double team in the bottom lane just now, the minion wave was pushed a little too far. Choi Hyuk didn't care about his teammates and directly rushed over confidently, wanting to kill the enemy marksman. In the end, he was forced to retreat by the cooperation between Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang.

It wasn't that the enemy top laner didn't want to support him, but he couldn't go over at all as his movements were blocked by Zhao Xin'an and Sean.

Although they were all from different teams, they all fought in the team fight with the same heart the moment Chi Shuo started commanding. Their five opponents all fought separately and as a result, they were separately destroyed.

Zhao Xin'an exclaimed excitedly, "Well done! Attack the dragon!"

Chi Shuo started attacking the dragon, Ye Shaoyang crouched in the bushes to hinder the opponents' field of vision, Zhao Xin'an went back to the top lane, and Xie Weiyu helped Chi Shuo with the attacks, and swiftly killed the minor dragon.

The minor dragon can increase a team's economy and everyone will get a share of it.

…Xie Wieyu's economy was higher than the enemy marksman by a few hundred. Sean took the first blood, then got another kill just now, so his economy was also higher than Park Wonseok by a few hundred. Similarly, Zhao Xin'an also fared better than the enemy top laner.

Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang were very poor.

However, their side had three players who developed more steadily than the opponents!

Taking advantage of the time they had after Choi Hyuk was killed, Ye Shaoyang scoped the lane in front and brought Chi Shuo to steal the opponents' blue buff. Xie Weiyu also took advantage of the enemy marksman retreating back to base and quickly rushed to the bottom tower and brought it down to half health.

"Prepare to push the bottom lane." Chi Shuo instructed.

Sean: "Copy that."

Choi Hyuk was revived very soon. As all the blue buffs had been taken by Chi Shuo, he went to the top lane's red buff area to farm after reviving and conveniently caught a wave there.

In the top lane, Chi Shuo clicked on one of the given prompts stating 'start to retreat'.

Zhao Xin'an perceived danger and immediately retreated after clearing the minions.

The mid laner, jungler, marksman, and support were at the bottom lane ganking.

At the moment, both Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang had already reached Level 6.

"Engage." Chi Shuo said.

Ye Shaoyang directly flashed under the opponents' tower and used an ult. The shield in his hand descended from the sky and stunned the enemy marksman! But the enemy marksman was an expert from the European division after all, so he wanted to cleanse himself then escape. However, Chi Shuo chased him directly across the tower and chased him all the way to the bottom lane and right outside the tower.

Sean went over and used an ult, and the ugly monster opened its bloody mouth once again and devoured the enemy marksman in low health!

Ye Shaoyang tanked the damage from the opponent's defensive tower and Xie Weiyu was shooting crazily from faraway with his explosive hand speed. The enemy support couldn't take his continuous attacks and died under the sharp arrows of the Wind Nymph.

——[SN333 (Great Witch of the North Sea) killed Romain (Machine Gun Huntsman)!]

——[Rain001 (Wind Nymph) killed Kyrian (Master Machinist)!]

——The enemy's defensive tower has been destroyed.

The fight this time in the bottom lane was a 4v2 and they had more people so they directly killed two opponent players back to their base while conveniently destroying the outer tower!

As for the top lane, as Zhao Xin'an had immediately withdrew after clearing minions, the enemy mid laner, jungler, and top laner didn't manage to kill him when they were ganking and the defensive tower only dropped down to half health.

The more the netizens watched, the more excited they became. This should be the difference between having a commander and no commander!

Just now, Chi Shuo had taken the enemy's blue buff. In fact, his intention was to force the enemy jungler to go to the top lane to beat red. After that, he can seize the chance to call the others over to the bottom lane to surround the opponents, forming a situation of 'more fighting less'.

No matter how strong a world-class player is, they wouldn't be able to 2v4 so it was very normal to get killed.

In the end, the difference in pacing had created this result.

Choi Hyuk saw two of his teammates dead in the bottom lane again and a trace of impatience gradually rose in his heart, "What's with these two players? I've already retreated but they still don't know how to retreat, simply insisting on dying!"

Park Wonseok and him were a mid laner and jungler who had won the world championship before. For them to not be able to get an advantage when ganking definitely means that their teammates' awareness were poor and couldn't keep up with their train of thoughts.

