Altering a Human's Reality

"[Espers of Etherlia]…?" June echoed the owner's words slowly. He received the enveloped and looked over the matter, fishing the folder from inside. It had a thick script for a two-hour movie, but June knew that not everything would be included in the final project. It's just that… it only dawned upon him when he read the notes posted on the title page of the script.

Details about the director and the involved studios were written in elegant penmanship. Moreover, there were release dates and estimated gross income from the country and overseas showing. At these, June frowned… and looked up at Reese. "This is…"

For a moment, Reese was at a loss. He then gasped and slowly took back the script, but June evaded his hand and browsed the contents. What shocked June was that instead of a real script, the folder had handwritten lines and notations as if someone was making guesses as to what the script would look like. Questions and estimations were on the back of the papers while the front had the lines.

"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!" Reese resorted to hugging the folder while it was still in June's hands. "I got so excited! I didn't mean to look so incompetent! I'm so sorry!"

"What is happening? Let me take a look." June laughed out, but he released the folder when Reese gently tugged on it. "What am I exactly looking at? Don't worry. Nothing will sound strange to me."

Reese collected the folder and closed it, hugging it to his chest. He then looked to the side. "Xylos is also capable of seeing the most imminent future. I am keeping tabs on the imminent futures of productions in development. The projects appear in my dreams, so… I have to take note of them as they come. It would take me multiple nights to finish recording one movie."

At this, June was shocked. His lips opened to say something, but the words were all caught at the tip of his tongue. All he could do was look at Reese in disbelief. The actor then looked at Lantis. "You can do things like that?"

"Not all of us. Xylos has the ability to show glimpses of the future, but if it doesn't dictate misery or fortune—such as media, he can expand the visions into a long vivid dream." Lantis only smiled. "However, the calculations on the first page must be notations from Reese's own research."

"…you can do that?" June echoed his last question in a different tone, much to Lantis's amusement. He then scooted to face the demon who received a cup of coffee from Devin. "I mean, you guys can give superpowers to humans…? He… he basically dreams of a movie that is still in the works!"

"Sweet child, pacify yourself. Everything is possible only when you have a definite goal in mind." Lantis took a sip of the premium brewed coffee. "Demons can alter a human's reality for a price they are willing to pay. If you tell a demon what you want in detail, it is possible for you to attain them. However, such loose yet tricky dreams will need more of the demon's intervention."

June closed his mouth. Loose yet tricky dream? Wasn't that what he had asked Lucirien to grant? He then turned to Reese, the owner looking so lost in their conversation. This owner wanted to run a very successful talent agency, but to ensure that, he asked for the ability to foresee which projects would yield the most profits and fame… for him and his talents' futures.

The actor only held onto his neck. "Well, at least I know what I want to see in the future."

A smile was then offered to the confused owner. June's voice broke him out of his trance: "Reese, I have no idea about that project with Director Gaza for now. They might contact me tomorrow. I was just hoping to let you know that Wings might come after you once I let people know that I am now part of Perseus. Is that all right with you?"

"No need to worry, Mr. June. I am not alone in my journey." Reese smiled back at the actor. "As much you have Lord Lucirien with you, I have Xylos. Let's both reach our dreams together!"

Honking noises soon filled the streets as a car decided to beat the red light and endanger the crossing car coming from another side of the big intersection. As the person behind the car that beat the red light, June only moved closer as he waited for the light to turn green. He was leaning on his driver's seat, thinking of a few things after leaving Perseus.

June then turned to face Lantis who was only resting in the passenger's seat. "I have this thought that only those who are condemned by life will make deals with the demons. Reese doesn't seem to fit the bill, don't you think?"

"You can only see Reese Gosling's smiles on his face, June. What gave you the idea that his nightmares will show on it just the same?" Lantis only smiled a little. "Everyone faces their own hells in this world. Just as the divine shines down on them, just as the diabolical waits for them to succumb to the pressure. Why don't we speak with Reese some more? Perhaps, by then, you will see glimpses of his past…

"From the scars embedded in his soul."

June only nodded before attending to the road again. However, when the light switched to green, June's car didn't move immediately. Before June could frown and turn on his hazard lights, he heard the police siren from afar. His eyes lifted to see the street, only to witness another car forcing its way through the moving cars. Some cars swerved and evaded, but some failed and crashed into another.

The police cars could only take detours to avoid the jam that happened right before June's eyes. Then, the silver Audi started to move without June doing anything. The actor watched as the others were in a panic. He suddenly grabbed the wheel and parked the car on the side. With a phone in his ears, he called in the accident while spotting people who needed the most help.

Lantis only waited inside the car as he watched June help the trapped passengers. Other drivers started to park at the side of the road as well to rescue those who they could while providing assurance to those stuck in their vehicles. The demon crossed his arms on his chest.

"Why is Neptune Verrier's fortune getting muddled when it used to be placid?" Lantis whispered as if he was talking to someone. Surprisingly, a woman leaned onto the back of his seat as if she had been sitting in the backseat for minutes. His eyes darted to her face through the rearview mirror. "Would you like to explain to me, Lakidna?"

"Don't blame me. You're not the only demon in this city." Lakidna, who appeared to be a red-skinned woman with dark hair and strange marks on her body, flashed a grin at the man. "Moreover, you have been bound in isolation for a thousand years, Lucirien. There are those who don't know you and those who rage when you pitter-patter your destructive feet in their territories."

Lantis then laughed. "How amusing. I have been breaking storms and tidal waves for a long time. Is it high time for me to break wings and horns once more? So be it. Let me see what they are made of."