Before the guards were finish closing the dimensional gate, 7 menacing figures appear side by side. They were not humans. They look like combination between human and lizards. They have a physique which is much bigger, tougher and stronger than humans. As soon as they entered through, everyone was shocked. Even the lizardman themselves were shocked to suddenly discover hundreds of thousands of people but soon they regained their composure and try to go back through the dimensional gate but it was already late. The gate was already closed. As soon as they realised the dimensional gate was closed, they panicked. After a while they communicate within themselves and suddenly all 7 of then started to shout loudly and charging towards the humans with weapons on their hand. They were holding a long spear as a weapon and these spear does not look like they were normal spear we humans used in the past. Some of these spear exhale fire and some exhale ice. There is a spear which exhale both fire and ice and the one holding this dual attribute weapon seems to be their leader. When they started to attack humans, my father ordered common people to back off and ordered the army stationed nearby to attack these intruders. He also activated the AI defence system to target these intruders. The army contain around 3000 troops plus with AI defence system may seem to look like over kill for these 7 lizardman but the truth was far from it. All kinds of attacks were launched against them as shots from latest weapons and AI defence system but the one who shocked was the troops because none of the bullets can pierce these lizardman's body. Even explosive weapon only was able to push them back but not injure them. Highest calibre weapons can only scratch their skin. While human's weapon has less effect against these lizardmen, the lizardmen weapons were super effective against humans as they only need a swing and human body were torn into pieces. Everyone watching can feel chill down their spine including the army troops currently fighting but still the army troops bravely trying to kill the these lizardmen. After few minutes of battle, more than two hundred people have fallen yet the army still unable to kill a single lizardman but still they continue firing. Soon they discovered a flaw in the lizardmen physique. When the army fired shots against any other body part, the lizardmen did not try to evade the bullets and took direct hit every time except when they shot towards lizardmen eye. Their eye seems to be their weakness. When the troops discovered this, all of them shot towards the lizardmen eye. My father notices this as well so he ordered snipers from special squad and AI defence system to target the lizardmen eye. Soon all kind of attacks were thrown towards the lizardmen eye and they eye started to cripple. In retaliate, the lizardmen started to attack more violently and massacring the troops at much faster rate. By the time all 7 lizardmen were blinded, the army troops have lost around 700 soldiers but the lizardmen were only crippled. The army keep on attacking and by the time all seven of them were dead, the army lost more than 1000 men because even without their eye, these lizardmen's other senses also very strong and by using them, they can still attack the soldiers. Only injuring these lizardmen little by little in the end the army finally managed to kill them. From the moment General Malcom entered and followed by the lizardmen until they die only little more than 15 minutes had passed. But in order to kill 7 lizardman, it requires 1000 plus humans with modern weapon as well as assistance from AI defence system. 'How strong' that's the only thought on the mind of most people that were present that day. If they were this strong, how could humanity live their life on the new world. And also, they cannot bring the modern weapon through the dimensional gate. It's an unfortunate event to lose that many soldiers but among all these unfortunate events, one good thing happened was that the General Malcom who lead the expedition was alive. Even though he lost one of his arms and heavily injured, he survived. He could provide the valuable information because he is the only survivor. After the battle end, my father ordered everyone to return to their own living quarters and not to panic as he promised to find a solution. Soon the crowd disperse remaining only soldiers and my father ordered them to retrieve their fallen comrades to make a final prayer for their bravery and sacrifice. My father had tons of questions for General Malcom but since his injury is heavy, treatment comes first so he asked the medical team to treat him and leave General Malcom in his office. He also requested the researchers to retrieve the lizardmen body for research. Soon every one doing their given task and my father oversees them and after an hour everything was cleared leaving only the weapons of the lizardmen but these weapon no longer have the glow it used to have when the lizardmen were holding it. It looks like a very common weapon. My father walked up to the weapon and try to pick it up but it was very heavy. Using all his strength, my father lifts up the single attribute weapon used by the lizardmen soldier. As soon as he picks it up, he was shocked. He saw a screen appear in front him but it was only visible to him …

[Lizardman Spear] (Magic weapon, two handed spear)

Rank (common)

- Attack power 15

- All attribute +5

- Attack speed 5

- If wielder belongs to lizardman, Armor +2

Passive skill

- 10% chance to deal additional 15 physical damage

Active skill 1 (lesser fire)

- Enable user to launch fire magic which deals 15 magical damage when activated. Last for 1 minute. Cooldown 30 minutes.

Restriction level 5 and above

Cannot be evolved.