"Forget about the bottom lane and invade the enemy's jungle instead." Park Wonseok said.

"Let's go and take blue." Choi Hyuk replied.

Chi Shuo had been helping to push the bottom lane tower just now and hadn't collected the resources in the top half of the jungle. Choi Hyuk and Park Wonseok ganged up to steal a blue and in the process, cleared off the resources in the top half of the jungle. Doing so could be considered helping the current situation a little.

Chi Shuo looked at the minimap and said, "Swap lanes, push the top lane tower."

Zhao Xin'an went straight to the bottom lane while Xie Weiyu and Ye Shaoyang went to push the top lane tower. Chi Shuo also rushed over.

The enemy jungler saw Zhao Xin'an showing up at the bottom lane alone and immediately changed his strategy. He went to gank in the bottom lane and the bottom lane engaged in 4v1. Zhao Xin'an couldn't withstand it anymore and got killed by Choi Hyuk.

And in the top lane, their side had a 4v1 and killed the enemy marksman, with Xie Weiyu taking the kill.

Chi Shuo immediately started attacking the dragon. Ye Shaoyang blocked the mid lane while Xie Weiyu and Sean helped attack the dragon. The four enemy players couldn't… get there in time, and they could only watch an alert popping out on the screen stating 'The enemy team has slayed the dragon'.

In this wave, although Choi Hyuk managed to kill Zhao Xin'an and destroyed the outer tower in the bottom lane…

But their outer tower in the top lane had been pushed and they also lost out on the grand dragon. No matter how he sees it, they were on the losing end!

After taking the buff from the grand dragon, Chi Shuo said, "Push all three lanes and take note of the controlled minions' position."

Everyone is a professional player and should obviously know how to control minions. Zhao Xin'an went to the top lane to push, Xie Weiyu went to the bottom lane, and Sean went to the top lane. The three of them had a good grasp of the position of their minions and began pushing all three lanes with their promoted minions.

The five of them grouped up and pushed the mid lane, causing the mid lane tower to collapse swiftly.

At this moment, Choi Hyuk clearly felt that something was wrong, "The opponents' team has a professional commander."

Park Wonseok questioned, "Looking at the time now, it shouldn't be a Chinese professional team training in the international server, right?"

"There's a possibility." Choi Hyuk smiled lightly and said, "The teams in the Chinese division had all been defeated by us. There's no rush, let's protect the tower first and hold it down stably, then find chances to counterattack."

In the S9 world championship last year, there were no trophies recorded for the Chinese division while in the Korean division, ATB won the championship, TAC took the bronze medal. The view is boundless, they can still fight for more winning spots for their country in the next world championship.

From Choi Hyuk's perspective, there was no need to fear the Chinese division players who had never won a single championship for so many years. Even Chi Shuo who had once been boasted as the world's best jungler had declined in the past two years. As part of the promising younger generation, his popularity and strength had long replaced S6's Chi Shuo.

In the two team fights just now, there was someone commanding on the opponents' side. Their marksman was only taken advantage of due to being separated. As of now, Choi Hyuk and Park Wonseok's equipment are almost completed. Once Park Wonseok unleashes his ult, he'll be able to kill the weak opponents!

As long as the enemy marksman could be killed, everything would become much easier.

Guard their base and protect the crystal, then counterattack.

So what if it was a headwind match? Their ability to seize opportunities was so great that they'll still win all the same.

TL/n: A losing match due to poor cooperation or mistakes made by teammates etc.

The match reached 22 minutes very soon.

They've already charged into the opponents' base twice in a row but didn't manage to push their way through the base tower due to the minion waves being cleared.

Ye Shaoyang opened the game stats and took a look. The enemy jungler and mid laner had equipped very good gears. Korean players are especially good at amassing resources, so even if they were killed a few times in the early game, they would still be able to plunder resources everywhere from the map——

It was obvious that Choi Hyuk and Park Wonseok had gone to the top and bottom lanes many times to steal the minion waves and ate up a portion of their teammates' gold. Thus, while the two of them had a lot of gold, the other three fared a lot worse in comparison.

