Raw Emotion

Unlike what June expected, Lantis only smiled at him. The demon then stroked his cheek twice. "I am only speaking to her. I have no hold on someone with no voracious desire. The most that I can do is to tap into her innermost thoughts and find a way to pacify them for you, darling. I will never hurt your mother. She gave birth to you."

June let go of Lantis's arm before looking back at the mother at the side. He wondered if getting close to Lucirien had some effect on her degrading mind. "…are you sure? I never saw her act like that before?"

"You were a child. It's not your fault for not noticing." Lantis only steered him away from Freya, leading him to where the auditions would be held. When they entered the place, June saw the added people in the agency as if Reese was finally accepting the people he hired for the job.