Self-reflection and the great one.

[You have died!]

[You have not set your spawn therefore you will be respawned where you first came into this world.]

When Slade regained his vision he was standing in the same massive green plain without much vegetation.


[ Name: Slade

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 2 [0%]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A



Physical damage:26

Magical damage:24

Strength: 13

Agility: 25+10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 12

Vitality: 10

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10

Attribute skills:0

Physical defense:10+3

Magical defense:0


Inspect Lvl.1: Cost: 1 MP, can see information about monsters that do not exceed the user's level by more than 10 levels.

Meteor Strike Lvl.2: Cost:90 MP, when falling down heights greater than 2m while perpendicular to the ground while facing it with a weapon, you can perform a falling strike that can impale the enemy.the greater the height the greater the damage caused(beware fall damage will still count).<220 Physical damage x (0.6 x maximum height(m) before falling(maximum of 20m) >

Kick you while you are down: Cost:10 MP per kick, when an enemy is immobilized to the ground you can start kicking them for extra physical damage.<+50 Physical Damage when kicking>

Sprint Lvl.1: Cost 20 MP/S: while active the skill increases your movement speed by 10%<+10% movement speed>

Instincts Lvl.1: Cost ?:?]

Slade sighed as had died yet again to something he could not go against.'Well, at least I scammed an item from, haha wait till he finds out I've never done any of his dumb trials '. He pulled the item out from his bag and inspected it.

[Bleed Enchantment Gem

Type: Weapon enhancement

Grade: Legendary ]

"Worth it, now all I have to get is my weapon and a way to enhance it," Slade said to himself.

<-200 reputation points to high noble demon Kayn>

<-50 reputation points for the demon race>

"Ha I already offended a goddess, what can one demon really do?"

Now that he looked up he can see that its night time with two full moons in the sky almost overlapping each other. Slade decided to go to the only other place he is willing to go which is the mysterious lake. With no weapon he can use, he puts all his faith in his boots so when danger comes he can just run away.

As he reaches the dividing line to the mysterious lake area, he feels weirdly cold not by temperature but something he can't exactly describe. He started to feel calmer which led him to see that he was acting a bit rashly toward some powerful figures, as he started to self-reflect he realized that he was being stressed and his behavior was starting to show it. It's scary when you let your emotions start to take over, he decided to just lay down and take a 5-minute breather. As he was approaching the lake the mist starts to thicken until he only can saw grey smoke which weirdly started to surround him. He continued to walk forward as he trusted his brain to remember the directions until he stopped where the lake was supposed to begin.

Do you know the feeling of sensory confusion where what you taste and what you smell is different like eating blue cheese imagine that just more intensified? That was what Slade was feeling when he could you the ripples in the water. He could feel the freezing cold water but what if instead of seeing water all he saw was a tunnel where the walls were pitch black and blue fire from the ceiling illuminated the way. Truly unnerving. Slade took a deep breath and calmed his mind, He decided to trust his sight and walk forward. What was mystifying was that with every step he took, he started to feel the negative emotions that were holding him down start to chip away. His mind was getting sharper and for the first time in his life, he started to accept himself.

[Blessing of an unknown great one received!]

When he reached the end he found he found that all of the grey mist was absorbed by him. What he saw on the other side was a room only containing a table and a pair of chairs opposite each other. A pair of yellow glowing eyes watching from as I sat across the mysterious humanoid form in front of me.

"I do not know if you are truly fortunate or if this is fate for you to come across the lake while there are two full moons while I'm basking in its essence and releasing some of my own." came a calm-inducing husky voice from the being.

The being was so dark that Slade can barely detect it from the light coming from the ceiling of blue flames. Despite that, it had a humanoid shape where tendrils of darkness flake off occasionally. Its only striking feature was the glowing yellow eyes.

"I doubt it is any of the two, but I'm glad I made it here. Just the mere essence helped me self-reflect and be myself. I do not know who you are but you have my gratitude" Slade said in wonder.

"Call me S for now, but do not thank me, it requires a certain affinity and talent for your mind not to decay let alone benefit from it. I would like to give you an opportunity you reaching here, but first i need to know something from you."

"Go ahead and I promise to answer honestly."

"What do seek in life? Is it power?longevity?riches?Is it a harem full of beautiful women? Do note that just because I'm asking this question does now mean I can fulfill it for you."

"It is a hard question I tell you, one that I've been asking my whole life. Only recently have I figured it out, and no it's not any of them you listed, tempting as they are. What I am truly seeking is who I am, what really is Slade, what makes me, me. And I doubt I really can find out in this life."

"That was truly an interesting answer, one that I can't really give you any advice on, but I will give you an opportunity that will help you in your journey. Only if you are willing to get help from someone like me." It only took Slade a second before he answered.

"It would be my honor."

"But not so soon," the being said, "As you are far too weak to hold my power, and as I can see someone of your level is not supposed to be hanging out in the wastelands, but fret not I will send you where you supposed to go with your other travelers."

"I will give you a teleportation scroll for you to come back here, but in order to receive my power you must be level 10 and complete my quest."

[Quest received: the unknown great one's inheritance.

Description: A myth has taken an interest in you, whether that's a good or bad thing for you is unknown He has given you a chance to change your fate but first you got to be strong enough in body and mind

Task No.1-You must reach level 10.

Task No.2- You must, by your own effort find out what is the great one's name, origin, and race.

Task No.3-Do not take too long or else he may lose interest in you.

Possible rewards:

1)Class change.

2)Race change.


In the case of failure:

1)Removal of blessing.]