Goblins and their dungeons.

When Slade reached far away from where the boss was, he pulled out an ax, a mask, and engraved leather armor.

[Mask of intimidation:

Type: Mask

Equipment Requirement: Level5

Grade: Gold

Property: none

Skills: Intimidation; Type:active

Cost 10 MP/s

When active any mobs below 5 levels of you will cower in your presence.]

[Ax of cleaving:

Weapon Type: Ax

Equipment Requirement: Level5;warrior class

Grade: Gold

Property: Ignore 20% of physical defense

Skills: Cleave; Type: active

Cost 50 MP

Unleash a focused strike on a singular target dealing 300% of your physical attack.]

[Leather armor of avoidance:

Type: Mask

Equipment Requirement: Level5

Grade: Gold

Property: +20 evasion;+50 physical defense

Skills: none.]

Looking around after equipping the armor and mask, he saw a different scenery he was used to when hunting the wolves. Realizing he was lost he looked around before finding the mountain that could be seen from the village, but a lot closer this time. Looking for more opportunities he heads towards the mountain while looking for suitable prey for him to level up more efficiently. At the foot of the mountain, he found a black bear looking around menacingly.


[Mountain bear

Type: Normal



[You have killed a Lvl.8 normal Mountain bear and are rewarded with EXP]

Dealing quick work with the bear, he tracked where it came from and found a cave hidden in the mountain. As he walked inside he could not see a thing just the light that came from behind, He walked until he barely saw the light showing his way back and found a few rooms in front of him with fire torches around. The first two rooms had nothing but sleeping bears which he dealt with before stepping into the final room. The final room had a silver chest containing nothing worthy to be found except just a few potions of healing and mana in it. Past that point was a set of glowing steel doors with a status in front of it showing...

[Entrance to Goblin dungeon

Recommended level: Level 10

Player limit: 1-4]

Ignoring the hint he proceeded carefully inside the dungeon and found that he was transported elsewhere as he was now outside next to a pond.

[Welcome to the Goblin dungeon to clear this trial you need to:

-Kill at least half of the goblins in the camp.

-Kill at least one goblin mage.

-Kill the hobgoblin.

Rewards will depend on your performance and will be calculated at the end of the trial.]

Looking around he found the campsite surrounded by a wooden fence, with about 50 goblins even a massive 2-meter goblin, presumably the hobgoblin. Scanning them he found three different variations of the goblins.

[Goblin warrior

Type: Normal



[Goblin archer

Type: Normal



[Goblin mage

Type: Elite



[Hob Goblin

Type: Boss



From what he could see while the goblins have less HP compared to beasts they are potentially more dangerous as they can use weapons and perform skills.Coming up with two plans one where he charges in and kills as much as he can or the sneaky plan where he picks them out one by one. Deciding on the safer plan for more rewards he spots that there are only 10 mages being protected inside the camp while there are groups of three mixed goblins patrolling around and hunting. In the middle of the night, you could barely spot someone jumping down from trees and slaughtering goblins around the camp. One group at a time Slade ambushed them from the shadows until there were only 20 goblins left. It was then that a huge roar was heard alerting the rest that there was an intruder. The surviving goblins started to regroup and now Slade's only choice was the first plan he came up with. With a huge grin, Slade wiped the blood off his scythe before dashing straight to the entrance of the camp.


[ Name: Slade

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 8 [0%]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A

Blessing:S???(+10% to every stat;??? skill)



Physical damage:46

Magical damage:44

Strength: 21+5+2

Agility: 55+15+6

Endurance: 10+1

Intelligence: 20+2

Vitality: 15+2

Charisma: 10+1

Luck: 10+1

Attribute skills:0

Physical defense:11+55

Magical defense:0


Inspect Lvl.1: Cost: 1 MP, can see information about monsters that do not exceed the user's level by more than 10 levels.

Meteor Strike Lvl.2: Cost:90 MP, when falling down heights greater than 2m while perpendicular to the ground while facing it with a weapon, you can perform a falling strike that can impale the enemy. The greater the height the greater the damage caused(beware fall damage will still count).<220 Physical damage x (0.6 x maximum height(m) before falling(maximum of 20m) >

Kick you while you are down: Cost:10 MP per kick, when an enemy is immobilized to the ground you can start kicking them for extra physical damage.<+50 Physical Damage when kicking>

Sprint Lvl.1: Cost 20 MP/S: while active the skill increases your movement speed by 10%<+10% movement speed>

Deadly strikes Lvl.1: Cost 50 MP: Unleash a set of three fatal strikes where each one is progressively faster.<1st strike: 90% of your physical attack;2nd strike: 100% of your physical attack;3rd strike:110% of your physical attack. (30-second cooldown)

Instincts Lvl.1: Cost ?:?

??? Lvl.max: Cost?:?]