

After the training match ended, Cheng Xing immersed himself in practicing heroes again.

There were many marksman heroes. He had previously always followed master in playing jungler and after switching to the marksman, he picked heroes that were often used in competitions to practice. His hero pool wasn't deep enough and he can't hold a candle to all-rounded players like Ye Shaoyang.

Although being carried to victory was pretty nice, he can't possibly wait to be carried to victory every game, right?

Moreover, today's training match with Korea's TIP made him realize something even clearer——In future matches with strong teams, he may become Tianhuan's weakness and become the opponents' breakthrough point!

He doesn't want to hold everyone back.

Ye Shaoyang and Cheng Xing's seats were right next to each other. When he turned to the side, he saw that the youth's face was extremely serious, his gaze fixated on the computer screen.

On the computer screen was the display of the training mode. Cheng Xing was currently practicing how to farm minions and his techniques. He was also secretly practicing marksman heroes that weren't frequently used in the league.

The corner of Ye Shaoyang's mouth uncontrollably curved up lightly. He liked Chi Shuo's apprentice very much and he was very hardworking too. Before the season started, he had been jointly abused by Ye Shaoyand and Chi Shuo everyday and had died at least a few hundred times. The '100 Ways of Dying by Cheng Xing' edited by Qu Jiang already had a sequel and became a series.

As the number of times he was abused increased, his mental state also became stronger and stronger. When he was first killed, his eyes would get red and he would look like he was about to cry. Now, he would immediately fight back energetically even after getting killed, just like an undying cockroach.

Cheng Xing had always been silently improving.

It's just that Tianhuan's mid laner and jungler was too strong and covered his brilliance.

Ye Shaoyang saw him training seriously, then said, "There's no point in training alone. I'll join you for training in the evening."

Cheng Xing looked back at him, stunned for a moment.

"Yang-ge, you want to go 1v1 with me?"

"I'll go 1v1 with you using the mid laner. Try using different skills and see what ways you can use to hide from the mid lane." Ye Shaoyang said.

Previously, their trainings were all Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo with Qu Jiang and Cheng Xing playing 2v2. It would imitate the scene of a mid/jungle duo ganking the bottom lane in competitions. Ye Shaoyang and Cheng Xing had never trained 1v1 but in fact, 1v1 can allow improvements on details regarding many techniques.

For example, in a situation without the support's protection, how exactly can they avoid the Destruction Mage's six blades of black mist? How can they get away from the ult of the Great Witch of the North Sea that could engulf players?

Once they familiarize themselves with all these details and trained sufficiently, it wouldn't be as easy for the enemy mid laner to kill off Cheng Xing with an ult in future matches at the very least.

This was how Ye Shaoyang used to abuse his marksman back in the GD team.

In the end, the marksman of the GD team was shaped into the 'World's Hardest to Gank Marksman'.

Marksmen must have the ability to protect themselves and escape, instead of relying wholly on the support's protection. This was because the support still had to establish vision and help out the team. He can't possibly only stare at one player.

There are times where the support even had to initiate fights. When that happens, the marksman can only pray that he has enough blessings.

Cheng Xing's eyes shone, "Okay, Yang-ge shall accompany me to train in the evening!"

That night, Ye Shaoyang opened the PK training mode. He chose various mid lane heroes when playing 1v1 with Cheng Xing, and would even patiently explain, "The Destruction Mage's black mists come in an arc. When he unleashes his ult, don't move further away from him. Move towards him instead so that when escaping, the black mists would just slip past you."

"The Great Witch of the North Sea's ult requires a casting time of 0.3 seconds. Mid laners with strong game senses would be able to predict your movements and use their ult accordingly. You should think about how to hide from it when you're in a situation where you can't use your flash."

The settings in the training mode can be adjusted at any time. Ye Shaoyang and Cheng Xing were PK in the mid lane and when they died, they would immediately get up and continue. Mid laners equipped with a full set of gear could instantly kill a marksman. In a team fight, regardless of whether it was an artillery or assassin mage, both are great threats to a marksman's survival.

Cheng Xing tried all ways to avoid Ye Shaoyang's skills. It was initially hard for him to avoid at first, but after dying many times and under Ye Shaoyang's patient guidance, he managed to put his experience to good use.

Ye Shaoyang patiently gave Cheng Xing pointers during the games and would even purposely give in to Cheng Xing and let him evade from his skills. Cheng Xing's reaction was extremely fast and he became more and more agile. His survival rate when facing Ye Shaoyang's ult also gradually increased.

