You Should Know Me

Frost. It was as if June had taken the bone-chilling frost of the morgue with him. He walked along the midday streets of the city, seeing almost no one who would walk against his tide; neither did he feel people on the same side as him. If the guts could tell their owners that brushing against this man would kill them in an instant, the brain must have listened.

Freya volunteered to process the papers on her own, letting June walk around to cool down. She admitted to working her ass off for today to let the pain ease away without much damage to her already broken spirit. That was why June was free to do what he wanted to do today.

So free… yes, he had become so free.

"Where are they now?" June's voice was soft, yet it breathed out the ice in his heart. His eyes were only on the picture before him as if they were hoping to change reality.

"Enacting the plan they hatched last night." Lantis walked next to him, letting the vicious frost in the wind blow all over like a phantom that the human heart could only feel. "They still think of claiming the life of the woman. Perhaps, losing the star of a series would bring about the cancellation of the show. Your episode will remain in progress, as well."

"Where is she now?" June's lips curled into a cold smile. His eyes grew a little sharper as the view before him began to waver into a different place. It was indeed still the streetside, but he could see the change in the color of the buildings. However, he never stopped walking.

Using this strange ability, Lantis had taken June to another part of the city. It was the same part of the city where the cast of [Cat's Eye] was shooting the other scenes for the episode featuring June as the killer. Unlike the first time, June didn't feel strange approaching them. It's just that… he had other plans for a swift takedown to quell his anger… and thirst for blood.

Lantis continued to let people fail to recognize June, the spell far stronger now because these people were acquainted with him. Even to their eyes, June was just a random man in a beige coat. They wouldn't even remember how tall he was or how he sauntered toward their set as if he was welcome there.

The imps had tagged the people preparing to poison the woman during the scene where she would chase a suspect. After all, she would be walking against the tide of people wherein the suspect would disappear. Then again, it didn't matter if it was a crowded street. At the very least, Lucirien had eaten the thugs that highjacked the hospital… and June was brimming with anger…

And hunger. Earlier, he witnessed a complete death. Now, he wanted to cause it.

"Hey, you're not allowed to be here." One of the police officers helping out in the production noticed how an unknown man just waltzed into the back of the set. He placed a hand on his firearm and held another out. "Hey, stop right there!"

Bang! June swung his left hand and aimed his pointer and middle finger at the body of the officer, and the officer felt like something shot through him. The pain rattled his body, making him faint right on the spot as if he had suffered from a killing blow. It's just that… there was no blood… for there was no gun.

June swiped the same hand up in the sky. Three gunshots echoed in the air, sending everyone into a panic.

"What's happening?!" The actress gasped as they suddenly heard the indiscriminate firing during a rolling shot. Her manager quickly came to get her out of there, as well as the other high-paid members of the cast. She would scream, but she was too disoriented to do so.

The production crew didn't delay their running, while the officers on site cued the people to escape as they called out for backup. Someone just walked into the set to kill. They had already seen bodies falling down, but they were only faced with a single shooter in a beige coat. One of his hands was inside his pocket, while the left hand was swinging to shoot them down.

"Does he have a gun?" The eagle-eyed officer could see the lack of the gun, and he was the first one that June 'shot' in their ranks. That was why the officers drew out their service firearms and opened fire.

However, their guns jammed all at the same time. They didn't have a second to react when June swung his other hand as if throwing a grenade at them. Their bodies were thrown away as if the real thing just exploded in their faces. It was so weird; they could vaguely remember that nothing landed in front of them. How did this man throw them away?

It's just that the pain was real. The impact of getting thrown was also real. All of them eventually fainted before June could get to their spot. Because of that, June continued walking unhindered.

Within the crowd, the assassins had to gather away from the pandemonium. Hysteria had affected everyone in that area, and the assassins ran off to the same alley as if their feet were dragged there instead. They were not supposed to get in contact with each other to conceal the plan, but they all found themselves in the same hidden alley.

"Shit! Spread out!" The leader ordered, and they all ran off in different directions again. The sound of gunshots terrified all of them, even if they were also acclimatized to torturing people. No one knew why it felt like their very souls shook at every noise. It even sounded like the gun was counting down the remaining seconds of their life.

"What the hell?!" The leader was shocked when everyone arrived at the same spot again. It was in a different juncture of the alley, but they were all there again. "How did you guys know that I will be here?! I didn't even know where I was going!"

"We are running away as well!" Another said so, but he didn't know how come they arrived at the same spot once again. He just shuddered as he felt like the gunshots were vanishing… only to be replaced by the sound of echoing footsteps.

The assassins only had the poison needles on them, but they didn't forget to source weapons from the vicinity of the narrow alley. There were ten of them, and there was only one set of footsteps.

Soon, a silhouette drew from the corner. His face was in front of the bright sun, so they couldn't see much of it. However, his beige coat didn't seem to lay flat on his body. Was it floating? How could it float? Moreover, his hands were inside his pockets as if aware that there wouldn't be any guns in this fight.

"Who are you?!" The leader screamed as he aimed with the wine bottle he broke just now. His hand was trembling visibly, but there was no shame in it. Everyone else was also affected by hysteria.

"You should know me," June spoke, shattering the stronger spell Lucirien placed on him. The actor continued walking toward them as if unbothered by them. Even when they all aimed their weapons at him, the actor only sneered… until he smiled in malice. "I came to feast on the flesh of the living."

"That's my line, darling."