Tears to Midsummer (2)

When Lantis showed up from behind June, Alexander suddenly shot up from his seat. He didn't even hear what Lantis said. It was because that very man was someone he recognized. He then babbled: "Shit, isn't that Lantis Castelli? Wait, wait, you're fucking a demon, too!"

"Hey, I have been praising all this time, and you attacked me with that?" June lifted an eyebrow. He took a deep breath and asked Lantis to cover the paintings now, so he could focus on this ingrate. "Fine, if you want me to get down to business for real."

Shadows swirled around both of them, locking only the two in a void that didn't let a single foreign sound inside. Even the smell of paint vanished around them. June crossed his arms on his chest, his image morphing back to its original. "When did Soren say they were being tailed by Negomalrog?"