Iraos maintains his firm face as he already expected such consequence but he knew there was no way the lizardmen leader will suspect his own subordinate for human. He approached the lizardmen leader slowly informing him that he saw humans and some loud noise from this direction so he came here. He directed the lizardmen leader attention elsewhere by using human name to dodge from answering why he is only level4. The lizardmen leader looks angry when he heard human name and he asked Iraos who is currently disguising himself as lizardman soldier which direction did he saw the human. Iraos come closer to the lizardmen leader and shows the south direction. When the lizardmen leader turn to south, Iraos take out his S&Y and pierce one through head and another through heart. The last thing the lizardmen leader saw was his subordinate killing him and he did not even know why he died.

System: level 7 lizardman killed. 70 (x2) exp points earned.

System: collect lizardmen loots, 23 gold coins, level 7 spear, leather gloves, leather helmet, leather boots, leather jacket. (yes , no)

He then takes out the lizardmen village map he obtained previously and made the plan to infiltrate. Since he changed into lizardmen now and the cooldown is 30 days, he did not wish to turn back to human for so fast. He wants to use this opportunity to find as much as information he can about the lizardmen village. After collecting the loots and organizing them, he then goes back following north looking for some other lizardmen since his current level is only 4 and he needs 200 exp points to become level 5. If he were to enter the lizardmen village as level 4, he might arouse some suspicion as all the lizardmen he has seen until now at least level 5. Iraos is roughly 4 days away from the lizardmen village. Since he was not in hurry, he also looks for similar place like the hidden dungeon he entered previously but he did not realize it was a pure luck and by no mean it is easy to find another one. He also noticed some strange animals when he was chased by the lizardmen previously so he was also looking for them. Finally, after few hours he noticed an animal which look like camel but has snake head. He gets closer to the animal and watch it closely. This animal looks like any normal animal from earth from its behaviour and lack intelligence. Iraos take out his spear and throw towards the animal and it died.

System: chimera desert camel killed. Received 5(2) exp points. Receive meat (yes , no)

Iraos accepted and it shows

[low quality meat]

- Instantly recover 100HP after consume.

He was shocked that food from this world can benefit this much. All this while, he only ate earth food so he did not receive any benefit. Iraos did not consume it and just kept it for future use but this peaked his interest as he was thinking will other type of meat can provide other benefits. So, he spends some time looking for this kind of animal on his way to lizardmen village as killing these animals also gives him exp points. He spends the next 7 days hunting these animals. During these 7 days, he collected many types of meat. Some recover HP, some mana while some temporarily increase speed and attack. He also levels up to level 5.

System: level 5 achieved. Need 1594 exp points to reach next level. HP +800, mana +300, atk +80, Armor +7, speed +80, all attributes +30.

o---Race: Human (Iraos---o

- Level 05

- H/P 1700

- Mana 750


- Attack 200 + 20

- Armor 27 +5

- Speed 650 +130

- Strength 145 + 14.5

- Agility 125 + 12.5

- Intelligence 125


- Current 6

- Next 1594 exp points

Inborn Skill


- God Tongue (common) (passive)

· Able to understand and speak the language of the native

- Outworld destroyer body (common and evolve at level 20,40,60,80 and 100) (passive)

· A body that shoulder weight of the otherworld. (currently silver body)

- King aura (epic & upgradable) (passive)

· Wielder power increase according to his owned territories and subject. The higher the number of people under his command and bigger the territory under his rule, the stronger the wielder.

- Hero weapon (legendary) (passive)

· Every kill above own level gives double experience


- Knowledge creation (common & evolve according to wielder's skill mastery) (active)

· Able to create anything as long as the wielder has a proper knowledge and mastery. Duration depends on the creation. Cooldown 1 hour. Mana 100.

Learned Skill

Rank (ultra-rare)

- Allow user to shapeshift into anything and undetectable by normal means. Cooldown 30 days. Able to transform back to original form anytime.


o -----------o

Only now Iraos realises how strong the level 5 lizardman was. He was only able to kill them because each and every one of his strike fatal strike. If he was unable to deliver fatal strike, by no means he could kill a level 5 warriors with only level one, two or three. This make Iraos realise how much gape there is between each level. He understands that in future, if he were to battle someone few levels higher than him, he needs to end the battle as soon as he can and he need to deliver fatal strike either directly to their heart or brain. He also understands why so many lizardmen soldiers were only level 5 as each level after level 5 need large amount of experience. Even for Iraos who gain double exp, he needs to kill 16 level 5 lizardmen to level up while those who did not have privilege like Iraos need to kill 32 to level up. Its really hard for those who were not blessed with good skills. Finally, he was prepared to enter the lizardmen village. Although it's called village, Iraos knew its high population and its called village because average citizen there has low levels and not because of being poor and have poor infrastructure like typical human village of 19th century. His aim was not to kill each and every one of lizardmen as they were counted in millions. His goal was to rule them but that is a plan for future. Now all he wants is to get information about the lizardmen village as well as about other humans and save humans if possible. He walks north and soon he was few kilometres away from the village but he already can see lizardmen in every direction. They were not in a group of 7 like they we in the forest. Each group of them have 20 lizardmen and each group has a level 8 lizardman. Each group was in sight of at least 2 other groups and as long as Iraos can see, he sees lizardmen and all of them in alert state. They were ready to battle any given time. He estimates around 10 000 of them just outside the village. This terrifies Iraos. He never really thought it would be this hard to conquer a single village. If he was caught shapeshifting as lizardman, his ending would be unimaginable. Still nobody suspects him now as he looks exactly like lizardman and also level 5. They did not even bother looking at him. Iraos walk for few minutes and reaches the village gate.