All that Belonged to June

When Brent called for the thirteenth time, June finally answered. The man from the other line almost fainted from the way he breathed. Brent then spoke: ["June! Thank God! I was so scared you were gravely hurt in the mass shooting. Wait, you're not in the hospital, right?"]

"…y-yeah, I mean no! No, I'm not in the hospital. What mass shooting?" June frowned at the hysterical screaming of the other man from the other end. If he could readily stand and pace around the room, he would. "What made you think I was at a mass shooting?"

["Erm… it's not hard to find out that you're appearing on Cat's Eye. There was a mass shooting at their set earlier. It's strange that no one died, but there was a stampede. You weren't there?"] Brent sounded half-relieved, half-confused. Though, it was best for June to be safe from the incident.