Seeing this scene, Chi Shuo felt very complicated.

Ye Shaoyang was just like a captain. He didn't feel like a newcomer at all. Sometimes he would even suspect that maybe Shaoyang... was a hidden expert that was deliberately pretending to be a newcomer?

But no matter how he checked Ye Shaoyang's background, it stated that he came into contact with gaming only last year and was a newcomer without any competitive experience. Just simply using the excuse of having a 'big heart' doesn't cover the fact that his story has a lot of holes.

Chi Shuo also didn't want to directly ask him about it. Perhaps in the future after they've gotten together and Ye Shaoyang trusts him enough, he'll ask him about his origins. Maybe the answer he'll be given will be different then?

There was no need to get to the bottom of this matter as of now.

Chi Shuo suppressed the doubts he had temporarily and let Ye Shaoyang continue helping his apprentice.

Going forward, all five players in Tianhuan would play training matches with Team Two every afternoon and practice their comps. In the evening, Ye Shaoyang would PK with Cheng Xing alone using the training mode.

Cheng Xing used to learn jungling from Chi Shuo in the past so he knew all the jungle heroes very well. However, he still didn't have a profound understanding towards mid laners and thus, there were many instances where he had been killed by enemy mid laners during team fights.

The results of Ye Shaoyang giving him special 1-on-1 training was especially good.

Ye Shaoyang helped Cheng Xing get a good grasp on how mid lane heroes are able to kill players and he even demonstrated to him patiently the differences between the skills released under the effects of different skins.

For example, the skill released by the Destruction Mage's legendary skin are six cool black skulls; once it was changed to the limited edition Christmas-themed skin, it will turn into red bombshells, causing visual errors. A player has to adapt to the different skill effects released by all kinds of skins so that they can prevent themselves from getting confused and be unable to see clearly.

Every professional player has a skin they prefer and changing it can cause a change in the skill effect and color. It can seem like a small matter that doesn't affect much but in competitions, the outcome of the match could change even by the most subtle differences.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed. Tianhuan and CYC met again in Group A.

Although CYC had improved in this match, they would hopelessly realize that Tianhuan improved even faster! It was especially difficult to kill their marksman, let alone their mid laner. He was still the great demon king they remembered.

CYC suffered a crushing defeat in the hands of Tianhuan again.

In the second match they played in the third week of the regular season, Tianhuan defeated Jixuan with a 2:0.

In the fourth week, Tianhuan defeated Xueying with a 2:0.

Looking at Tianhuan's schedule in Group A so far, they've finished playing four out of 5 matches. They still have one last match with Luoshendian scheduled for the weekend.

All the other teams in Group A have already finished their matches.

Currently, the last three teams in the Group A leaderboard wouldn't be able to get promoted. However, the final results still couldn't be determined for the top three teams.

In God's War's group stage, the winning points were calculated according to the number of matches won. The number of matches a team wins would equal the number of points they would receive.

Clean wins are the number of winning games minus the number of losing games. For example, 2-0 would be two points, 2-1 would be one point, a 0-2 defeat would be negative two points, and 1-2 would be negative one point.

The rules for their ranking was to look at the winning points first, then look at the number of clean wins a team has.

The viewers' hearts were all anxious after looking at the current ranking in Group A.

Tianhuan won four matches and lost zero. Their clean wins were seven——they had won three matches with a 2-0, and one with a 2-1.

Luoshendian won three matches and lost one, and their clean wins were five——three matches with a 2-0 and one with a 1-2 (lost to Yueying).

Yueying won three and lost two, and had three clean wins——two matches with 2-0, one with 2-1 (won against Luoshendian), and two with 1-2 (lost to Tianhuan and Xueying).

The remaining three teams' wins didn't exceed two, so there isn't any chance of being promoted for them.

Team Yueying had already finished playing all five of their matches and their clean wins were lower than Luoshendian currently. However, they won the match with Luoshendian 2-1. The last Group A match between Tianhuan and Luoshendian hadn't been fought, and that match would determine the promotion of teams in the second phase of Group A.

If Tianhuan loses to Luoshendian with a 0-2 or 1-2, the teams to get promoted would be Luoshendian and Tianhuan;

If Tianhuan wins Luoshendian with a 2-1, Luoshendian's clean wins would be four and the promoted teams would also be Tianhuan and Luoshendian;

If Tianhuan wins Luoshendian with a 2-0, Yueying would get promoted according to the rule of looking at the clean wins when two teams' winning points were equal. Both teams had three clean wins but because Yueying had defeated Luoshendian in the group stage, Yueying would get promoted.