The enemy top laner's Black Knight had not even equipped a key defensive equipment and he wouldn't be able to hold his ground in team fights. The enemy marksman lacked armor penetration gear and his attacks did not deal much damage to a tanker. It was akin to a tickle and Ye Shaoyang's tanky support can completely defend against his attacks.

Meanwhile, the three core DPS of Ye Shaoyang's team which was the top laner, mid laner, and marksman all had taken up many resources. The attack speed items' stack for Xie Weiyu's marksman is already maxed, and he also bought a key critical attack item.

Ye Shaoyang asked Chi Shuo, "Should we invade the base or wait for the next grand dragon to respawn?"

There's still a few minutes before the grand dragon respawns. If it dragged on until all players had excellent equipment, they may not necessarily win during team fights. Chi Shuo thought about it a little, then said, "Invade the base so as to end it quickly in the shortest time possible."

When everyone heard this, they immediately perked up and began pushing the three lanes and collected resources.

The resources in the jungle had been completely cleared off and the minion waves from the three lanes were also brought along.

Park Wonseok's Destruction Mage was a hero that could defend towers very well.

He can kill the fragile enemy marksman instantly when he uses his ult!

Chi Shuo took his teammates along to the base and as expected, the opponents were there guarding the tower and cleared a minion wave. Chi Shuo immediately switched to the mid lane with Ye Shaoyang protecting at the front, and Xie Weiyu at the back swiftly destroying the defensive towers.

Right at this moment, Choi Hyuk seized the opportunity——

Maybe it's because the marksman [Wind Nymph] wanted to rapidly destroy the defensive towers which caused him to move forward too much.

His eyes lit up, "Kill the marksman!"

…Before the sound of his voice could even die down, he aimed a fist at Xie Weiyu's face. It has to be said that the world-class jungler still had some ability as he was able to aim very accurately when immobilizing people. Xie Weiyu was instantly stunned and was taken down to half-health.

In the next moment, Park Wonseok unleashed his ult. The Destruction Mage's black magical ball shot out from his hand in an instant and just when it looked like it was going to hit Xie Weiyu, Xie Weiyu suddenly intuitively flashed…

He unexpectedly flashed to his front!

The Destruction Mage's ult is a long-range attack so if one hides at a further distance, they may get hit. But if they hid in the opposite direction instead, there may be a chance that they can evade the magical ball's trajectory.

Other than Xie Weiyu, Ye Shaoyang and Zhao Xin'an flashed over too.

Ye Shaoyang used his ult and the shield descended from the sky, directly stunning Park Wonseok!

Zhao Xin'an struck at him fiercely and the fragile mage was brought down to low health. Park Wonseok could only escape first but then, Xie Wieyu who was armed with the red buff, rushed under the tower and shot rapidly. Even if Park Wonseok turned to flash and escaped, Xie Weiyu could still catch him——Xie Weiyu flashed in the opposite direction with his teammates to kill him.

Basic attack, basic attack, strengthened the critical hit!

A marksman's damage output was completely dependent on hand speed, and Xie Weiyu shot Park Wonseok to death with two arrows.

Choi Hyuk was utterly stupefied——why the heck are these three people flashing towards the crystal uniformly? They no longer want their lives? He turned back, only to see the jungler's Brawler equip a full set of tanky gear, helping to attack a tower.

Zhao Xin'an flashed and struck his way through fiercely, the sharp sword in his hand swinging like it was cutting melons and vegetables. He aimed at the enemy marksman after he dealt with the mid laner. The Vampiric Duke's ult had strong lifesteal so he wasn't afraid of going under towers and killing people, as he could regain his health even if it dropped.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy marksman had been hacked by him to low health.

As there were teammates tanking the damage from the towers, Xie Weiyu swiftly pranced around under the tower, dealing damage with his long-range attacks. He sniped the enemy marksman to death with an arrow.

Choi Hyuk wanted to head back to kill him but right at that moment, Chi Shuo stunned him, leaving him under the tower.

Sean used his ult 'Great Witch's Devour' and Choi Hyuk was taken down to critically low health. Xie Weiyu turned back and aimed a critical shot at him, taking Choi Hyuk who was in low health's head away!

——[Rain001 (Wind Nymph) killed XIXI (Destruction Mage)!]

——[Rain001 (Wind Nymph) killed Romain (Machine Gun Huntsman)!]

