The trio and the loot.

A party of three was traveling in the wood, a flashy level 6 mage who was constantly fixing her hair, A level 7 warrior with a huge ax, and a level 5 assassin occasionally checking out for dangers. The party was progressing through the woods before they heard the constant sounds of something falling to the ground. They hid in the nearby bushes before looking out and spotting a young man in novice clothing adding another fallen boar to his collection with his terrifying scythe. They watched him lean against a nearby tree to rest as they spoke in hushed voices.

"What do you guys think?" asked the warrior

"That guy is hot I mean look at the way he smiles."The woman said with a blush.

"What is wrong with you, he only smiled while killing, and this is beside the point you dumb girl what else have you guys noticed." said the warrior with frustration.

"That weapon is a treasure look at the equipment he is wearing and the fact that he only recently leveled up to four. With the way, he one-shots the mobs I say the weapon is at least legendary grade." said the assassin,

"Oh, you right." said the mage.

"My thoughts exactly, and I want to take it away from him, imagine how rich we will be if we manage to sell it. This is the chance guys we can do this, but first, we need a plan to kill him before he can attack us and for that, we need you to use stealth and sneak behind him. We will distract him and when you get the chance kill him or buy us enough time to do that at least."

With the plan set up, they watched in awe as the guy decimated the rare boar, and with renewed determination they...

"Are you three still going to play hide-n-seek or must I personally invite you here." said while looking at them with a smile. With a signal to continue the plan the mage and warrior walked out openly while the assassin sneaked past the oblivious target.

Slade watched as the two stepped in front of him and say...

"Hey handsome, we do not mean any harm we were just passing by." said the mage flirtatiously

"Yeah and I'm just wondering where you got your scythe as it is quite unique and eye-catching." Probed the warrior.

"Oh this," Slade held out the weapon "I just found in the ground nearby."

"If that is the case we will offer you 50 silver for it, which is quite a lot in the early game, and since I'm generous I will even recommend you to my guild."The warrior offered as he looked at the weapon longingly with a look that says he is taking a loss.

"I will even give you my number." the mage added.

"You know guys," Slade started talking while pointing the scythe behind him"I did say the three of you."The assassin's figure gradually showed as the blade was pointed at his neck.

"How did you..." was all he said before he got decapitated and turn into pixels and disappeared.

While the two were flabbergasted Slade walked in from of and asked "Now that this farce is over are there any last words you guys have to say?" and just when they managed to open their mouths their heads went flying.

"Haha I love doing that, it's so satisfying, maybe I need some help."

With the annoyances dealt with he looted a few worthless items they dropped and luckily in this game you do not receive a red name from PKing. He also decided to check the loot received from the tusked boar.

[Tusked boar leather:

Type: Crafting Material

Grade: Bronze]

[Tusked boar meat:

Type: Ingredient

Grade: Bronze]

[Ring of minor strength :

Type: Ring

Equipment Requirement: Lv.5

Grade: Silver

Property: +5 to strength]

[ Name: Slade

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 5 [10%]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A

Blessing:S???(+10% to every stat;??? skill)



Physical damage:38

Magical damage:26

Strength: 13+5+1

Agility: 25+10+3

Endurance: 10+1

Intelligence: 12+1

Vitality: 10+1

Charisma: 10+1

Luck: 10+1

Attribute skills:20

Physical defense:11+3

Magical defense:0


Inspect Lvl.1: Cost: 1 MP, can see information about monsters that do not exceed the user's level by more than 10 levels.

Meteor Strike Lvl.2: Cost:90 MP, when falling down heights greater than 2m while perpendicular to the ground while facing it with a weapon, you can perform a falling strike that can impale the enemy. The greater the height the greater the damage caused(beware fall damage will still count).<220 Physical damage x (0.6 x maximum height(m) before falling(maximum of 20m) >

Kick you while you are down: Cost:10 MP per kick, when an enemy is immobilized to the ground you can start kicking them for extra physical damage.<+50 Physical Damage when kicking>

Sprint Lvl.1: Cost 20 MP/S: while active the skill increases your movement speed by 10%<+10% movement speed>

Deadly strikes Lvl.1: Cost 50 MP: Unleash a set of three fatal strikes where each one is progressively faster.<1st strike: 90% of your physical attack;2nd strike: 100% of your physical attack;3rd strike:110% of your physical attack. (30-second cooldown)

Instincts Lvl.1: Cost ?:?

??? Lvl.max: Cost?:?]

'Nice' after equipping the ring and checking his status. He decided to hunt everything he sees from now on until he reaches level 10.