After leaving the forest, he was not in hurry as he takes out his binocular and check his surroundings. East to where he was out from the forest, he spotted 6 figures in his binocular. It's not very clear view so he moves a bit closer. Soon he gets a clear glimpse of these 6 figures, more lizardmen. There are 6 of them, 5 of them looks like a common soldiers like the one Iraos killed earlier and one of them seem to be their leader and he look fiercer. Iraos able to confirm that the leader must be higher level than those normal soldiers. He then silently watches them from far looking for an opportunity to kill them. He waited for 6 hours and finally one of them leave to collect water from the river. During the wait, Iraos also created another 6-flash grenade tipped arrow. Iraos then follow that lizardman silently, and finally when the lizardman bent to collect water, Iraos prepare his arrow and flash grenade arrow right behind the lizardman as he pointing the arrow to the back of lizardman head. When Iraos finally prepare, he steps on a tree branch purposely and break it and when the lizardman notice the sound he turned toward the direction of the sound and an arrow directly hit his face followed by a spear penetrate through his skull. He died and

System: level 5 lizardman killed. 50 (x2) exp points earned.

System: collect lizardmen loots, 9 gold coins, level 5 spear, leather boots and leather waterskin. (yes , no)

Iraos did not have time to waste leisurely as the loud sound from flash grenade arrow must be noticed by the other lizardmen so he quickly collected the loots and run as fast as he could towards south. Few seconds later the lizardmen leader and 4 of his subordinates looks at their dead soldier body and let out a loud cry and ordered 2 of them to go east, 2 to go south and himself alone to west. He ordered his men to not separate as he warns them the enemy might able to kill one of them if they are alone and he leaves. The soldiers as well did not waste any time and soon go the direction their leader ordered. Iraos on the other hand have no idea that there are 2 men on their way to his location, find a good place and the food he brought from earth. While he was relaxing and eating the food, suddenly he felt goose bump as he was the prey. The moment he felt it, he suddenly jumps a away from the location he was eating and just half a second later, a spear struck that location shattering the ground and rocks around it. Iraos felt the danger, only half a second, he could have been killed by the lizardmen. Soon he found 2 lizardmen looking at him. Without wasting any time Iraos take out his bow and 2 flash grenade arrow and shot at them one each. He quickly takes out 2 level 5 spear he collected from the previously killed lizardmen and throw at 2 of the lizardmen as fast and as hard as he could. The first spear pierce through one of the lizardman head but the second lizardman manage to defend himself and activated his skill. His skill can allow him to throw fire balls. He throws few fireballs but since the distance between the lizardman and is around 100 meter plus, Iraos manage to evade them all and the lizardman gets angrier as he charges towards Iraos. Iraos left no choice but to fight head on or to run. He never fights lizardman head on so he gets excited to fight one but when he thinks about things clearly, he understood that he is currently fighting against time too. If he prolongs the fights, the other lizardman will eventually shows up and it will be impossible for him to fight all of them together especially the lizardmen leader. Iraos take out his level 7 spear and block an attack from the charging lizardman and the block almost send him flying but he managed to stabilize is stance but that lizardman keeps on attacking leaving Iraos no chance to counter attack, Iraos hands are also getting numb from defending so many attacks. He needs to create something to win the fight as his cooldown for knowledge creation is up. He got an idea. He takes out one of flash grenade arrow throw towards the lizardman and jump above his head. While on air above the lizardman head, he created a barrel of liquid nitrogen. As the liquid nitrogen falls on the lizardmen, he landed behind the lizardman. The lizardman try to turn back but liquid nitrogen delays his turning rate by half a second and half a second is all Iraos needed to finish off the lizardman as his spear punctured the lizardman heart.

System: level 5 lizardman killed. 50 (x2) exp points earned.

System: collect lizardmen loots, 11 gold coins, level 5 spear, and leather jacket. (yes , no)

System: level 3 achieved. Need 400 exp points to reach next level. HP +200, mana +100, atk +20, Armor +3, speed +20, all attributes +10.

System: level 5 lizardman killed. 50 (x2) exp points earned.

System: collect lizardmen loots, 3 gold coins, level 5 spear, leather gloves and leather helmet. (yes , no)

He has no time to waste or to check the item stats, he quickly accepted them and wear them. Not even few seconds later he saw 2 more lizardmen from the east and 1 from the west. All three of them charging towards Iraos, Iraos quickly take out his remaining flash grenade arrows shot one towards each and throw the spear again to one of the soldiers and instantly killed him.

System: level 5 lizardman killed. 50 (x2) exp points earned.

System: collect lizardmen loots, 8 gold coins, level 5 spear, leather gloves. (yes , no)

He selected yes without looking and keep running south as fast as he could. Even though he levelled up, it is still difficult for him to handle the lizardman leader but the good thing is by equipping the 4-set leather jacket, helmet, gloves and boots, each provide +20 speed and total 80 speed and +5 Armor, Iraos able to maintain a good distance with them. One of the reasons he did not want to clash with the lizardmen leader is as he not sure what kind of skill the lizardmen leader might possess. Both the lizardmen leader and the soldier also keep chasing him and Iraos after running non-stop for 2 days, his energy almost depleted. As he was wondering what to do next, he saw a cave in a distant. He suddenly had an idea. During these 2 days, Iraos did not create anything from his knowledge creation as he want to save energy but now he was force to. He created a chemical explosive which is 10 times stronger thank c4 explosive. He knew this explosive cannot kill the lizardmen, he just wants to divert their attention while he goes hide in the cave. While running, he throws the explosive towards the lizardmen and boom!! The sand and everything around it fly. It momentarily obstructs the lizardmen vision and Iraos uses the opportunity to use his remaining energy to dash to the cave. As soon as he entered the cave….