——[Rain001 (Wind Nymph) killed KING (King of Fighters)!]

——Triple kill!

With the cooperation of his teammates, Xie Weiyu flashed and charged under the tower, taking three kills at the base explosively!

"Nice!" Sean praised.

Zhao Xin'an: "Xiao Yu 6666!"

A bit of excitement could be sensed from Ye Shaoyang's voice when he spoke, "Xiao Yu, hurry and push the towers! Push the towers, push the towers!"

The base tower had already been pushed. Zhao Xin'an went to chase the enemy support while Chi Shuo went to block the enemy top laner. This caused the opponents to have no way of clearing the minions while Ye Shaoyang's team was left with the last minion that hadn't been cleared.

Xie Wieyu took the last surviving minion with him and swiftly fired at the base crystal.

Right until the crystal shattered loudly right in front of him.


The gold victory letters popped out on the screen. In China, the live broadcasts of all the players were filled with white bullet comments.

It was especially true for Xie Weiyu's broadcast. There were countless fans who stood up to speak for him.

[Who was the one who said Xiao Yu was a noob? This is what you call noob?]

[Some people are blind and look down on others. Although Xiao Yu didn't win the world championship before, he at least led Yaoguang to win runner-up, didn't he? Those shallow people who turned their back on the previous captain and insulted him are really disgusting.]

[When a person leaves, the tea becomes cold. Xiao Yu leaving Yaoguang was the right choice. A coldhearted team with brainless fans doesn't deserve you putting in your best efforts for them!]

When Xie Weiyu saw these bullet comments, his eyes felt like they were burning and he didn't know what to say.

He only did what a marksman should have done in the last bout where he took three kills, such as evading from key skills and rapidly dealing damage. In fact, Ye Shaoyang initiated the team fight in an excellent manner and directly stunned the enemy mid laner; Chi Shuo had been focusing on the enemy jungler all this while, not letting him have any chance of attacking Xie Weiyu; Zhao Xin'an had struck his way through nimbly and the ult that Sean unleashed was also very timely.

God's War is a team-based game.

Pushing the base and taking three kills was a result of their joint cooperation.

Although all five of them came from different teams, they all shared the same thought during today's ranked.

——They want to win.

They want to fight for the honor of the Chinese division players!

It was obvious that Choi Hyuk and Park Wonseok looked down on them and felt that their mid/jungle duo was enough to set the rhythm and defeat them. Their arrogant bearings could actually be felt by them.

But like how it was just proven, so what if they were the world's best mid laner and jungler?

Ignoring teammates and not cooperating well during team fights would still lead to you dying at your base!

This round of ranked was played very well but the more intellectual netizens all knew that the key reason for them winning was due to the opponents not having a commander, causing them to not be able to work well especially in team fights. On the other hand, Chi Shuo, who had a very strong game sense, was the commander and everyone else was also willing to follow his instructions.

This was just a randomly-matched ranked match.

When will the Chinese division teams be able to truly defeat the ATB team in the world championship?

A thought couldn't help but appear in everyone's mind.

When all five ATB players are on the competition stage with good cooperation and tacit understanding, can we still win?

The intellectual fans in Ye Shaoyang's live broadcast started to analyse——

[We won this game because we had a commander and could communicate using the voice channel. The opponents didn't have a commander which caused them to be left out alone and get caught easily. But everyone mustn't forget that our Yangyang played support this round while Chi Shuo was a support jungler!]

[That's right, that's right. Our Tianhuan's mid/jungle duo haven't made an appearance.]

[Tianhuan Riyue's mid/jungle duo also won't be afraid of them at all even if they fought with them head-on.]

[Looking forward to the day you'll beat the Korean teams into submission in the world championship!]

Ye Shaoyang looked at the bullet comments, the corners of his lips lifting slightly.

That's a given as Tianhuan's goal is to win the world championship. They'll definitely have to compete against the Korean teams.

Choi Hyuk and Park Wonseok, the world's best mid laner and jungler? Have you asked the professional players from other countries? After being praised by the Korean media for some time, the both of you started to float?

TL/n: Have their heads up their asses.

Today was merely a chance encounter in ranked, a simple comparing of notes.

In the S10 world championship, we'll let you see what a true mid laner and jungler demon king is!