So Alive

Unforgivable! June would whine if they were alone, but he just let it slide for now. He could just throw a tantrum later in the day. In a growl, he squeezed the words out of his mouth. "It doesn't matter. They could have done something to you, you rascal. Next time, let me know… even if it scares the shit out of me. If you suddenly shoot up in flames, what will I do?"

However, Father Humphrey chose to ignore June. He stroked his chin. "Then… what did they come for? Even if they choose Phillip for a plan bigger than himself, having the heavenly attendants around is…"

Lantis shook his head. "They only came as witnesses. They were more curious about what Merodios had to say. The most insolent has become to be more of an eyesore than a jarring nick. The balance they keep in this era is rather fragile. Covert operations are a must to keep the other grand demons from amassing forces and unleashing their powers in the realm of men."