A Man Like Him

It was nothing short of bewildering. The old man had gone to this temple on different occasions, but only as a small boy who gave service and apprenticeship to the monks. When his parents lost his other brothers, he was pulled out from the temple in the name of continuing lineage.

However, he had never seen this supposed deity that broke storms. All he witnessed were the power that would consume the monk who fed the deity and the dissipation of the storms. Every potentially destructive storm that kissed their mountain would be broken by nothing but the sheer power of this deity. For the deity to be a man…

"…are you… really…?" The old man rose from the flood, but he still couldn't take his eyes off the handsome man who paraded himself as the Great Lucirien. It didn't matter how much the old man looked at Lantis; the deity was just like him.