In the underground market, the vendors are limited as well as the items. It's also not very crowded but there is still lots of people since all of them are preparing for the siege tomorrow. Iraos have around 300 gold coins right now but the things sold here are mostly around 100 gold each. There are better boots, gloves, helmet and jacket but he doesn't want to waste money buying them. He wants to buy a good bow and arrow. he looks around for 30 minutes and found a bow. The bow said to be made from dark eagle back bone. Iraos instantly like the bow but the price was around 200. He wants to buy it but he scares he won't have enough money to buy arrows. Iraos try to negotiate with the vendor but the vendor does not want to reduce the price so Iraos suggested to the vendor that he can exchange some incredible arrow with can produce load noise and bright light which can confuse the enemy. The vendor shocked to know Iraos has such arrows and willing to exchange it. So, the vendor told Iraos, if he can give him 10 of those arrows, he was willing to sell the bow for 100 gold. Iraos instantly agreed and made the exchange. He made some amount of flash grenade arrows since yesterday as he intended to buy a bow, so giving 10 of those is no issue for him. After exchange, Iraos goes ahead looking for good arrows. few minutes later he found a vendor who were selling arrows made from wolfmen claws. These arrows have different range of price since they were made from level 5 to level 8 wolfman. Typically, level 5 wolfman claw arrow(wca) can kill level 5 wolfman and they were 50 gold coins for a set of 10 and the price increase 10 gold coins for subsequent level. Iraos only buy a set of level 7 and level 8. He also bought another 100 normal arrows as he intended to study about the arrow forging so he could create his own arrows. He also buys an arrow forging manual by exchanging his flash grenade arrows. Iraos then go back to his room and studied the arrow forging manual. By the time midnight, he understands perfectly about the theory of forging arrow using different materials. He then takes out his dark eagle bow out to check

[Dark Eagle Bow]

Rank (rare)

- Attack power +40

- Agility +40

- Speed +40

Passive skill

- When shot at night, the arrow become invisible to naked eye

Active skill 1 (lucky shot)

- Enable user to launch 1 arrow which will definitely hit its target. Unable to evade, only can be blocked.

Level 5 restriction.

Cannot be evolved.

