In the Company of Demons

When those words dropped, both Kassia and June gasped loudly. However, unlike Kassia, June recovered pretty easily and moved his hand closer to Coleen's face. "If you know what he did, then can you blame me for being equally ruthless? Your circle… that means you know Vittorio Rossi as well, right?"

Coleen only watched the hand, her eyes shaking in terror. However, it was as if something was holding her knees straight, not letting them buckle under the gaze of the human master of the demons. She just stared at his face again. "Are you planning to kill all of them? Their demon backer is—"

"Coleen!" Kassia shushed her by grabbing her shoulder. She then looked around again. "Don't say things like that out here! We don't know who's listening to us."