Manning the Artist Center

Brent wasn't looking at June, so he wondered if those words were for him. Opportunist? Was he being an opportunist for asking a friend to find a vacancy for him? Then again, June wasn't that kind of guy. "Uhm, it's okay if you… June?"

The friend wanted to apologize, but he caught June glaring in the direction of the huge star sign on the wall. Aside from the glowing Beta Persei that kept on changing colors, seventeen stars glowed as well. It was true that he walked here when he saw the sign, but knowing that June worked here made him more confident to come. For June to act strangely like this…

"June?" A young man called out of sight, from the direction of the elevator lobby. Reese walked to find the volume of people waiting for their businesses to be concluded in the building. When the owner turned up, some even stood to greet him. However, Reese gestured for them to wait where they stood.