My Glass Swan

The sky was black from the thick clouds that isolated the sun from the world. The only light that pulsed through were the lightning strikes that shot to the asphalt and disorient the car racing along the empty highway. Melissa was crying inside her car as she tried to drive as fast as she could while avoiding the lightning bolts threatening her sanity.

As for the other passenger in the backseat, Ares was already awake. His eyes were red from all his tears, and his terror had already watered the upholstery. The last thing he knew… the fire bell was ringing, and he tried to keep up with the running students that forgot their drills. However, he heard someone crying and decided to help her break out of the girl's toilet.

Who knew that when he freed her, she would suddenly vanish in thin air? He even felt how a net wrapped him like he was a fish in the water.