Chpt 44 Gore, Blood And More Gore

I circulated my inner energy and activated the weightless technique and floated into the air using Xin arts, I surrounded myself with thousands frost shards that I then propelled forward with wind techniques

Sha sha

The Tyrant Fang spread it's neck hood like a cobra and hissed at me, the hood had spikes along it and had a pattern that glowed blood red on the inside, and the end of it's tail had a sharp barbed flail that it used as a weapon

It stared deep in my eyes with rage as it swung it's tail to block the shards, half of them were blocked while the rest missed the Tyrant Fang

As fast as a gust of wind the giant snake's body appeared in front of me and it bit down with it's giant fangs

The force field around me that I had made using a artifact cracked as the snake attempted to swallow me whole

I quickly ignited the poison that seeped out of it's fangs which was highly flammable and caused it to retreat from the pain in it's mouth

I summoned a hundred swords made out of ice and rushed forward with them surrounding me and slashed at the tail of the snake

Starting from the tail I stabbed swords into the snake as it rolled in anguish further tearing it's wounds

Finally the snake was enraged enough to chase after me as I lead it to the traps I had prepared earlier

When the Tyrant Fang smashed a building in it's rage it had not noticed the trap hidden inside and a loud explosion tore a large hole in it's flesh

I held my ears as the explosion was ringing in them even though I had reacted in time and close my ears as the noise was too powerful

The snake hissed in pain as I saw a hole at the center of it's mass where I could see it's spine and damaged ribs

The snake went crazy and started destroying everything in it's surroundings which activated another trap that shot giant spikes from the ground that pierced it's throat

The snakes vitality was extremely strong, but despite struggling for a few hours while wrapping around the spike that had pierced it's thoat it finally died

What I had gained from the Tyrant Fang was multiple talents that enhanced the ones I had for strength, vitality, and agility and a new talent called Inner Sight