I Won

Just a mere second after Negomalrog showed up, a series of explosions rocked the entire College of Visual Arts. The students all went screaming from the sudden force that pulsed all over. From outside, strong winds rushed from the hallways connecting the two buildings of the college. Hysteria roared through all who witnessed the collapse the explosions brought.

Swoosh! They all saw how multiple bright things flashed out of the affected areas, ferrying one or two students in their arms. The white things dropped the students into the quadrangle outside the twin buildings, making sure that they wouldn't break anything from the fall and the traumatic response. One white thing even stayed longer, as one of the students broke into an epileptic seizure.

"June!" Brent was gently rolled into the quadrangle by a certain blonde angel. He saw how Negomalrog detonated the hallway where they stood, uncaring about everything else in the building. "Shit, why am I out here alone?!"