Race and class change.

[Quest completed: the unknown great one's inheritance.

Description: A myth has taken an interest in you, whether that's a good or bad thing for you is unknown He has given you a chance to change your fate and you have taken your first step.]

Back in the black caves with blue fire for a ceiling, the mysterious opened their eyes as a black-haired youth suddenly appeared. Slade looked around the room and found everything to be the same as the last time he was there. looking at the being he could see it stop emitting its essence as its blue eyes kept looking at him. The silence was making Slade anxious so he Cleared his throat and Slade...

"I have completed your quest."

"Is that so, then tell me what is my race and what is my name?" Its cold husky voice echoed throughout the room, its mere voice seemed to be suffocating me by some unknown pressure.

Taking a deep breath and staring directly at the piercing eyes Slade replied...

"There is no record of your name but after the war where you destroyed half of the humans, the angels, and the demons' forces for disrupting the flow of the spirits, they started calling you shadowless, quite ironic to call a being that is made up by only be a living soul, shadows and dark mana. You are the only one left of an ancient race older than even the dragons, you are a Shade."

"You have done well, but you got one thing wrong those puny forces died because they dared to disturb my slumber and this wasteland was the result. Are you reconsidering now mortal that you saw my true colors? Are you angry that I slew your kind for such a petty reason?" Shadowless asked when he saw Slade lost in his thought.

"Hahaha, I thought that reason sounded like an excuse... huh what?no, I could care less about that I would not have come here if I thought like that." he hastily replied as he came back to his senses.

"It seems like you are prepared, you are quite unique as most would not want to be associated with someone like me, let alone laugh in my presence. Now before we begin don't think this world is a mere game and let this pain be proof to you."

Slade had no time to ask it what it meant about this being just a game, before the hand of the being pierced straight into his chest and crushed his heart.

[Race change initiated

Analyzing the power...

An error occurred reboo..]

As he felt his heart being crushed the feeling of physically not being able to breathe was not as painful as the excruciating pain not possible from a game that came flowing through his blood into his cells all over the body, as the freezing power that was being transferred to him. After what felt like an eternity he felt his heart being reconstructed before passing out.

When Slade woke up he felt the joy of being able to breathe again, he looked up and saw shadowless proving it was not a dream.

Getting up and seeing everything looking the same as before he looked confusedly at the shadow being.

"Good to see you not screaming but unfortunately for you that was only half the process, now do you want to continue this now or later."

"Only half! sigh, just get this over with."

Just like before he pierced me with his hand, but this time it was to the face and what he crushed this time was his eyeballs.


Waking up to the same flames he got up and asked.

"Glad that is over but why do I not feel any dif..."

Slade was stupefied when saw that the cave walls were no longer black instead they were translucent and what he can only describe as soul forms flowing towards the center of the room where they get swallowed by the now pitch black form of shadowless.

"Judging from your expression the experiment was a success as you can now see and differentiate forms of mana."

"You mean this whole thing was just a hypothesis before and this could have gone horribly wrong," Slade said curiously instead of being angry.

"Good to see you not acting irrationally again, and this is my first time doing this and I might have been unconventional in my ways. From what you could guess I reconstructed your heart and sent my power throughout your body from there. And your eyes I have done something special with them, tell me something what type of essences do you think shades have?"

"Shadow, soul, and dark mana essence."

"Right, now what I have done is compress and forge your eyes with a combination of shadow and soul essence and making them your essence cores where they send, receive, and store the mana of your body, making them extremely vulnerable to damage but makes your body easily flexible in terms of mana manipulation in which you will see the benefits later."

"Sounds cool but what about the dark mana?"

"That's for a later date as it is extremely dangerous and invasive as just a wisp of it created the demons. Forget about it what don't you see the changes itself let me just bring the system back online for you."

[System rebooted and found no errors.]

[You have successfully changed your race and now are a demi-Shade]

[You have successfully changed your class and now are a Shadow reaper]