Iraos was satisfied with dark eagle bow and then rests for the night and morning arrived. He gathered where all the lizardmen are gathered. A level 9 commander give a great speech and all of them set towards the wolfmen village. The commander also informs everyone the siege will be conducted for 1 month and this time they must conquer the wolfmen village. Failure is no option. During the siege, those with bright skill will be promoted. There are around 1 million soldiers involved for the siege and if all of them loses, lizardmen village will face great danger as many currently in good relationship will try to attack and conquer it so they must win without losing many soldiers. Iraos was grouped together with the lizardmen he talked to yesterday at tavern. There are currently 20 in his group and the leader was a level 8 lizardman. Iraos saw the leader holding a flash grenade arrow and he was shocked. He asked the leader and found out that he bought 1 arrow for 20 gold coins and the leader was proud himself as he mentions he watched one of the arrow shot yesterday and the effects are simply wonderful. He also mentioned many tried to buy it but the vendor only got 9 of those, so he sold them each for 20 gold coins. Iraos really felt happy as he now finds a way to earn gold coins but he must protect his identity as some people will try to find out how he makes those arrows and he must not let others know about his secret. While studying the arrow forging manual, he also created some flash grenade arrows but he cannot show others he had so many of them as they might suspects him. After around a day, they reached the outskirts of wolfman village. There were many wolfman gathered in a same manner as the lizardmen outside their village. Their village also looks similar to lizardmen village. Similar to lizardmen, there are also around 1 million wolfman gathered in front of their village but unlike lizardmen who uses spear, the wolfmen carries shield in one hand attacks with their claws using the other hand. The lizardmen army settled down some distance from the wolfmen. They don't want to directly fight 1 million against 1 million as the loses will be equally great and also because a small unforeseen thing during the war will change the tide of war resulting the defeat of one side. So, they will start from small skirmish and gradually start large scale battles. After settled down, lizardmen general who is leading the army brought 5 of his best warriors and meet the wolfmen general who is also a level 9 wolfman accompanied by 5 of his best men. Both of them then agreed to let from beginning the battle starting with 1 vs 1 battle from level 5 to level 8. Iraos immediately volunteered himself to fight for level 5 and the general agreed and send 3 others as well. For the first battle, Iraos run towards his opponent who is level 5 wolfman. The wolfman also charges towards Iraos with his shield. When Iraos get close to the wolfman, he made a quick high jump above the wolfman and midway through air, he twisted his body, his hand and using his S&Y he severed the head of the wolfman. the moment he killed his opponent, the whole lizardmen army cheered for him. When he walks back to the army, everyone including the general gave him a respectful look. The first battle is always important since it can increase the morale of the army, so this win is more important than what Iraos was thinking. The general did not allow Iraos simply because he volunteered himself, he who had seen many battles can see what a warrior capable of with a single glance. He also allowed Iraos battle because unlike typical lizardmen who carries spear, Iraos carries swords. The general then asked Iraos where he is from and his name, Iraos did not hide his name as he tells his real name and he said he was from outskirts of the lizardmen village since Iraos knew that there are small settlements at outskirts of the lizardmen village. The general then let him go back to the army and feel proud of the victory but the wolfmen general on the other hand was very unsatisfied with Iraos. He also knows how important the first battle is so he choose one of his strongest level 5 warrior but he had been slain with single move. After that, the other battle continues and lizardmen village wins total 3 out of 4 battles, only losing fight between level 7 warriors. The general was satisfied with the result and they end the skirmish for the say and returned to camping site. The next day, both armies gathered and this time the lizardmen general proposed the battle. He proposed 1000 man fighting battle where 1000 man will fight to against 1000 man for level 5, 6 and 7. They both will fight to death which means one of the sides will definitely lose 1000 man. Since both sides not willing to lose 1000 level 8 men, they want battles to be fought by those lower levels. The wolfmen general agrees but he imposed a condition where the lizardmen must sent Iraos for level 5 battleground. The lizardmen general glance towards Iraos and Iraos immediately node his head as he understands the general asking him whether he want to fight or not. Iraos on other hand was happy since he can use this opportunity to level up. Each side sends 1000-men for each level totalling 3000-men. The general also told other lizardmen to protect Iraos if he was ganged up as he understands the intention of wolfmen general is not to win the battle but to kill Iraos. If they succeed, the wolfmen army morale will definitely increase. The general let Iraos lead the level 5 1000-men army. Iraos take charge of the 1000-men army and plot a plan for the battle. he then explains his plan to everyone and all of them immediately agreed to Iraos as they remember how well he fought yesterday. Soon, both armies' charges towards each other. Iraos keep on shouting hold, hold, hold, and when they were quite close to each other, Iraos shouted NOW!!! and shot the flash grenade arrow as everyone from the lizardmen closes their eyes for 2 seconds and after 2 seconds he ordered 200 of them to throw the spear as hard as the can aiming towards the wolfmen lower body. When the flash grenade arrow explodes, all of them closes their eyes and lift the shield to protect their upper body as any panic man would do which makes their lower body to be vulnerable. The 200 lizardmen following Iraos order throw the spear as hard as they can aiming for their lower body and almost all the spear hit the target as Iraos planned. As the spear hit the wolfmen on the front row, they all fell down and since they were charging towards the lizardmen, automatically those on the rear line also fell down on top of the front row wolfmen and immediately the remaining 800 lizardmen with spear started killing the wolfmen. Since most of the wolfmen fell down and were in no situation to properly defend themselves, the lizardmen easily killed them. The scene looks more like a slaughter instead of battle between 2 sides. Lizardmen lead by Iraos immerge victorious with only losing tens of lizardmen while killing all 1000 wolfmen.