Bored Young Boy

"Hmm, I see. So you're saying you came into this backwater low tier realm by mere chance??" Blake nodded as he stared into the depths of the Ring Master's soul. He would burn the Ring Master's fragile soul away if he ever even caught the slightest quiver in his words.

"Yes, my lord..."The Ring Master's lips quivered as the words were forced out of his mouth. As a 6-ringed Ring Master he should have been quite powerful. But in the presence of Blake, he was powerless. A mere ant before an unmovable mountain. It wasn't Blake's cultivation that could suppress the ring master, but it was his deathly aura that sent anyone earth shaking shivers.

"Now, what should I do with you, Mr. Ringmaster?"

"It's actually Soul lord..."

"Wait a minute, Soul Emperor? Was it not Spirit Emperor?? When did the terms change??"Blake was stunned for a brief moment before regaining back his calm composure.

"Uh, about 5000 years ago? Maybe after Spirit Pagoda could create spirit souls?? I'm not really sure about lord" He had only lived for about 50 years in that world so the knowledge he had wasn't very deep.

"Well anyway, you can now get out of my sight or...Perish along with the owners of this estate. I'm about to blow this joint up into flames!"

"What?! Weren't you sent by the main family to rescue us?" The huddled party finally spoke up, their eyes were wide with terror as they were told they were about to be blown up. "Wh..Who..are you?"

"Me? I'm just a bored young boy who's now going to destroy your nameless family, nothing too serious." Blake mused. "Oh, right...There are still people here...You know, you guys are incredibly lucky to be able to die in an explosion...I'm jelly."

The terror in the group's eyes subsided slightly at Blake's joke. They were extremely terrified of the Ringmaster at first, but after witnessing Blake's combat ability...They feared him over the Ringmaster even more. Yes, the kid was more scary than the fake Immortal. Backwater low tier realm logic.

After hauling all of the Derako branch family members outside along with the Ringmaster, Blake concentrated all of the mana within his body to his right hand, transforming that mass of mana into a mass of Magical Energy. He controlled the flow of this mass of Magical Energy into a sphere before lunging it at the estate. Forming this sphere of Magical Energy was not within Blake's ability, but instead was a Magic Art called [Mana Bomb].

He was exhausted all right. That [Mana Bomb] drained him of all his remaining energy. Upon contact with the estate, an explosion occurred and a 5 story tall mushroom cloud appeared. Yes, it was that powerful. But it was also incredibly taxing. For Blake anyways.

The branch members and the ring master both stood rooted to the spot, mouths hanging wide open.

"A mere brat can do this much damage?!? Just how powerful will this brat be in the future?..."

The Ringmaster shuddered as he thought back to during his battle with the kid. The kid's strength to him was about the same strength as a power type Soul Douluo. Could he be from that place?? Was he sent here by them??

The Derako branch estate burned continuously for 10 days. And within those 10 days, Blake decided to return to school to take his grade's final exam. He's still a student, ya know?

'Now, on to the next estate!' Blake declared. He did some back and arm stretches before leaving for his next location.

After switching trains for about an hour, Blake finally reached the foot of Mount Kaikoma. Yes, the next Derako branch estate was on the side of this mountain. It's a pain in the ass to climb, much less even destroying it.

It took him a whole 2 hours to trek up the mountain. Even though he was already a Magic Practitioner, it still took him a while to get up there.

'Man, I wonder whether the Japanese government will mind the holes I left in the side of the mountain.....Nah, they won't.'

At the summit of Mount Kaikoma

'Damn it! Where is that place located?! Those old fogeys from the previous branch told me there should be one here on this mountain, but I DON'T SEE IT!!!'

After another hour of searching the mountain...

'You know what?! Screw this! I'm grazing this mountain to the ground!'

Blake lifted up his right hand, curled it into a fist, then punched the ground very hard. The whole mountain shook under his mighty fist, cracks soon formed from where he punched and then the whole mountain just collapsed like that.

In the midst of the collapsing Mount Kaikoma, Blake could suddenly hear the cries of fear and agony resounding in the mountain.

Owh, so they were inside the mountain...Huh, well anyways, on to the next spot!

The sudden collapse of Mount Kaikoma shook the entire nation by storm. The government had sent squads of researchers to the collapsed site to investigate the reason behind the sudden collapse of a Mountain, but their search was to no avail.

At the end of the day, they could only conclude it was because of an unknown natural disaster or that a battle between cultivators had broken out. The latter made more sense to the public considering the vast amount of martial artists that can be found in the country.

Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture

"Excuse me big brother, can you tell me the directions to Sky Dragon Industries headquarters??"

"Aahh?! You want to go to Sky Dragon Industry headquarters? I'm sorry kid, but as a resident of this city, I do not have the obligation to tell an outsider where their headquarters are..."

"Oh, alrighty then...Goodbye."

Wow, these people are all so weird! What's their deal anyway, huh?! It's just a Derako family corporation and they won't share their info with me...What the hell...

After asking around again for a full hour, Blake decided that he should stop for the day. Continuously doing without getting results was just a waste of time. He'll come back next time.

Tokorozawa City

By the time Blake reached his station, it was already night time. He decided that it would be best to spend the night cultivating. If he could reach the 2nd level of Magic Practitioner by morning, then things in the future would be easier for him.

After entering his house, Blake took a nice hot shower to relax.

'Aaaahh...Finally! Now, what spell should I learn after reaching rank 2 of Magic Practitioner realm?...Ah, I know! I should learn [Spirit Eyes]! Yeah, I need to cultivate my Spiritual Sense anyways.'