What can They Do to Her?

The worst? June frowned at the grand demon this time. "Huh? How? If they're not working hard in amassing power, then… how could they become the most powerful kinds? Can she even harm you in your full power, Lucirien?"

"Hm, June, don't get me wrong. I said the worst, not the most powerful." Lantis chuckled yet again. However, he had a tint of fury in those eyes as he was compared to a Sloth grand demon. "If we were to fight and if I were to be in my most powerful, such grand demons of their order are nothing to me. However, they are the trickiest ones to subdue.

"Sloth demons hide within the human realm more than they did in Hell. They traversed this world with ease, and all of them were held by a system that protected them." Lantis looked around. "The Sloth demons never operated on their own. They all had others working with them, proving to be essential to most demon networks. Taking them down is easy; it's the consequences that will harm us."