Weak, Young, and Mortal

Denali then looked up at the figure, seeing the familiar structure of a dead goat's skull on the demon's face. Its claws were on the glass, unable to scratch it from where it stood. The boy then looked down and saw the oldest arrays on the floor. 

Instead of crossing it carelessly, he only made his way to where all the seals ended. He then asked, "I heard you are called Lucirien… and that you are powerful beyond compare. It took an angel to trap you here, and his power alone was not enough to contain you."

"…you wish for something… what is it? So, I may grant it…" The grand demon hunkered down to not appear threatening to the child. "Do you want riches, Denali? To send your sister to the Crown? A kiss from the King might just be the cure she needed. Perhaps, the complete removal of a part of her body?"