No Need to be Jealous, Sweet Child

The driver quickly got out and tried to fix the car before they started giving inconvenience to the agency. It was noticeable how Rana stayed inside despite the smoke that got to him. He just rolled the window down to get rid of the smoke, but he didn't do so in front of everyone who could see him.

For some reason, Devin walked into sight of June and the others. He had a hand on the lower half of his mouth as if concealing his laughter. After all, they could all see how the imps sabotaged the car to return the insult the man gave to June. It didn't help that the driver had no idea how to fix the car—just from the look on his face.

"How stupid for him to think that he can just say whatever he wants to June." Miranda huffed as she stayed invisible. She sat on the desk, her legs crossed. An imp then handed her a pack of chips it bought from the vending machine. "People like him… this is more satisfying than instant death."