Wounds to Lick

Even before the alarm on his phone went off, June was already eating the breakfast prepared by Eurkodach. It was as if both the demon and the human knew that Eurkodach was summoned to help with June's growing appetite. It just didn't help that Eurkodach didn't stay after June had his first mouthful of the food. There was simply no way he could ask the demon if he was right.

The more June experimented, the more he settled on the answer to his theory. Lucirien must have been a rather voracious demon if he had to be fed before a storm hit. Just like that, June was becoming a glutton the more he moved around. Since there would be an episode to be taped, he wondered how much should he be eating on the set.

Would he be stuck to the new label of being seen with food every time they went on break?

It was just an episode. June knew that it would take only more than a day to do such a thing. That was why he needed all the energy he could muster for the entire day. That was why he hit the gym as early as five in the morning to get his body started.

"Of course, I would be eating a whole subway on my way to the set," June murmured as he walked toward the set of the series. He was just licking his fingers after finishing his food.

"You will need the energy, sweet child." Lantis was walking next to him, only chuckling as if a small devil on June's shoulder.

June sneered, but he didn't say anything. After all, it wasn't like he was not benefitting from the matters brought by the demons to him. Even at that very moment, this matter was handled and finalized by Reese.

The people were expecting his silver Audi, and that was why they were surprised to find June arrive on his own… on foot. The production crew quickly attended to him, but he was even more occupied by greeting them. After all, he didn't have an assistant if the crew didn't provide one to look after him.

"Oh, my God, June's here!" The female lead was shocked when he walked into the scene. As a low-key fan, she was very excited to meet June in-person… and apprehend him later. After all, she was getting ready to be athletic because of the chase and takedown sequence.

"J-June, let's take a picture later!" She waved her hand as she saw him getting taken away by wardrobe and makeup. The most she could get was a wave from him.

After suiting up for the role of a cafe waiter, June was reading up on his lines and the general flow of the movie. He needed to get ready with the chase and takedown scene later. For some reason, he could feel the lines getting absorbed in his head quite faster than normal.

June frowned as he went back to the first page to reread the script. 'Is Lucirien giving me this ability?'

"June, we're starting in fifteen minutes!" The actor only looked up at the clock and saw that it was almost eight. A smile curled his lips, and he assented to the call.

Just like before, he would take photos of him on the set, without revealing the other co-stars that might give the project away. The only people he could take photos with were the other bit-role people who would only appear in the episode. The female lead did get her photo, but she couldn't post the photo unless she could get a clear from Production.

Like every guest, June had the chance to meet the actual cat actress that the cast hired to play the cat detective. He wanted to get near it for a photo, but he was wary of its glare at him. Ever since he walked into the eyeshot of the feline, Ponkan the cat had locked her gaze on the actor.

With the animal wrangler giving June the go-signal to come close, the actor only took small steps. He even chuckled with his hand slowly reaching out. "H-Hey, Ponkan. I won't hurt you—"

Hiss! Ponkan hissed aloud and swatted down June's hand. Luckily, June's reflexes were faster than the cat's. He got his hand out of the way, and he also decided to laugh it off. At the loud display of hate, June respected Ponkan's decision to keep him away.

"Aw, that's strange. Ponkan has always been okay with the other guests." The owner came to June and decided to check up on him. "Are you hurt? Did she scratch you?"

"No, I got away." June still smiled at the cat even if it was building defenses against him if ever he came close… or to shoo him away from her owner. The actor cracked a joke at the worried owner. "It seems like Ponkan knows my secret. Don't tell anyone… but I'm actually a dog."

"Damn, you got me at the first half!" The owner covered her mouth and controlled her laughter. After receiving a laugh from June as well, she knew he was leaving the conversation with it. She just waved her hand and didn't urge him to try petting Ponkan again.

Since the crew didn't like accidents, they just left June alone and didn't ask him to pose with Ponkan anymore. Even if it was good for an episode teaser, it was best not to endanger both June and the cat.

At the side, June rubbed his hand that was swatted by the cat. He didn't tell anyone, but there was a scratch on the skin. Red lines even showed up moments after the hit. It was June's turn to hiss as he pressed on his hand to see if the lines would bleed. It's just that Lantis reached out to take a hold of the hand and brought it straight to his lips.

June looked behind him in an attempt to hide his blush from the demon. After all, Lantis had licked the wounds to heal them in an instant. June didn't know if the demon just wanted to have a taste of his blood.

"You should be more careful with animals. Most of them would be extremely wary of you who carry the presence of a demon." Lantis chuckled as June frowned at the late warning. He combed his fingers through June's hair as if fixing the style that was done to his hair. "Though, you seem to be more perceptive than a normal person."

"I don't like cats, either. You should know how uncomfortable I was when they made me a pet lover in one of my movies." June sighed upon taking back his hand. He rubbed the place that was healed from its wounds, but he could still feel the heat of Lantis's breath on the skin.

Lantis only looked in the cat's direction, Ponkan reacting to his presence with wide eyes and folded ears. The smile on the demon's face showed, and the cat only lay down as if being forced into submission. He could not blame the cat for being defensive, but he could ask it to not snarl at June openly.

When the people noticed the cat, June also did. He just turned to Lantis again with a sigh. "I guess… thanks? Though, you didn't have to scare the poor thing. I should be okay now. I still have some scenes to tape. The morning light is important."

"June…" Lantis reached out as June turned around to leave. The demon whispered in his ear, "Be more attentive to your surroundings, sweet child. I mustn't alter reality in front of humans."

He then smothered himself lightly against June's hair. "Death is certain in some possibilities."