Different scores would lead to different results. The amount of attention this match received even surpassed Group S's ending match. Everyone was looking forward to seeing which teams would get promoted in Group A after all.

May 2nd, 7 p.m. on Sunday, Tianhuan VS Luoshendian.

The match was arranged to be held in Ya'an Esports Center. This was also the last match in Group A.

Team Yueying also just finished playing a match yesterday and hence, they didn't return to their base and stayed at Ya'an City instead to prepare to watch the last match of Group A before returning. The results of this match were also closely related to them after all.

On the day of the match, Xu Zhuo brought his team to the live venue and prepared to head to the backstage lounge to watch the match.

They ran into Yaoguang's coach and players in the hallway. While Tianhuan and Luoshendian's match at 7 p.m. was the ending match in Group A, Yaoguang and Huowen also had a match at 9 p.m. which concluded the ranking in Group S.

The entire team in Yaoguang arrived at the live venue in advance and very unfortunately ran into Xu Zhuo and his team.

Both teams' players met each other in the hallway, causing the atmosphere to instantly become awkward.

All five players from Yaoguang pretended to not have seen them and walked straight around the corner and entered their lounge.

Xie Weiyu's face was a little pale and his head lowered slightly. Xu Zhuo frowned and said in a low voice, "A group of white-eyed wolves. They saw their previous captain but didn't even bother to greet, really fucking fools. Don't be angry for such people."

Right at this moment, the players from Tianhuan walked over.

Xie Weiyu heard someone yelling at him, "Xiao Yu, are you guys here at the live venue to watch the match too?"

Turning back to Ye Shaoyang's smile, Xie Wieyu's mood instantly turned for the better and he ran over to greet him, "We finished playing our last match yesterday. Our coach told us to stay for another day and only return when the results in Group A are released."

Xu Zhuo turned around and gave Chi Shuo a hug.

"Good luck for the match later," he smiled.

"Mn. We can't promise anything, but we'll definitely try our best."

Luoshendian was also a strong team and one of top eight players in the last season. Although they lost 1-2 to Yueying in Group A as they were careless which led to Team Yueying winning the match, causing their record to be three wins and a single defeat, the comprehensive strength of this team was still not to be underestimated.

Ye Shaoyang leaned forward and stopped beside Xie Weiyu's ear, and using a volume that only the two of them can hear, he said softly, "I have to thank you for the tremendous improvement our Cheng Xing had made during this period."

Xie Weiyu was stunned for a moment, "Thank me for what?"

Ye Shaoyang: "Lately, he's been watching Yueying's competition recordings and learning to play Wind Nymph by following you."

Xie Weiyu finally reacted and looked back at Cheng Xing.

Cheng Xing was following behind Ye Shaoyang and when he saw Xie Weiyu looking at him, he scratched his head with a silly smile.

Xie Weiyu replied softly, "Xiao Xing is pretty talented and has fast reactions. I can't get much of an advantage when facing him."

Ye Shaoyang said, "Mn, although there is still a gap between you and him, he's still pretty hardworking."

Xie Weiyu felt complicated.

They were all newcomers so why does Ye Shaoyang constantly has an attitude similar to that of an older brother? He debuted two years before Ye Shaoyang but what's baffling is that when he's in front of Ye Shaoyang, he would automatically become a younger brother that's taken care of?

Xie Weiyu felt extremely puzzled. Ye Shaoyang patted his shoulder lightly, his eyes twinkling.

"I'll go to prepare first, be sure to look out for my brilliant performance later!"

There's really not a single bit of modesty in him at all.

Xie Weiyu smiled, "Okay, good luck."

The group in Tianhuan arrived at their room and Coach Lin gave one last pep rally, "Let's play the game in a relax manner today. Even if we lost this match with a 0-2, Tianhuan will still definitely get promoted. It's just that the results of this match will affect the promotion of Yueying and Luoshendian and thus, you should all do your best and not give in on purpose!"

Everyone nodded to show that they understood.

If they were seen to be losing on purpose, they would definitely be scolded by the netizens to death. The netizens would think that they were making deals covertly and even come up with conspiracy theories like if a club has paid off Tianhuan?

Hence, they must go all out in this match and make the netizens feel thoroughly convinced of them.