Nightmares Forming

A cold can hit the bottom of the shoot, and June bent down to pick it up. This was all he intended to have for the morning. He was even annoyed a little, but there was nothing to be done. His brother was confined for getting into an accident, while his mother fainted from hyperventilation. Not only that, but that boyfriend also called when his mother was out cold.

June knew that another storm was going to hit him. When he popped the cap of the iced coffee, he felt like someone just phased into existence just behind him, with the winds blowing on his body gently. June placed the can on his lips and took a swig before turning to face the demon that regarded the buttons on the side of the vending machine.

A smile was his greeting to Lantis. "Hey, care to tell me what you did last night? I told you to stay with me, but you went making miracles. Did you do someone in just to keep my brother alive?"

"Sweet child, did you expect me to break my promise to you? I did not kill anyone last night." Lantis said so, but his lips were in a mischievous smile. His reddish eyes were even glinting as if he was proud of his handiwork. "Do cards work on that?"

"I have loose change. Which do you want?" June turned to the machine again, but he noticed how Lantis stood behind him, their bodies almost touching. From their faint reflection on the black finish of the panel, he could see the demon's wide smile.

Lantis then reached out to touch his hand and guided it to the button of an iced tea brand. "I haven't tasted this one yet. Do you mind getting it for me?"

The actor only moved like he was a doll controlled by the demon. When the tea bottle dropped to the shoot, June didn't bend down to pick it up. He quickly escaped the reach of the demon before gesturing at the shoot. "Go on, complete the experience."

At this, the demon chuckled as he collected the bottle. "All right."

The two walked to the room where June's mother was momentarily held. When Lantis saw her. He wondered why the woman had a drip on her arm like she was a real patient. As if June knew that look in his eyes, the actor spoke as he sat on the edge of her bed: "The nurse noticed how malnourished she was. They asked me if I want to confine her as well."

"She's dying," Lantis whispered as he checked the clipboard attached at the end of the bed. The patient's name was Freya Verrier, and her basic information was all filled out. He then looked in June's direction. "What happened to your father, June?"

"…he married my mom but divorced her for his job. He could be anywhere." June continued chugging his coffee while clearing his mom's face from the stray fringe that stuck to her forehead. "You can look for him, but don't tell me anything. He's dead to everyone else."

"What about that man approaching this room? He seems to be looking for your mother." Even if Lantis couldn't lock into any place as if watching them, he could hear the whispers of the people's hearts. He could hear someone killing Freya in his heart. "His desires are far too destructive to be contained."

June then looked at the door. "Show yourself to him. He won't start a fight if someone else is around."

A smile curled Lantis's lips. He was always visible to people lest he wanted the staff to think that June was crazy for talking aloud when he was alone. However, he turned up his presence when a big-framed man pushed the door open. When the man's gaze met Lantis's eyes, he visibly flinched at the sight of the demon who posed as a human.

He then shook his head to ask. "Sorry, you can't be a doctor, are you?"

"No, I am not. I am simply watching." Lantis pulled on his lips, but the sting of the demon's gaze on the man's soul was undeniable. He could feel the newcomer's heart pound in fear. However, it was quickly washed away by anger when he saw June; the anger was even so powerful that it overrode the fear Lantis cast on him. It made Lantis flinch instead.

"You ingrate. Get out of this room." The bastard boyfriend barked at June, the actor still keeping his back to the men's gaze. However, Lantis could see how much June crushed the tin can in his balling fist.

June just finished his coffee and got up from his seat. He didn't meet the eyes of that man, but he didn't take a look at Lantis. It was as if he wanted to leave the demon there to make sure the boyfriend wouldn't cause an injury to his sleeping mother.

Just when June exited the room in so much fury, the newcomer stomped his way to the sleeping Freya. Then… his fist swung to slap her awake. "Bitch, wake—!"

Like an eagle's talons, Lantis grabbed the man's wrist. He got to the man's side on time, preventing the boyfriend from hitting the woman. The demon even smiled at the boyfriend when the angry man glared at him. "Mr. Grant, let's not disturb the sleeping, shall we?"

"The hell are you? How did you—?" Simon Grant, the boyfriend in question, was shocked. He then glanced at where Lantis was earlier. "Didn't you leave with that bastard Neptune?"

"I did not, and I never will if you continue to stay in this room, Mr. Grant." Lantis only tightened his grip until the man started to struggle from the pain. "Mr. Grant, why don't we keep distance from the weak? After all, she needs the rest. Let's make use of the seats available."

Lantis released the man, and Simon only backed away until he tripped into the couch. The man only stared at the demon, engraving Lantis's very image in his mind. Even if the image would never match the Lantis Castelli Simon knew from the news articles, it was certainly the face of a scary man June brought to the hospital. Until Freya wakes up, Simon would have to sit through his company.

The demon only walked to the other end of the couch and flapped his coat to avoid sitting on it too tightly. He settled on the seat and crossed his legs as he drank from the bottled tea. Even his mere presence could become a punishment… just as it should be for Simon.

June was staring into the overlooking glass of an ICU ward. The face of his brother had changed so much from the years that they had been separated. Pete even looked older than his real older brother. June was a star, while Pete was just a twinkling shard of a bottle. That was how Pete regarded their differences. However, Pete was still June's little brother.

"I'm sorry… June?" The actor froze at the voice that came from his side. When he turned to his side, his nightmare was starting to take form… with the face of Prudence Lang. She then smiled at him before looking at the man on the bed. "I only came to visit my granny. Do you know him?"