Family situation and the world boss.

Logging out he went out to eat at a small restaurant and in the middle of his dinner, he receives a call from his family. Slade's family situation is not that great as his mother died giving birth to him, while his father always unfairly blamed it on him. His father later remarried and introduced his new stepfamily including two stepbrothers. While he was a bit anti-social that could not be justified as the family always treated him as an outsider and even straight-up ignored him most of the time. When he grew up and realized the false hope that one day they are going to accept him shattered, at the age of 18, he declared his independence and that he is no longer a part of the family. Andrew the younger sibling always kept in contact and apologized for what he did, though he was the only one, was the one who is calling Slade. Picking up the phone he heard a cheerful voice come through.

"Hey brother, how are you doing."

"Sup Andrew I'm going fine, and you know we are not brothers anymore right."

"Please you will always be my brother and where are you right now? I got something important to discuss with you."

"Yeah yeah call me whatever you want and I'm eating out at *****. Don't keep me waiting too long or I might just leave before you arrive."

"Cool see you in 10 minutes."

All of a sudden the delicious meal became bland, Slade waited about 20 minutes browsing the Limits forum until a sports car parked in front of the restaurant. A young man wearing an expensive suit about 19 years of age with blond hair blues and an innocent face walked through the doors of the restaurant found who he was looking for and seated himself in front of Slade.

"You look as fancy as ever, to what do I owe the honor of your presence."

"haha stop with that, I came to offer a business offer."

"Go on I'm listening."

"It's about the new game Limits, I talked with a famous guild for you and can get you a pod for joining the guild plus a monthly salary."

"Sounds good so far but what are the restrictions in the contract," Slade said with a smile.

"It's not that much it's just everything you loot will be processed by the guild first and you will have to work to guild activities a set amount of hours a week and then you can do anything else you want."

"*sighs* tell me something who is the guild leader you spoke to?"

"Well you see it is our brother, I mean my brother Jacobs so if you want to talk more about the contract we can talk."

"So basically you just want me to be a slave to his guild where I must work my as* off for him while he oh so generously gives his scraps, the same "brother" who bought off my ex." enquired Slade while still smiling."

"It's not like that and besides I am the vice guild leader I can..."

"You know I already got a pod already and doing quite well for myself in the game."

"But how can you.."

"How can I afford it, do I look that incompetent to you."

"I'm sorry Slade I was just trying to get you back into the family."

"I have been trying that my whole life and you think me being the subordinate of him will help, you really are naive. Now if that's all you have to say, I am leaving."

Leaving behind Andrew with a pained face and some cash for the meal, he started walking home. Along the way back it started raining, pulling out his umbrella he saw a shivering figure under a street light. Sighing he gave his umbrella to the person before continuing on his way, too engrossed in his thoughts to care about the rain or the lovely voice calling for him.

After a hot shower and a long night's sleep, Slade went back Into the game. While absent-mindedly killing wolves the sounds of fighting intensified, curious he went to check it. Putting the scythe in his inventory and passing through some trees he found where it came from. A huge 5 meters tall black wolf with spikes extending out its spine and sword-sized claws, was being surrounded by a well-coordinated group of about 300 players.


[ Wolf King

Type: World boss



Description: A wolf who had been in many life and death situations to become the king and is now angered that its subjects are being hunted in its own territory.]

The person who was leading the attack was a 30-year-old man in a full set of armor and a shiny greatsword turned to the players watching the fight including me and said intimidatingly.

"This boss is the property of The Raven's guild and if we catch you trying to interfere in this fight will become an enemy of us and will be hunted down to level one!"

While a few people protested no one took action fearing the consequences. Slade sat down and started to watch the show and if the opportunity shows he might take action.